Tag Archive for: holistic health

My 3-day Cleanse Journey – Day 2

Day 1 is done! So where do you think I struggled most? I caught myself in my daily habit of getting up from my desk to grab a snack. I realized that when I feel stressed, overwhelmed or anxious, I distract myself with a snack. Most of you know I am not grabbing a candy bar or cookie (we eat predominantly whole, clean) but, eating when your body doesn’t need food is not healthy! So how did I cope knowing that I couldn’t grab a snack? I decided to try some deep breathing and downloaded a meditation app. I believe this is a new healthy habit that I will incorporate long after the cleanse.

As far as detox symptoms, I dropped a couple pounds (toxins!) and had a few minor headaches throughout the day as well. My tongue has the usual thick white coating which is a sure sign of detoxing. But overall, I had great clarity and focus. My overall sense of well-being has improved. Less anxious. More calm.

My sugar cravings have subsided much faster than I imagined as well. The dark chocolate bar stashed in my freezer is no longer calling me!

The biggest benefit was not having to think about what we are having for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Then you have prep time, cook time and cleanup, so time savings was an unexpected positive benefit.

I was also blessed that my husband joined me, so the temptations were not there. If I had to prepare a meal for someone else, I’m sure it would have been a bit more challenging. If you have children heading to summer camp or, your hubby is traveling, this would be a great time to try a cleanse/fast.

I’m not sure I can say it was easy but, it wasn’t that hard. When you are drinking juice every 2 hours from 7am to 7pm, it helps you focus on that task. I rewarded myself at the end of the day with an organic bubble bath and some lavender essential oil. Sending a positive message to the brain is important when tackling something new or a bit more challenging then the norm.


My 3-day Cleanse Journey

It’s day one of my 3-day cleanse which started with a 2.5-mile walk on July 4th. What a perfect day to celebrate freedom from toxins! Instead of focusing on what I won’t be eating, I’m focusing on the benefits such as mental clarity, focus, and increased energy.

I prepared my body by eliminating meat and increased my consumption of fresh, raw organic fruits and vegetables. If you consume alcohol, caffeine, or dairy on a regular basis, I  would eliminate these products a few days before as well. Except for an occasional (organic) ice cream, I swore off these vices years ago. However, with dark chocolate, I still have issues!

I typically make my own juices but due to time constraints and the fact I sold my juicer a few years back (in lieu of a Vitamix), I purchased the organic juices from a local company called Sunshine Juice. I’m not being paid to endorse their products, I just wanted to share my experience with others. Their cleanse consists of seven juices per day which you consume every two hours.

It’s been several years since my husband and I fasted. He is a great support as he offered to join me…with modifications (as he tossed the pound of grass-fed beef back in the freezer). His modified liquid diet will consist of using our favorite plant-based powder, Juice Plus Complete, with almond milk. We’ve used the shakes for several years (love them) and this is what I will transition to prior to starting back on whole food.

I remember how much fun with had with it last time as we started to get a little slap-happy around the second and third day. Watching television wasn’t a good idea as we realized almost every commercial promoted food! Even though most of it isn’t stuff we would ever eat, it all started to look good. We decided that reading was our best bet and I spent lots of time in prayer and meditation.

For me, this isn’t about weight loss, although I put on a few extra pounds over the winter. Cleansing is more for the emotional and spiritual aspects of my life. Spending time with my creator without distractions is my ultimate goal.

Can You Handle the Truth?

Can You Handle the Truth?

A couple years ago I discovered a great book called One Word that will change your life. The book inspired me to create a one word theme for my personal and professional life. My word this year is Truth!

As a chronic people pleaser, I sometimes avoid the truth. It’s not that I outright lie but it’s more I’m not being true to myself or being true to the person God called me to be. You truly cannot serve two masters; it’s either man or God.

When you try to be all things to all people, you start to become someone you are not. And know, you may not like this other person that you become. I’ve withheld truth from my friends and family far too long and realize this serves no one and could actually do harm in certain situations. We withhold truth to avoid hurting someone’s feelings but we must consider the truth may help them to grow.

