How to Prevent Hormone Imbalances

How to Prevent Hormone Imbalances Are you hormones out of balance? Do you know what hormone imbalance looks and feels like? Symptoms range from mood issues, PMS, infertility and more, but these symptoms are just a few that women "deal with" and consider just part of being a woman. However, I am excited to share the fact that many of the negative symptoms relating to a woman's reproductive health can be minimized or even avoided! Symptoms of Imbalance Menopause Did you know, two-thirds of women suffer with menopausal symptoms? As women age, hormone levels become imbalanced as the body produces less of them. Estrogen and progesterone, the two primary hormones, work together…

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Our Weapons of War: Patience and Self-Control

Our Weapons of War: Patience and Self-Control One of my morning rituals to start my day on the right track is to read the Bible along with a few select daily devotionals.  Today's is from  one of my favorites, The One Year book of Proverbs by Neil S. Wilson. I felt called to share as I could relate it to our struggles with food and creating positive changes on our health journey. Proverbs 16:32 It is better to be patient than powerful; it is better to have self-control than to conquer a city. The mission of the believer is not too much different from that of history's most…

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Managing Halloween Candy

Managing Halloween candy for our children is a simple way to prevent overindulging of artificial colors, dyes, chemicals and sugar found in many treats. Halloween marks the beginning of sugar or flu season followed by Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Easter! Since Halloween will soon be upon us, let’s start with it and hope these tips will keep your children healthier long-term yet still enjoy some treats. Many believe flu season is caused by compromised digestive and immune systems created by this excess sugar intake along with lack of hydration and sunlight. So let's work on preventing colds, flu and disease naturally but limiting our sugar intake and…

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Tips for Managing Halloween Candy

Halloween marks the beginning of sugar season followed by Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Easter! Since Halloween will soon be upon us, let’s start with it and hope these tips will keep your children healthier long-term yet still enjoy some treats. 1. Buy your candy a couple of days before Halloween. Halloween treats show up in the stores late September. Don't fall into the marketing trap and get tempted to buy candy early, that includes the grocery line where kids will get tempted with all sorts of Halloween promotions. Buying candy too early makes it way too tempting to get into the stash before trick-or treating even starts. 2. Set expectations early. Prepare your child…

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Nutty about Coconut Oil-the many amazing benefits

Nutty about Coconut Oil-the many amazing benefits In the Asian and Pacific countries, where coconut oil grows abundantly, the natives consider the coconut the cure for almost every illness. Although the meat and milk are full of fiber and nutrients, it is truly the oil that makes it remarkable. Scientific studies show that the saturated fat from coconut oil is truly unique in how it reacts differently in our bodies compared to other fats. Most saturated fats are made from long-chain fatty acids (LCFA), where coconut oil is comprised of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA). MCFA are very different from LCFA in that they do not have a negative effect on cholesterol and even…

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Plan Your Meals and Save a Life

Plan Your Meals and Save a Life How much time, effort and planning do you put into your family's food options?   Planning is the secret to wellness as when you have clean, whole food available during your busy week, you won't need to succumb to processed, lifeless “food”.  If 80% of all disease is preventable, planning your family’s meals is no longer an option, it’s a requirement. Hate being in the kitchen?  Solicit the help of friend to do the same and share meals or get the kids and husband involved to make it a fun family event.  See who can find the best recipe and experiment with…

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Quieting the mind can heal

Quieting the mind can heal Silence is God's first language; everything else is a poor translation. In order to hear that language, we must learn to be still and to rest in God— Thomas Keating What brings you to the brink? –that tipping point that finally turns you away from your old habits and turns you to healing and wholeness? For me turning 30 was the tipping point –I knew I didn’t have the stamina to run from life anymore – neither, I hated to admit, could I control it. Old hurts, consequences of my choices, the challenges of marriage and family life brought me to the brink. I had to make the…

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Do You (or your child) Have Symptoms of Burnout?

Do You (or your child) Have Symptoms of Burnout? If you are experiencing low energy or fatigue, your body may be in burnout mode.  The main physical symptom that identified burnout is overwhelming fatigue upon awakening after eight to ten hours sleep or after a short nap.  Bottom line, you feel exhausted. Your body can recover after a good night’s sleep with simple fatigue where burnout cannot be corrected solely by rest. Other symptoms of burnout may include: Craving for sweets due to a need for a quick energy source Lowered resistance to disease and/or infections Changes in appetite, alternating from ravenous to no appetite at all Reduced…

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What’s Lurking in your Pantry?

What’s Lurking in your Pantry? One service that I offer and love is a Pantry Purge.  It doesn’t happen very often as most women are a bit intimidated and maybe even a little embarrassed to let me puruse their pantry.  I have been dubbed the "food Nazi" you know. So, this last purge was quite rewarding as I was able to help some of our best friends on their wellness journey by helping clean up their pantry.  They were the perfect clients who did what I recommended, no whining, excuses or complaining.  I love this type clients not because it makes my life  easier (as it does) but…

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