2 Simple Ways to Love Your Body

So often, we get caught up in loving everyone else—our kids, our spouse, our family and friends—that we forget to love ourself. Take a moment and visualize how that would look—if you loved yourself. How would your outside look? How would your inside look? What if I told you two simple things you could do to love yourself and change your overall appearance from the inside out? Would you do it? The two simple changes you will need to make involve eliminating genetically modified foods and increasing your intake of whole, clean foods, such as fruits and vegetables. Stop eating genetically modified foods because these foods are linked…

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8 Favorite Healthy Valentine’s Day Gifts

8 Favorite Healthy Valentine's Day Gifts to Give your loved ones gifts that keep on giving Since Valentine's Day is known for the chocolate and/or sugar, we felt it was an appropriate time to share healthier ideas for gift-giving. Sugar is the culprit in creating inflammation in the body, along with suppressing the immune system and disrupting gut flora. The following gifts can benefit every aspect of a person's life and continue giving long after February 14. These are all products I use on a daily basis and attribute them to my natural solution to slow the aging process and increased vitality. Healy Microcurrent Wearable.  How do I…

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Worried About the Mystery Virus? Don’t Panic…Prepare!

Chances are you have heard about the mystery virus that is now in at least 18 states and has prompted the hospitalization of thousands of young children with respiratory symptoms, including asthma-like breathing problems. Today, I will shed some light on what this “mystery” is, and what you can do to prepare yourself and your family for this and other viruses (e.g. colds and flu) that take hold this time of year. According to Web MD, the “mystery virus” virus is known as Enterovirus D68. It was first identified in this country in 1962. Several sources like Web MD and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), report that…

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42,038 Memories: Ode to our Beau – Part III of Beau’s journey

42,038 Memories: Ode to our Beau - Part III of Beau’s journey To read part 2 of the Beau Series: Sleeping with Darth Vader, click here Beau was our full-blooded Boxer however, we never had him registered.  We didn’t care about paperwork or someone telling us he was special.  Beau was the king in our castle and in our hearts.  My son (10 years old at the time) dubbed him his full-unregistered name as Beauregard Stormy Doughnut Schnautz. Beau lived approximately 12.5 years, which equates to almost 91 in human years so he had an exceptionally long and quality life for a boxer. Working through the tears and collecting all…

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42,038 Memories of Beau

  It would only be fitting to share our 42,038 memories of Beau. Beau was a full-blooded Boxer however, we never had him registered.  We didn’t care about paperwork or someone telling us he was special.  Beau was the king in our castle and in our hearts.  My son (10 years old at the time) dubbed him his full-unregistered name Beauregard Stormy Doughnut Schnautz. Beau lived approximately 12.5 years, which equates to almost 91 in human years so he had an exceptionally long and quality life for a boxer. Working through the tears and collecting all the things that were a part of his life invoked hundreds of…

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How to Keep Your Boxer Healthy (or any dog)

Did you know many dog breeds are genetically more susceptible to disease and cancer? Providing your pets the safest and cleanest products and environment available is an absolute must, especially if they are more susceptible to disease or cancer like some are.  Most products we use for our baby (an 80 pound Boxer) are human grade as the standards are much higher. You can read more about Beau's story here if you haven't been following it. Beau, 13 year old Boxer, was first diagnosed with a mast cell tumor when he was around 5 years old.  Boxers have a strong predisposition for cancer which I didn’t realize until he was diagnosed. …

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How to Keep Your Dog Healthy

How to Keep Your Dog Healthy
Beau loved the Aflac duck or any toy that made noise.

I wish someone would have shared how to keep your dog healthy long before he was diagnosed with cancer. Along with the information on which dog breeds are genetically more susceptible to disease and cancer. Providing your pets the safest and cleanest products and environment available is an absolute must, especially if they are more susceptible to disease or cancer.  Most products we use for our baby (an 80-pound Boxer) are human grade as the standards are much higher. You can read more about Beau's story here if you haven't been following it. Beau, our 13 year old Boxer, was first diagnosed with a mast cell tumor when he was around 5…

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A Mom and Her Dog – Part I of Beau’s Journey

They steal our hearts with their unconditional love.  You can leave the house for five minutes and they greet you with such excitement that you'd think you had been away for days, weeks or months. They create habits and lifestyle that we condone or become enslaved to.  I'm not referring to our children; however, they could fall into this same category. I am referring to our four-legged children. Beau is our four-legged child/twelve-year-old boxer. Beau came into our lives when my son was 10 years old.  He and my husband wanted a dog and I swore we wouldn't have one of those little creatures in my home! (Never,…

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The Ripple Effect

What is the ripple effect? The ripple effect is a metaphorical concept that describes the spread of an action, idea, or influence through a system, causing a series of secondary effects or consequences. The first email that I opened today was from a newsletter subscriber thanking me for doing what I do. A few hours later, I received a phone call from someone diagnosed with cancer.  He said the nurse at the clinic had suggested that he contact me.  She had attended one of my online classes and told him I would be a great resource as he wanted to take a healing approach to his cancer. I have…

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