So this year, it’s the year of truth. I’m speaking the truth in love. Someone close to me recently told me a truth that initially hurt me. She brought to light a character flaw that was causing others to hurt. However painful it was to hear, my love and respect for this person escalated beyond measure. My husband has always had the gift of speaking truth in love (although the delivery may lack gentleness at times).

Whatever method the truth is delivered, it creates an opportunity for growth as we typically grow the most through adversity. I’ve in turn shared my feelings/truth with people that I’ve kept hidden inside for years. Sharing my feelings has allowed me to trust and help others see me for who I really am.

Part of my truth journey is cleaning my house literally and figuratively. I’ve eliminated clutter from my home, office and mind. I’ve unsubscribed, unfriended, opted out of groups, events or services that no longer speak to my truth. When you are in constant response mode to email, texts and Messenger, you are living by other’s agendas and being controlled by their needs. Seeing the balance between serving and being a slave to others is where the balance lies.

I’ve also eliminated exposure to people in my life that aren’t of truth or are in alignment with my goals and mission. I’m protecting my God-time and sacred positive energy. We have to continually fill our cup/mind with messages of hope, positivity, love and abundance. My focus is on making a huge impact in the world. Therefore, I’m not accepting excuses or negativity from myself or others. Saying “no” to people and things that are not in alignment with my purpose means saying “YES!” to freedom (my word in 2016) and truth.

Truth is sincerity of actions and character, not just the absence of a lie. Truth is the self-expression of God. Be true to who God called you to be. He doesn’t call us to play small in this world. I challenge you to find your truth and step out in faith this year.

If this resonates with you and you’re ready to say YES to the things that light you up inside check out our frequently asked questions to see how we can help you. We’d love to chat more about the programs we offer!

2 Simple Ways to Love Your Body

Love Yourself HeartSo often, we get caught up in loving everyone else—our kids, our spouse, our family and friends—that we forget to love ourself.

Take a moment and visualize how that would look—if you loved yourself. How would your outside look? How would your inside look?

What if I told you two simple things you could do to love yourself and change your overall appearance from the inside out? Would you do it?

The two simple changes you will need to make involve eliminating genetically modified foods and increasing your intake of whole, clean foods, such as fruits and vegetables.

Stop eating genetically modified foods because these foods are linked to weight gain, cancer and other health related illnesses. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are plants or animals that have been altered from the original state of the plant or animal and processed into our food. GMOs are found in everything from canned soups to baby formula! In fact, Brian Stoffel wrote an article that details “10 Foods You’ll Have to Give Up to Avoid Eating GMOs.” This article is alarming to say the least.

According to nongmoproject.org, “In the U.S., GMOs are in as much as 80% of conventional processed food. In the U.S., the government has approved GMOs based on studies conducted by the same corporations that created them and profit from their sale. ” This is a scary statistic and practice by our own government, not to mention a deceptive practice given the fact that companies are not mandated to include GMO’s on product ingredient labels. Furthermore, it is embarrassing that more than 60 other developed countries have either put a complete ban on GMOs or strong restrictions. Personally, I am not feeling the love of my country when it comes to GMOs!

According to greenamerica.org, there are nine GMOs to avoid:

  • Soy
  • Cottonseed
  • Corn
  • Canola Oil
  • U.S. Papaya
  • Alfalfa
  • Sugar Beets
  • Milk
  • Aspartame

Look for the NONGMO Project Verified stamp

To be sure your food and products are free of GMO’s, look for the verified label.

Eat more whole, clean foods and experience the freedom and physical and mental transformation of powerful nutrients, vitamins, minerals, fiber and beneficial fats. Your body was created for whole, clean food, so why not give your body what it needs to thrive! The best way to reduce your risk of disease is to eat healthy, and fruits and vegetables are two key food groups known to contribute to better health. Be mindful, though, of fruits and vegetables that may contain harmful pesticides. According to the environmental working group (EWG), there are vegetables and fruits that you should consider buying only organic.

