Signs of Digestive Issues

There are numerous signs of digestive issues. Digestive issues can present a wide range of symptoms and vary based on the individual’s state of health. Other factors that impactive digestive issues are based on the underlying cause and the specific part of the digestive system affected. As a gut health specialist, I’m passionate about digestive issues. Also, I’ve been able to overcome my imbalances including Irritable Bowel Syndrome using natural solutions.

This statement from Harvard Medical School conveys how important our gut and digestive health truly is.

The enteric nervous system that regulates our gut is often called the body’s “second brain.” Although it can’t compose poetry or solve equations, this extensive network uses the same chemicals and cells as the brain to help us digest and to alert the brain when something is amiss. 

Some common signs of digestive issues include:

Signs of Digestive Issues

  1. Abdominal pain and cramping: This can range from mild discomfort to severe pain and may be felt in a single area or spread out.
  2. Bloating and gas: Feeling excessively full, gassy, or experiencing abdominal distension.
  3. Heartburn and acid reflux: A burning sensation in the chest, often due to stomach acid flowing back into the esophagus.
  4. Indigestion: Feeling of discomfort or fullness during or after eating, often accompanied by bloating, gas, and burping.
  5. Nausea and vomiting: Feeling queasy or the act of forcefully expelling stomach contents.
  6. Diarrhea: Frequent, loose, or watery bowel movements.
  7. Constipation: Difficulty passing stools, often associated with infrequent bowel movements.
  8. Changes in bowel habits: Unexplained changes in the frequency, consistency, or appearance of stools.
  9. Unintended weight loss: Losing weight without trying, which may indicate an underlying issue with nutrient absorption.
  10. Appetite changes: loss of appetite or persistent hunger despite eating. Meat, for example, may suddenly become unappealing.
  11. Fatigue and weakness: Feeling tired and weak, often due to malabsorption of nutrients or chronic inflammation.
  12. Blood in stools: The presence of blood in bowel movements, which should be evaluated promptly by your healthcare professional.
  13. Difficulty swallowing: Feeling like food or liquids get stuck in the throat or chest.
  14. Excessive belching: Frequent or loud burping, which can be a symptom of certain digestive conditions.
  15. Foul-smelling or greasy stools: This can be a sign of malabsorption or other digestive disorders.
  16. Abnormal bowel sounds: Unusual sounds in the abdomen, such as increased gurgling or rumbling.
  17. Persistent hiccups: Hiccupping that lasts for an extended period can be linked to gastrointestinal issues.

It’s important to note that these top signs of digestive issues can also be related to various other health conditions, so it’s essential to seek a proper evaluation from a healthcare professional if you experience persistent or severe digestive issues. Self-diagnosis based solely on symptoms found online may lead to inaccurate conclusions and delayed healing. Long-term digestive stress can lead to other chronic diseases.

Please share which of these you struggle with most often. If you are experiencing any of these signs of digestive issues and need help, schedule a complimentary Wellness Strategy with me. I am located in the Charleston, SC area but can support you on your journey virtually across the US.