Health Issues from Drinking Milk

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Are there health issues from drinking milk? Cow’s milk specifically.  Contrary to the billions of dollars the dairy industry paying actors and models drinking cow’s milk, it doesn’t do a body good. Here are just a few reasons why cow’s milk may not be a good option for our families and why you might want to take a closer look if it’s used by your family.

1. Growth Hormones

Hormones such as rBGH and rBST are genetically engineered hormones that are injected into cows to make them produce more milk. This causes problems in the milk and stimulates the production of the AGF-1 hormone. IGF-1 promotes cell division, which can lead to cancer. Consider teenage girls and how quickly they are developing physically today compared to years ago. Growth hormones can also escalate the age at which a girl starts her menstrual cycle. Starting menstrual cycles early is linked to increased rates of breast cancer. Look at this article from, where dairy is listed in the top five cancer contributing foods.

2. Antibiotics

Think of all the yogurt people are eating to add good bacteria to the body. Next, think of all the antibiotics that kill good bacteria that they are injecting into cows that are used to create it. According to Green America, 80% of all antibiotics used are used in livestock. What happens to humans that constantly take antibiotics? It typically destroys the gut thus the immune system.

3. Grain Fed

Most cows are grain-fed. What happens when cows eat grain and corn? It makes them fat. What happens when we eat cows that eat grain? You get the picture. Most importantly, cows are herbivores. That means they should be eating GREENS. Greens provide the meat/milk with good bacterial and vital nutrients such as Vitamin A, D, and K2. Grass-fed cows will not produce the toxic and dangerous mad cow’s disease. Also, the grain that the cows consume is genetically modified.

4. Pasteurization

Clean, raw milk provides beneficial bacteria. Pasteurization destroys good bacteria. It also denatures the structure of the milk proteins and fat into something that is less than healthy.

5. Lactose Intolerance and Digestibility

Most people lack the enzyme lactase that supports the body in breaking down milk sugar. The second highest good cause of allergies in the body behind peanuts is cow’s milk. Milk protein can contain up to 25 various allergens causing moderate to severe symptoms.

What about Organic or Raw Milk?

Organic milk of obviously better than conventional. However, even though the milking cows may be antibiotic or growth hormone-free, they are still typically not grass-fed or free-range. The quality of the milking cow’s life and the variety of grasses it’s able to graze is key in the nutritional value (or lack thereof) of the product.

Also, many organic milk brands are simply “farmer pledged” as organic as opposed to being tested and certified organic so read your labels and know your brands.

Dairy is also a highly inflammatory food that can create pain, inflammation, and mucous. Being an acidic food, it can disrupt the pH in the body which impacts homeostasis and digestion.

We also see a dramatic reduction in ear infections when a parent removes dairy from a child’s diet.

Don’t we need all the calcium milk provides?

Plant foods have as much if not more calcium as you get in milk. Plus, plant foods contain the proper ratios of magnesium and calcium. Cow’s milk does not contain the magnesium and calcium ratio necessary for optimal absorption. One example, chia seeds contain 600 mg of calcium in 2 ounces. Milk contains 300 mg in one cup.

Safer options for cow’s milk are organic sources of plant-based milk such as almond, rice, non-GMO soy, hemp, or coconut milk. Finding sources of clean, raw cow’s milk is a better option than pasteurized but raw goat’s milk is actually better due to the digestibility. Goat’s milk has been suggested as the best alternative to breast milk in cases where breastfeeding is not an option.

My challenge to you is to remove conventional dairy products from your diet for one week then share with me the difference in how you feel.  I experienced a dramatic reduction in allergies, congestion, reduced pain, and much-improved digestion (less gas, bloating).