The Clean 15 (the lowest in pesticides): Avocados, Sweet Corn, Pineapples, Cabbage, Sweet Peas (frozen), Onions, Asparagus, Mangos, Papayas, Kiwis, Eggplant, Grapefruit, Cantaloupe, Cauliflower, and Sweet Potatoes

The Dirty Dozen (Buy these Organic): Apples, Peaches, Nectarines, Strawberries, Grapes, Celery, Spinach, Sweet Bell Peppers, Cucumbers, Cherry Tomatoes, Snap Peas (imported), Potatoes. PLUS Hot Peppers, Kale, and Collard Greens

In closing, I pray you will choose to love yourself by giving up foods containing GMOs. Experience the freedom of health and wellness that whole, clean foods will provide you.

8 Favorite Healthy Valentine’s Day Gifts

8 Favorite Healthy Valentine’s Day Gifts to Give your loved ones gifts that keep on giving

Since Valentine’s Day is known for the chocolate and/or sugar, we felt it was an appropriate time to share healthier ideas for gift-giving. Sugar is the culprit in creating inflammation in the body, along with suppressing the immune system and disrupting gut flora. The following gifts can benefit every aspect of a person’s life and continue giving long after February 14. These are all products I use on a daily basis and attribute them to my natural solution to slow the aging process and increased vitality.

  1. Healy Microcurrent Wearable.  How do I love my Healy, let me count the ways. It speaks to our cells. It sends a message to correct the interruptions, stress, toxins, nutritional deficiencies, and excesses. It provides frequencies to target areas to correct the imbalances. This allows your body to restore to the correct frequency. Healy has 144,000 frequencies to counteract or balance stressors. From a technical perspective, Healy is a microcurrent medical device cleared by the FDA for local relief of acute, chronic, and arthritis pain and muscle soreness due to overexertion. Healy also has non-medical applications that use individualized frequencies to help balance your mind and body and relieve stress in support of wellness.  Schedule a virtual no-cost demo or watch the interactive presentation. You can go directly to my website for Healy product pricing if you would like to learn more.
  2.  Modere Clean Living products. Women can come into contact with hundreds of toxic chemicals before they leave their home from their lotion, deodorant, and makeup. These endocrine (hormone) disruptors have been linked to many forms of cancer. Spending a few extra pennies on your personal care products for yourself, teenagers, and loved ones will pay off long term and can be one more step to help prevent cancer.
  3. Essential Oils. I first started using essential oils for the emotional benefits with great results. My favorites are the citrus oils such as lemon or wild orange for under $15 that have mood uplifting properties.  Essential oils, if pure, are the lifeblood of a plant that supports the respiratory system as well as cognitive function. Essential oils can be used topically, aromatically (diffuser), or externally with some self-education.
    Aromatherapy Essential Oil Diffuser

    Aromatherapy Essential Oil Diffuser

  4. Fresh Organic Fruit Baskets. Our favorite supplier of citrus fruit is The Orange Shoppe. They pick them fresh and ship them directly to you. The quality exceeds anything store-bought and eating them over a sink is recommended due to the juiciness factor! You can mix different varieties of oranges and grapefruit for a practical, nutrient-dense gift. This is the perfect gift for those living in cold climates as they are a slice of sunshine that most of us haven’t seen for a while in February.
  5. Infrared (FIR) pad. Infrared heat is healing heat, unlike conventional heating pads. Infrared pads can simply warm the body internally on chilly winter nights, to providing relief from colds, flu, aches, pains, and fever. The HTE model has a sixty-minute timer so you can safely use it for children and the elderly without worrying about burning.  The average cost is $200.
  6. Vitamix Food Processor/Blender. I have owned all the other models as well as juicers and none hold a candle to the speed and ability to break down food into the small particle size like the Vitamix. Green smoothies should be a daily part of your diet so you need a machine with a powerful motor that only Vitamix offers.  Like any product, you get what you pay for. The Vitamix carries a 7-year warranty.  Prices start as low as $399 up to $649. However, I’ve found the mid-priced unit ($449) has served our family well for almost 9 years.
  7. Chi Machine. The Chi Machine has helped me, my family, and our clients with our wellness goals. It is the simplest form of stress reduction and all you have to do is lay flat and relax. Prices range from $449-$549 but be sure and contact us for monthly special offers and discounts.
  8. B Renewed Wellness Gift Certificate – You can purchase a gift certificate in $25 increments for a friend, family, or loved one.  It’s a gift that truly shows you care. Email us at info@brenewed or text/call 812-461-8922. You can even book them a Wellness Strategy Session here!

