The KISS Rule for Digestion – Week 21 of 52 Weeks of Wellness

The KISS Rule for Digestion- Week 21 of 52 Weeks of Wellness

Now that we know how the digestive system works and the importance of removing additives, preservatives, sugar, fats that the body can’t or will struggle to digest, here are a few Keep It SIMPLE Sweetie (not a fan of the other S word) tips to improve digestion and reduce symptoms connected with poor digestion.

How to reduce or eliminate digestive issues:

  • Avoid processed, instant, sugar-laden, chemical-laden, hydrogenated/trans fats, “lifeless” foods
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, soda
  • Avoid antacids
  • Reduce or eliminate drinking iced or hot liquids immediately before, during or 30 minutes after a meal. Consider drinking 4 ounces or less of room temperature water as to not disrupt the digestive process
  • Eat fruit separate from meals especially citrus like oranges and grapefruit
  • Avoid high amounts of red meat & dairy
  • Avoid gluten
  • Avoid chewing gum (unnecessarily simulates enzymes)
  • Don’t eat meat and starches together
  •  Don’t eat numerous different types of foods. Buffets, carry ins, holiday dinners, etc. are danger zones for creating digestive upset.
  • Reducing the number of different foods on your plate in a meal is a simple habit to implement.

Clients are always asking what to eat and I tell them to keep it simple!Fish or chicken with a green vegetable or quinoa with pasta sauce with vegetables would be two simple dinner options. Lighten your digestive overload by reducing the number of foods you include in a meal.

Week 21 Action Step:

Tackle lightening your digestive overload using one or as many of the above suggestions as you can. What is a simple dinner or lunch item that you use to keep it simple? We would love for you to share it in the comments below.

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If you are just now joining us start with week one below. All you need to do each week is:

  1. Read my my information and tips for the week, then take a week to implement the change.
  2. Come back to the weeks post page and share your progress with us in the comments section and repeat the process with the next week’s post.
  3. Rinse and repeat.


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Read more about 52 Weeks of Wellness here.