Health Information Forms

You are currently viewing Health Information Forms

Welcome to B Renewed Wellness Solutions! Your next step is to complete the health information forms. This provides the background of your health and the current symptoms that you are experiencing. The more details you can provide, the better I can help you balance your body and manage your stress.

Please complete the following forms at least 24 hours prior to your appointment. 
1. Food and Beverage Intake
Be sure to track your food and beverage for a minimum of 4 days. More is better. We don’t need to know calories, just whether you dine in or out and what time you are eating or drinking.
You can track your food in a notebook and share it with me if you prefer. If you use a food tracking app, you can also share that with me instead of using the forms. The more details you can provide, the better I can help you determine the source of your stressors. If you like to use the online form, you can do that here.
2. General Health Assessment

 Complete the Health Assessment

3. Hormone Assessment for Women

This applies to women over the age of 13 or who have started menstruating.
Complete the Hormone Survey 

4. Mental Fitness Assessment

Curious about what a mental fitness assessment is? There are two parts to the assessment. One is the percentage of time you are being hijacked by the negative saboteurs that we all have. These negative saboteur thoughts are creating loads of stress which is impacting our mental and physical health. Take the Mental Fitness Assessment here. 

The second part of the assessment is your total PQ score. This measures your potential for happiness and success in everything you do.  Once complete, you’ll receive the results (two separate results) via email.  Forward those to me at

I’m looking forward to helping you overcome your health challenges and restore your body and mind to wholeness. You deserve this!

If you have any questions, please email or call. Or check out our page of Frequently Asked Questions.

Thank You and God bless.

Bonnie Schnautz DHS, ND


Note: The consultation is not designed to treat, cure or diagnose an illness. This is for educational purposes only.

Rev 1/31/2024