Our entire focus is on education, empowerment, and prevention. Our wish for you this Valentine’s and every day is to live life with vitality and reduced stress in all areas, including physical, emotional, and nutritional (excesses and deficiencies). Take time to educate yourself because an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure today.

Worried About the Mystery Virus? Don’t Panic…Prepare!

Chances are you have heard about the mystery virus that is now in at least 18 states and has prompted the hospitalization of thousands of young children with respiratory symptoms, including asthma-like breathing problems. Today, I will shed some light on what this “mystery” is, and what you can do to prepare yourself and your family for this and other viruses (e.g. colds and flu) that take hold this time of year.

According to Web MD, the “mystery virus” virus is known as Enterovirus D68. It was first identified in this country in 1962. Several sources like Web MD and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), report that they don’t know why Enterovirus D68 is on the rise this year. Additionally, they can’t tell us why this hardy virus has presented with an intensified impact on the lungs; especially in children that already have a history of asthma.

What we do know, is that it starts out as a typical cold with a runny nose, sneezing, and then coughing. Typically the wheezing and breathing difficulties start fairly soon; often two or three days from the onset of cold-like symptoms. While a fever can be part of this illness, at the present time, it has been reported that only 25-30% of children who end up being diagnosed with this virus actually experienced fever as a symptom. EV-D68 is spread by coming in contact with an infected person’s saliva, nasal secretions, or sputum. It appears that older people may have immunity to this virus due to previous exposures to it. That is one reason why this is being seen predominantly in children. If there is a concern about your child’s symptoms, seek appropriate medical attention promptly, because as of early October, 2 children have died from complications of this virus, and at least ten have experienced paralysis.

What can we do for prevention?

Here are a few prevention strategies that have helped reduce my occurrence of viruses, colds, and flu.

  • Cut the junk out of your diet and the diets of those you love. Sugar suppresses the immune system’s ability to function at the cellular level.
  • Eat more whole, clean foods. Consider taking a “superfood” like Modere Phytogreens.
  • Drink plenty of purified water.
  • Obtain the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep nightly.
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water. Spend enough time lathering and rinsing that you can sing “The Happy Birthday Song” before you dry them. Note: It is NOT recommended to use hand sanitizers to achieve the results you need. Chemical hand sanitizers can destroy the necessary good bacteria.
  • Do not allow the sharing of cups and utensils.
  • Encourage coughing into a tissue (and discarding it); or, if one is not available, people can cough into the crook of their arm.
beau the boxer on the floor

42,038 Memories of Beau


It would only be fitting to share our 42,038 memories of Beau. Beau was a full-blooded Boxer however, we never had him registered.  We didn’t care about paperwork or someone telling us he was special.  Beau was the king in our castle and in our hearts.  My son (10 years old at the time) dubbed him his full-unregistered name Beauregard Stormy Doughnut Schnautz.

Beau lived approximately 12.5 years, which equates to almost 91 in human years so he had an exceptionally long and quality life for a boxer. Working through the tears and collecting all the things that were a part of his life invoked hundreds of memories.  My fear is that as time goes on, I would forget so I wanted to document them.  I also wanted to share with others as they may have similar experiences.  I hope you enjoy the following memories of Beau, as many of you have been a part of his life as well.

