Benefits of Collagen

Benefits of Collagen
Benefits of Collagen

What are the benefits of collagen and why is it important to understand what you are buying? We are hearing about and seeing it everywhere. Do we need it, does it work, and which one is best? I’m probably a little late to this game but I like to sit back and observe before I jump on the next health bandwagon. Let's start by looking at what it is and the benefits. What is Collagen? Collagen is considered a complex and primary protein comprised of 19 different amino acids. It is a key structural component that forms connective tissue and skin. In layman’s terms, it’s the glue that…

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We Need More Empathy

We need more empathy. Many have thoughts and beliefs around what’s right, following the "appropriate" protocol, and what’s not right during this season of what is being called a pandemic. Everyone has an opinion which we are all entitled to. Sadly, during this time we are getting mixed messages from the “experts” and/or media.  So obviously no one really knows the truth or at least those who have a voice in the media may not be our best resources. Unfortunately, we have many that are experts in the field that don’t have a voice or are censored when they attempt to voice it. We hear that any mask…

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Healy Frequency Device

Healy Frequency Device
Healy Resonance

The Healy Frequency Device is a microcurrent medical device that has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the relief of acute, chronic, and arthritis pain and muscle soreness due to overexertion. Healy also has non-medical applications that use individualized frequencies to help balance your mind and body and relieve stress. Always use your Healy in accordance with its Instructions for Use. Have you heard of the Healy Frequency Device? I've purchased my Healy (the Healy Resonance Edition) wearable and can't wait to experience the benefits of balancing my body and mind. This new technology to the U.S. will create another option in the field…

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Adrenal Fatigue: How Does it Develop

Although adrenal fatigue represents a physical energy breakdown, it can be brought on by any kind of stress - physical or emotional. Many types of stress, if severe enough or of long enough duration, can result in adrenal fatigue. Essentially, stress depletes vital nutrients faster than they can be replaced by your normal dietary intake. You will need two to three times the amounts of nutrients. As the body's nutrient reserves become depleted, the energy producing glands, the thyroid and adrenal glands, are unable to function normally (maintain homeostasis) and symptoms begin to appear, or present symptoms are magnified. An inadequate diet and excess processed foods, can hasten…

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Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge

Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge These jewels are dairy-free, gluten-free and there is no added sugar. I love these for a sweet craving with adding sugar to my diet. The Sync Chocolate powder contains no added sugars, is gluten-free and vegan. As always, use organic ingredients! You are worth it. 1/2 c all-natural almond butter or peanut butter 5 pitted Medjool dates 1 scoop Modere Sync Chocolate Powder (or your favorite plant-based shake) Process all ingredients in a Vitamix or food processor. If your dates are a bit hard, you can soak them in hot water for 5 minutes and drain the water before using. If the mix is…

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Learning to Ask for Help

Learning to Ask for Help
Help Concept Hands reaching out to help each other with light flare

 There are a hundred ways to learn to swim and one very easy way to drown, and that is by being unwilling to admit you’re drowning in the first place.  I love this quote by Rachel Hollis from her book, Girl Stop Apologizing. This specific chapter is about women asking for help or the lack of asking for help. So I started reflecting on all the help I’ve had in my business throughout the years. I’ve had numerous people comment on how much I have accomplished in life and business but until this moment did not correlate these accomplishments to the help that I have received. I know…

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Personal Care Products that could be Harming Your Family

As I was cleaning out cabinets, I decided to glance over the ingredient list of some hair care products that I used to use. To be honest, it scared me. I used to put these on my body and didn't think about the impact to my skin, lungs or other vital organs! Think about the personal care products that you and your family use on a daily basis...lotions, shampoo, conditioner, soap, sanitizer, nail polish, baby soaps, make up, perfumes/colognes, deodorant, toothpaste, laundry detergent. (Environmental Working Group) concluded in a study that on average people use 9 personal care products daily and applied an average of 126 unique…

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Chlorine Toxicity…Swimmers Beware

Did you know that according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC ), swimming is the fourth most popular recreational activity for all ages in the United States? For kids ages 7-17, it is the most popular. However, do we ever consider how clean the water is that we swim in? How polluted are our oceans, lakes and rivers? As we talk about all the chemicals that we come in contact with every day from cleaning products to personal hygiene, it started me thinking about the water in which we swim. What about chlorine in pools? According to the CDC, 1 in 8 routine pool inspections…

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Liquid Soap, Harmless or Hazardous?

Not too long ago while visiting a relative’s house, I began to wash my hands with the liquid soap provided in the attractive dispenser. After being taken a back by the strong perfume smell, and I tried to re-wash to remove the overpowering smell to no avail. Finally with the use of some vinegar, I was able to eliminate the strong perfume smell. Next, I found the actual container to determine the ingredient list and was horrified! Consider how many times per day you are using this to “clean” you hands but in fact you could be adding more toxins to your body and environment. This moment reinforced…

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My 3-day Cleanse Journey – Day 2

Day 1 is done! So where do you think I struggled most? I caught myself in my daily habit of getting up from my desk to grab a snack. I realized that when I feel stressed, overwhelmed or anxious, I distract myself with a snack. Most of you know I am not grabbing a candy bar or cookie (we eat predominantly whole, clean) but, eating when your body doesn't need food is not healthy! So how did I cope knowing that I couldn't grab a snack? I decided to try some deep breathing and downloaded a meditation app. I believe this is a new healthy habit that I will incorporate…

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