Whole Food Nutrition with Chia Seeds

Whole Food Nutrition with  Chia Seeds Many of us have heard of the Chia Pet. Some of us even remember the silly "chi, chi, chia" jingle! But have you heard of eating chia seeds? Chia seeds are one of the most nutritious superfoods known yet so few people are enjoying them. I made this video to help share the beauty of chia seed consumption and I've got loads of chia seed facts below the video. After you've learned a thing or two about the amazing chia seed, get yourself some and add them to your diet for wonderful nutritional benefits. How to Prevent Chronic Disease with Chia Seeds The gel that forms when a chia seed is soaked…

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The Plan Diet, Is it safe?

A B Renewed Wellness Solutions follower asks: Hello Bonnie. I am very concerned about a couple of my friends. They are in the third or fourth week of "the plan". It's a strict and perilous diet where you measure certain food items according to their reactions in the body by eliminating extracting certain foods to determine if for example its the potatoes or the pastas and or the bread that makes one gain weight and only organic foods are to be eaten. So far they have complained of severe head aches. And one of them passed out and hit her head on the kitchen floor. I guess due…

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How to Live a Healthier Life with Hydration

How to Live a Healthier Life with Hydration The first area to examine for those  focused on living a healthier life is to examine their level of hydration. A person can survive 30-40 days without food but only 3-5 days without water.  Consider what you are drinking throughout the day and particularly  first thing in the morning. Ideally, you are sleeping the recommended 7-9 hours a night. Living a healthier life certainly requires rest so your body can restore, regenerate and heal. Now, reflect on the last time you body has had water upon first waking. Even if you slept 8 hours, it may have been hours before that…

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Improve Digestion with Soaking Nuts and Seeds

Improve Digestion with Soaking Nuts and Seeds Did you know that those healthful nuts and seeds could be wreaking havoc on your digestion? It is true, nuts and seeds along with grains and legumes contain natural toxic inhibitors to ensure their survival until germination.  Nature has made them indigestible in their dry form. Soaking removes the inhibitors and makes them more digestible allowing your body to utilize more vital nutrients contained within. Benefits of soaking nuts and seeds: Increases enzyme activity Better absorption of the nutrients by the body Increased digestibility Soaked nuts and seeds will begin the sprouting process which increases their nutrient value Improves flavor, especially with walnuts as the tannins,…

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Are Cancer and Dehydration Connected?

Are Cancer and Dehydration Connected? Water is critical to the operation and healing of our body as our body is comprised primarily of water. The average adult body is about 70% water. The brain is composed of 75% water, and the lungs are nearly 90 percent water. About 83 percent of our blood is water, which helps digest our food, transport waste, and control body temperature. Each day humans must replace 2.4 liters of water, some through drinking and the rest taken by the body from the foods eaten. Drinking two quarts of purified drinking water per day is helpful to detoxify the body. Cancer growth usually occurs in areas of severe dehydration.…

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7 Ways to Love Yourself (beyond Valentine’s Day)

7 Ways to Love Yourself (beyond Valentine’s Day) Self-love is difficult for many people because often times they only focus on caring for and loving others. Consequently, they forget about themselves at the end of the day. The problem with this is, many people are running themselves ragged and are on "empty." It is important to remember that if you love others, you need to also love yourself and do what it takes to extend your time, your life with your loved ones. It's not selfish to take time for your own health and wellness, but rather the smart thing to do to ensure your years with your loved ones are plentiful and enjoyable.…

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7 Ways to Love Yourself

Here are 7 Ways to Love Yourself beyond Valentine's Day! Self-love is difficult for many people because oftentimes they focus on caring for and loving others. Consequently, they forget about themselves and at the end of the day they feel depleted. The problem with this is, many people are running themselves ragged and are on "empty" energetically, spiritually, or emotionally. It is important to remember that if you love others, you need to also love yourself. Taking time for yourself is the ultimate act of care and love that you can show others. It's not selfish to take time for your own health and wellness, but rather the…

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Is Your Body Out of Balance?

Is Your Body Out of Balance? Tired of covering up symptoms? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Bonnie ND, CNHP and get answers. Do you... Struggle with Depression or Anxiety? Suffer digestive upset (gas, bloating, indigestion, constipation, IBS, diarrhea)? Have weight issues? Lack energy or feel tired all the time? Feel like you are always in pain? Suffer from allergies? Suspect hormone imbalances or have fertility issues? Have high cholesterol? Do You Have Yeast/ Candida? Currently have Cancer or have a family history of? Does your child... Have asthma? Have too much energy or ADD/ ADHD symptoms? Lack energy or feel tired all the time? Suffer from allergies? Suffer digestive upset (gas,…

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How to Lose Weight Without Dieting

Many women accept their weight because of their age especially if they are over forty. Some may use their age as a reason why they have lost all control of  their body (and sometimes their mind!).  I'm here to tell you that you can be at your ideal weight no matter what your age. I know because I did it in my forties and it was a pretty simple process if you take one step at a time. First step is to eliminate processed food. I chose REAL, WHOLE foods grown naturally or certified organic and preferably non GMO. Eliminating the pesticides and herbicides reduces the toxic load to your body. Besides…

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How to Keep Your Boxer Healthy (or any dog)

Did you know many dog breeds are genetically more susceptible to disease and cancer? Providing your pets the safest and cleanest products and environment available is an absolute must, especially if they are more susceptible to disease or cancer like some are.  Most products we use for our baby (an 80 pound Boxer) are human grade as the standards are much higher. You can read more about Beau's story here if you haven't been following it. Beau, 13 year old Boxer, was first diagnosed with a mast cell tumor when he was around 5 years old.  Boxers have a strong predisposition for cancer which I didn’t realize until he was diagnosed. …

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