Having him curled up on the rug in my bathroom through every shower or bath for the past 12.5 years  = 4,563 memories

Sharing my green smoothies every morning.  Sharing my mid-morning fruit snack. I’ve not eaten an apple by myself for the past 3 years since I’ve worked from home.  We always shared our food.  Sharing my lunch and sometimes even dinner = 17,520 memories

Running to the laundry room each day that I would leave the house because he trained us to give him a treat before we left.  Happy Hips, hormone/antibiotic-free jerky was his favorite. 4,380 memories.

My husband and I would take him for a walk in one of the parks almost every weekend and let him run leash-free through the grass.  The protocol was to unclip his leash and Alvin/dad would exclaim, “Go on, get out of here!”  Beau would take off and run like a wild and free dog! Well, it was only a few hundred yards and then he’d stop to turn around to ensure we were still within his view.  Our favorite places were the 4-H Fairgrounds where we would play hide and seek.  We would hide behind the trees or equipment and see if he could find us. Of course, he always did and then we would run and hide somewhere else.

Up until the past couple of years, he was able to scale the playground slide (yes, he would climb the ladder) and slide down.  The kids and parents were just amazed that he could do this and he loved it. He loved the slide and the attention.  624 memories.

Every Sunday after we returned from the church he would start crying with anticipation because he knew it was time to go to Grandma’s.  Grandma had two things Beau loved, treats and his “girlfriend” Summer (her Boxer).   624 memories.

Sitting in “his” chair waiting for Alvin to come home from work.  He knew exactly when to start looking out the window to watch for his dad. 3,120 memories.

Beau verbally greeted my clients with his howling, yowling talk that told me he knew these folks and they were considered friends. The new ones would get the standard “I don’t know you and I’m not sure of you yet” bark. 3,120 memories.

During the last year when it was too hard to jump up in our bed, he would cry to see if we would get out of bed and lift him in (all 80 pounds).  Alvin and I would play the “don’t make eye contact” game in hopes that he would give up and just lay on the floor or would try to jump up.  We had enabled him in so many ways; we knew this would be a bad habit to start. Catalina, our Siamese, would also get in on the game by sitting right where he would jump on.  Beau was too much of a gentleman to bowl her over but would cry until she would move or what was more likely to happen is that I would have to physically move her.  1,095 memories.

Having to spell “Walk” when if we mentioned the word, Beau would start crying and almost screaming, jumping up and down to go out.  He ended up learning W-A-L-K and we had to shorten it to “W” and then finally put our walking shoes on because he was SO impatient!  Walking him through the neighborhood was always an adventure.  If people were in their yards or sitting on their porches, he wanted to go say hi to everyone.  He couldn’t understand and didn’t like it when people ignored him.  And if he knew someone was watching, he’d pick up the leash and show off by “walking himself.”   1,800 memories.

I remember him sitting on the couch (yes, we condoned bad behavior) between my brother and brother-in-law as they were conversing.  He would turn his head side to side as each of them spoke like he was acknowledging their conversation.  My brother exclaimed, “my gosh, I really think this dog is human and understands what we are saying”.  It really was scary, as he did seem to “speak” to us with his expressions.  Something he only did with Alvin and me was this little head nod.  We were never completely sure what it meant but it almost carried a tone of the extreme attitude of “I run this place and I don’t want you to forget it.”  The sad truth was, he did.  Alvin always said if you could go to jail for overindulging your pets, you would be in prison for life.  1 memory.

One day I had left the house and had a bag of dried beans on the counter.  I questioned if my sister had taken them as she has stopped in while I was out and I knew right where I left them.  Well, I believe Beau was a bit miffed for me leaving and I found them hidden under the cushion of his chair.  1 memory.

Then there was the time I was working with a client and I could see Beau pick up a computer lap station in his mouth and place it on the floor.  It was in his way on his chair.  I had to stop and gasp and I wasn’t sure I believe what I just witnessed!  He usually his big head to move things around but this time he carefully picked it up off the chair and gently placed it on the floor.  Please don’t tell me dogs aren’t intelligent! 1 memory.

Watched Alvin and Beau chase each other around the dining room table and worry who was most likely to get hurt.  Usually, it was Beau, as he would get so excited that he may run into the couch or chair cutting around the corner in an attempt to catch his dad.  624 memories.

