Why Estrogen Balance is Important

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Why Estrogen Balance is Important

Estrogen is the name of the class of hormones related to the reproductive cycle.  It includes the three main estrogens called estrone, estradiol, and estriol.  Each of these plays a role in the hormonal balance in women.

In healthy premenopausal women, estrogen is made from progesterone and/or from androgens within the ovary’s cells. Estrogen is responsible for changes in young women at puberty and gives adult women their shapely curves. During childbearing years, estrogen rises during the first half of the menstrual cycle in preparation for pregnancy. Elevated estrogen causes water retention and weight gain, and too much estrogen can lead to excess fat and/or obesity.

There are good reasons for some of the negative effects on the body such as water retention and weight gain. In times of famine, an expectant mother would be able to store body fat.  During times of severe famine or nutritional deficiencies, when a woman would be unable to carry a pregnancy to term, the body stops the production of estrogen to prevent fertility. Most of us have not experienced a famine but a large majority of Western women are experiencing severe nutrient deficits, which is causing our bodies to stay in starvation mode.

In times of dietary abundance, estrogen’s effects can be harmful. When women consume more calories than needed, estrogen production increases to extreme levels and can create estrogen dominance and exaggerated estrogen decline at menopause.  Americans who consume diets high in animal fats, sugar, refined starches, and processed foods are creating estrogen levels twice as high as those in third-world countries. It is rare for western women to be truly deficient in estrogen but more likely they may be progesterone deficient, creating an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone levels.


Hormone imbalance is when estrogen becomes the dominant hormone and progesterone is deficient. The estrogen in excess becomes toxic to the body.  The imbalance causes symptoms such as:

  • Infertility
  • Endometriosis
  • PMS
  • Cramps
  • Headaches
  • Hot Flashes
  • Night Sweats
  • Weight gain
  • Heavy menstrual flow (menorrhagia)


The great news is there are natural ways to get your hormones back in balance.   You can begin to integrate these healthier, safer options and they will have a positive impact on your health and hormones:

  • Utilize gut health testing. The gut must be balanced before you can fully balance hormones.
  • Eliminate processed foods
  • Identify and eliminate toxic chemicals in the home and personal care
  • Avoid conventionally processed meat and dairy– high levels of estrogen – eat grass-fed instead or consider a more plant-based diet
  • Avoid Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and birth control pills
  • Consider a natural progesterone cream
  • Supplement your nutrition with a whole-food concentrate
  • Add essential fatty acids (EFAs) to your diet. EFA’s are crucial to hormone balance, fertility, and brain health.
  • Eat more organic fruits, vegetables, and greens especially cruciferous vegetables as they contain nutrients that use up bad or excess estrogen

You can also contact us to schedule an appointment for a personal consultation to discuss your hormonal imbalance issues and consider hormone testing.