Reasons to Consider Neurotransmitter Testing

Reasons to consider neurotransmitter testing. Not sure if you should invest in this type of health testing? I've been helping women for years and I've honestly found few women who wouldn't benefit. But, I'll let you decide. Did you know 85% of our health issues are related to our emotional health? Most practitioners don't even consider this when putting together a plan for rebalancing the body. When we work holistically, we always consider the three key areas of stress in order which are Emotional, Nutritional/Chemical, and Physical. Our goal is to reduce the stressors we can on our bodies in these areas. If you are feeling the effects…

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Top 10 Ways to Prevent Colds and Flu

Colds, flu, and sinus infections are now part of history for our family. For me, it has been over 20 years since I've experienced any of these unpleasant symptoms. Some of the benefits of less sick time include more quality time with my family, productive time in my business, hundreds of dollars saved in toxic over-the-counter and prescription medications, and much less misery in general! Obviously, there are no guarantees but these are things that have worked for me, my clients, and many others who have experienced the same benefits. I don't buy into the germ theory as I'm around sick people quite often. And, if this theory…

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A Simple Weight Loss Strategy

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How to Use a Healy

How to Use a Healy device or specifically the Healy Resonance Edition.  I’ve been using the Healy microcurrent and frequency device daily for almost six months and have loved the results. It has greatly enhanced our family’s health and well-being. Healy is a new microcurrent medical device cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration only for local relief of acute, chronic, and arthritis pain and muscle soreness due to overexertion. Healy also has non-medical applications that use Individualized Microcurrent Frequencies (IMF) to harmonize your Bioenergetic Field. It can help balance your mind, and body and relieve stress. I’ve experienced these benefits and so much more. I pulled a…

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How Adrenal Fatigue Can Develop

My Journey on How Adrenal Fatigue Can Develop Here's How Adrenal Fatigue Can Develop. I am sharing my own personal experience with Adrenal Fatigue, not just as a healthcare provider. There are many health conditions that cannot truly be understood until you experience them, and adrenal fatigue is one of those. So, I say God blessed me with Adrenal Fatigue so that I could help others. Stress was the underlying cause Stress, whether it be emotional, physical or nutritional is truly at the root of all chronic disease. Regarding adrenal issues, you will hear different labels including adrenal insufficiency, a medical diagnosis, or adrenal fatigue or even burnout.…

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Personal Care Products that could be Harming Your Family

As I was cleaning out cabinets, I decided to glance over the ingredient list of some hair care products that I used to use. To be honest, it scared me. I used to put these on my body and didn't think about the impact to my skin, lungs or other vital organs! Think about the personal care products that you and your family use on a daily basis...lotions, shampoo, conditioner, soap, sanitizer, nail polish, baby soaps, make up, perfumes/colognes, deodorant, toothpaste, laundry detergent. (Environmental Working Group) concluded in a study that on average people use 9 personal care products daily and applied an average of 126 unique…

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Liquid Soap, Harmless or Hazardous?

Not too long ago while visiting a relative’s house, I began to wash my hands with the liquid soap provided in the attractive dispenser. After being taken a back by the strong perfume smell, and I tried to re-wash to remove the overpowering smell to no avail. Finally with the use of some vinegar, I was able to eliminate the strong perfume smell. Next, I found the actual container to determine the ingredient list and was horrified! Consider how many times per day you are using this to “clean” you hands but in fact you could be adding more toxins to your body and environment. This moment reinforced…

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My 3-day Cleanse Journey – Day 2

Day 1 is done! So where do you think I struggled most? I caught myself in my daily habit of getting up from my desk to grab a snack. I realized that when I feel stressed, overwhelmed or anxious, I distract myself with a snack. Most of you know I am not grabbing a candy bar or cookie (we eat predominantly whole, clean) but, eating when your body doesn't need food is not healthy! So how did I cope knowing that I couldn't grab a snack? I decided to try some deep breathing and downloaded a meditation app. I believe this is a new healthy habit that I will incorporate…

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My 3-day Cleanse Journey

It's day one of my 3-day cleanse which started with a 2.5-mile walk on July 4th. What a perfect day to celebrate freedom from toxins! Instead of focusing on what I won't be eating, I'm focusing on the benefits such as mental clarity, focus, and increased energy. I prepared my body by eliminating meat and increased my consumption of fresh, raw organic fruits and vegetables. If you consume alcohol, caffeine, or dairy on a regular basis, I  would eliminate these products a few days before as well. Except for an occasional (organic) ice cream, I swore off these vices years ago. However, with dark chocolate, I still have issues!…

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Can You Handle the Truth?

A couple years ago I discovered a great book called One Word that will change your life. The book inspired me to create a one word theme for my personal and professional life. My word this year is Truth! As a chronic people pleaser, I sometimes avoid the truth. It’s not that I outright lie but it’s more I’m not being true to myself or being true to the person God called me to be. You truly cannot serve two masters; it’s either man or God. When you try to be all things to all people, you start to become someone you are not. And know, you may…

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