Beau’s final message was when he looked me in the eye and I saw the pain in his.  He spoke to me and I heard him say as clearly as he spoke out loud, “Mom, this is too hard.  I can’t keep doing this.”  I asked God for a sign and he gave it to me.  1 heartbreaking memory.

Last but most importantly, the unconditional love he gave every day of his life.  4, 563 memories.

Thank you for reading this post, as my hope is that it will help you remember a pet that changed your life forever as Beau did ours. And I’m so glad I know that all dogs do go to heaven.













Beau with his Aflac duck

How to Keep Your Dog Healthy

I wish someone would have shared how to keep your dog healthy long before he was diagnosed with cancer. Along with the information on which dog breeds are genetically more susceptible to disease and cancer.

Providing your pets the safest and cleanest products and environment available is an absolute must, especially if they are more susceptible to disease or cancer.  Most products we use for our baby (an 80-pound Boxer) are human grade as the standards are much higher. You can read more about Beau’s story here if you haven’t been following it.

Beau, our 13 year old Boxer, was first diagnosed with a mast cell tumor when he was around 5 years old.  Boxers have a strong predisposition for cancer which I didn’t realize until he was diagnosed.  Our vet was able to remove the tumor and from that point on we put him on a protocol similar to one I  would suggest for my (human) clients.  If you are considering owning a boxer (they actually own YOU), or any dog, this is what I would recommend helping reduce the risks of cancer and disease.

Beau drinking green smoothie (or blue smoothie in this case)

Beau’s Food Blend:
(fed twice daily)

  • 1 part Taste of Wild dog food dry. Taste of the Wild is a Protein based food, not a grain based.
  • 1 part Taste of the Wild dog food canned food  OR
  • 1 part raw and cooked beef, turkey, chicken free of hormones or antibiotics
  • Raw Goat milk (purchased a share from a local farmer).  This is a complete food and full of natural probiotics.  There are many amazing health benefits to raw goat milk as it is even used as a substitute for breast milk when a mother can’t breastfeed or needs to supplement.
  • Coconut Oil  1 Tablespoon (coconut oil absorbs into the body best with protein)

Beau receives the following general supplements in his food blend twice daily:

  • 1 dropper full of Animal Maintenance Formula (Pure Herbs)
  • Juice Plus Fruit and Vegetable blend capsules (Open capsules and sprinkle over food)
  • Fish oil capsule (human grade)- He would chew like a dog treat and/or
  • 1 VSCLR enzymes from Loomis (to break down the food to enable him to better assimilate)

The following are Chinese Herbs from our holistic vet are specific to Beau’s needs.  Thank you to the caring staff at Ark Vet, including Dr. Margie Garrett, Leslie and vet tech, Laura.

  • Hindquarter weakness blend – Tonify Kidney, strengthen back and hind limbs, move Qi, relieve pain
  • Xin Yi San – nasal symptoms caused by nasal tumor
  • Jin Suo Gu Jing – kidney & liver support (crucial for all cancer and disease)
  • Gui Pi Wan – supports the spleen

Water:  Reverse osmosis or purified water (never straight tap water due to chlorine and other chemicals)

Morning Snack

Beau and his morning Green Smoothie

Green Smoothie: (whatever I drink, he drinks excluding grapes which are toxic to dogs).

He drinks 2-4 ounces typically.  Mix in Vitamix: 8 oz water, 1-2 cups of greens typically kale, spinach, chard, or romaine with carrots, celery with berries, and apple. Dogs need the live enzymes, phytonutrients, and probiotics that raw produce offers.

Snacks throughout the afternoon:

  • Raw green beans, zucchini, apples, or banana – basically anything I eat, he eats. Note: grapes, onions, raisins, and pecans are toxic to dogs.
  • Organic fruit, apple with nut butter or pear
  • Occasionally, organic yogurt (plain, unsweetened) or organic cottage cheese.

Misc. Needs:

From hygiene to pet ailments, we’ve managed to find plenty of good natural alternatives and procedures that helped. Here is a breakdown of how we naturally care for our dog, Beau:

    • Shampoo:  Organic (human) baby shampoo. If it is good enough for your baby, it’s good enough for mine.
    • Flea/Tick repellant:  We finally succumbed to a more conventional flea/tick product called Revolution as in 2012 we had fleas for the first time ever.  Revolution is safer than the other two conventional flea/tick products on the market.
    • Beau loves the Aflac duck or any toy that made noise.Toys: We purchased human/baby toys as the standards were higher.  Dog toys, especially plastics, were avoided because of the materials, chemical colors/dyes, etc. Especially for the first three years when Beau ATE every toy we gave him!
    • Fitness/ Exercise: Sick animals often do not get the level of activity they require, the remedy for us was Hydrotherapy Treatments – Beau walked in the underwater treadmill for 15 minutes every 7-10 days.  This helped tremendously to rebuild lost muscle in his hindquarter area.  Laura, his Vet Tech, is fabulous and helped acclimate him to the process.
    • Stress Relief: We own an infrared dome and infrared pad.  He loved the pad but the Dome scared him (not sure why) so it was hard to get him under it.  The pad is good but only emits one-third of the microns versus the dome.  We placed it primarily on his hindquarter area to reduce stress.
    • Vaccines:  We would give him only the required minimal dose for rabies according to our holistic vet’s recommendations.  We so appreciate our vet supporting us in our decision to keep him free of unnecessary toxins.

We also take great care to limit his exposure to cleaning and household toxins   Your dog’s nose is super sensitive so protect them by NOT using toxic chemicals in your home.  Think about their feet touching the floor and what they eat from it.  Avoid Swiffer cleaners, air fresheners, or plugs ins as they are toxic to pets and humans.  My motto is, if I can’t eat it or drink it, I’m not cleaning with it!

Although this process may seem extreme to most, we treat our animals with the same love and respect we would treat anyone that came into our home.  Our pets are worth the time, effort, and few extra dollars spent based on the love and happiness they provide.  If you agree or have questions about our protocol, please comment below.



A Mom and Her Dog – Part I of Beau’s Journey

They steal our hearts with their unconditional love.  You can leave the house for five minutes and they greet you with such excitement that you’d think you had been away for days, weeks or months. They create habits and lifestyle that we condone or become enslaved to.  I’m not referring to our children; however, they could fall into this same category. I am referring to our four-legged children.

Beau is our four-legged child/twelve-year-old boxer. Beau came into our lives when my son was 10 years old.  He and my husband wanted a dog and I swore we wouldn’t have one of those little creatures in my home! (Never, say never!) However, I really felt it was important for a “boy to have a dog” as much as I despised the thought of a dog in my home.  I remember telling a friend that we had an indoor dog she exclaimed, “You have a dog in your home?!” as it was completely out of character for me.

It all started when a family in Kentucky advertised a litter of pups and we went to “look”.  We were on the floor checking out all the pups when Beau walked over and curled up in my lap and went to sleep. It was done.  I lost the battle.  Beau reached out and grabbed my heart at that moment and 12 years later he still owns it.

We brought him home and since this was my son’s pet, I’d place Beau in bed with him so they could bond.  However, Beau would always find his way back to our bedroom.  I’m not sure why this was (or maybe I do)!  Was it because I carried the dog around with me constantly like he didn’t have legs?  Or, I would take him for a walk and end up carrying him because he’d get tired.  My husband tells everyone the story that the dog’s feet never hit the ground the first nine months of his life.  Sadly, that is partially true.

I remember “walking” him one day carrying him like a baby on his back, which he was perfectly content with.  One of my neighbors thought he was hurt or sick and asked me what was wrong.  I told him that “he was just tired of walking” so I had to carry him.

One thing we noticed about Beau when we brought him home the first day was that he had unusually large feet especially for a boxer.  Well, Beau grew into those feet and peaked at around 80 pounds.  Therefore, sleeping with us in bed wasn’t as cute as it was in the beginning.  So we did the most humane thing possible, we replaced our queen size bed with a king.  However, no matter how big the bed was, Beau insisted on sleeping between us and sleeping on a body part.  He like laying on our legs and many nights we would wake up with partially paralyzed extremities!

Well, those fond memories are gone as Beau is no longer strong enough to jump up in bed.  For a while we would help him up in bed but realized this wasn’t in the best interest for any of  us.  After a few heartbreaking and failed attempts, we purchased him his own dog bed, which we placed next to ours.  We didn’t know how he would adjust after 11 years but I think he realized it was time.

Beau was diagnosed with a mast cell tumor when he was around 5 years old. We revamped his diet, supplements and lifestyle to the same protocol I would use for my cancer clients.  He did exceptionally well up until the last few months.  We recently learned the cancer is back and this time it is a nasal tumor.  Boxers have an extremely high rate of cancer and typically don’t survive much past eight years so we knew we might expect a return one-day.  However, living this much longer than average, we feel extremely blessed.

Obviously with our commitment to holistic approaches, Beau is receiving mass quantities of herbs, essential oils and the best foods. He eats a blend of raw and cooked meats (organic/clean of course) along with raw goats milk. I’m also utilizing infrared technology on him.

The hardest part is seeing the changes in him.  He no longer runs to greet us when we come home.  He may lift his head off “his” chair or bed but the good ole days off his energetic puppiness is gone.  His appetite surprisingly is still good.  I am grateful as Beau and I have been drinking green smoothies together for years and he eats most all other whole, clean, organic foods that are in our home.  Yes, Beau eats better than 90% of most Americans.

We are taking one day at a time and staying focused on enjoying the moments we have left and thank God for bringing the once bouncing (and large) bundle of joy into our lives. Animals teach us so many lessons in life and Beau has taught me more than I could mention.

My son left home years ago and is now in the military.  What started out as a boy and his dog developed into a mom and her dog.  I’m so grateful as he’s taught me so many lessons about life and unconditional love.  He has also brought joy and love to many of my clients.

If you’ve had a special pet in your life, I’d love to hear about it in the comments below.

The Ripple Effect

What is the ripple effect? The ripple effect is a metaphorical concept that describes the spread of an action, idea, or influence through a system, causing a series of secondary effects or consequences.

The first email that I opened today was from a newsletter subscriber thanking me for doing what I do.

A few hours later, I received a phone call from someone diagnosed with cancer.  He said the nurse at the clinic had suggested that he contact me.  She had attended one of my online classes and told him I would be a great resource as he wanted to take a healing approach to his cancer. I have since completed my training as a holistic cancer coach.

Later that day I met with a new client and she commented “meeting you is an answer to my prayers”.

Someone once shared that what I do is like skipping a stone on the water.  The ripples can continue on and on.  You never know where it will stop or if it does. It’s the ripple effect.

It is on those days that I may think I’m not making much of a difference in the world or that it is all too hard to be a solo entrepreneur where a few words of appreciation and encouragement keep me going.

However, I want to say that I do receive so much support and words of encouragement regularly from my friends, family, business partners and clients.  I am so blessed in that respect.

When I am coaching a client and they change their eating habits, it can impact their spouse,  kids and their grandkids.  I think about the fact that we are in times where we could outlive our children because of the breakdown of DNA over the generations.  This is sad and scary.

What if I could help change that?  I know how my health has dramatically improved  but would people really want to make such “drastic” changes in their health?  Drastic defined as not eating junk food, fast food or processed food daily.  What if people were willing to take extra time to cook foods that are not laden with additives, preservatives, antibiotics, hormones, etc?   What if we decided our life is worth investing time and resources in?

Well,  first I had to stop making decisions for others, put it out there and see who was open to experiencing a new way of life with energy, vitality, mental clarity and free of prescription medications and sickness.

Creating and maintaining a lifestyle of wellness isn’t for everyone.  However, it is for those who want to experience a life that is much easier to navigate through as well as those willing to experience temporarily inconvenience to make it a reality.