Health Issues From Eating Genetically Modified Foods

Opt Out of the Genetic Engineering Experiment! If you have not educated yourself on understanding genetically modified foods, then you should start now and keep reading. The first question is what is a genetically modified food? Monsanto takes DNA strands from insects and insert this DNA into food crops to make them more resistant to pests. GMO corn, for example, is designed to explode the stomachs of insects when they eat it. When we eat the GMO plant, or the flesh, milk or eggs from those animals that did, we bring that mutated insect DNA into our bodies. Who could think that this same effect wouldn’t impact the cells in…

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6 Tips for a Meaningful Thanksgiving Day

According to Wikipedia, Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday celebrated primarily in Canada and the United States as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. Prayers of thanks and special thanksgiving ceremonies are common among almost all religions after harvests and at other times. Most of us love Thanksgiving because of the delicious food which is great but we need to remember and focus on more than just that to truly enjoy the day. So here are a few ideas that make your day special and memorable. Create a heartfelt Thanksgiving tradition with an Attitude of Gratitude!  Our tradition is to allow each family member…

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Now Hiring Office Manager/Administrative Support Professional

B Renewed Wellness Center is hiring a Part-Time Office Manager/Administrative Support Professional Looking for a way to serve others in a fulfilling role in an exploding industry? Want to make a difference in helping others experience better health in your community? The part-time professional would work approximately 24-30/hours per week. • Office days would be Monday through Thursday. • Strong skills in Office Suite (Word, Excel and PowerPoint) required. • Strong interpersonal skills needed to greet clients, answer telephone, work events and schedule appointments. • Attention to detail, professionalism and passion for serving others are priority. • Health and nutrition knowledge preferred but not required. Please send a…

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Dr. Schnautz has been awarded a diploma as a Loomis Digestive Health Specialist (LDHS)

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Loomis Institute’s Class of 2013   Madison, WI, September 25 - The Loomis Institute™ of Enzyme Nutrition is proud to announce that Bonnie Schnautz, ND has graduated in the top ranks of her class on September 15, 2013. Dr. Schnautz has been awarded a diploma as a Loomis Digestive Health Specialist (LDHS).   Loomis Digestive Health Specialists (LDHS) are trained to determine the hidden causes of patient symptoms, particularly in unresolved health problems. The material taught is the work of Dr. Howard F. Loomis, Jr. Backed by many years of clinical experience, he has brought the theoretical food enzyme work of Edward Howell, MD, into…

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Saying Goodbye to the Smalec Family Farm

Saying goodbye is never easy, whether it is a person, place or thing.  This week, it was a place that I said goodbye to; the forty acre farm we owned for over sixty years (since 1952) located in Elsie, Michigan. Across the forty acres included our three-bedroom, one bathroom farm house that held all eight of us. We also had a barn, garage and a chicken coop.  At one time we raised chickens, pigs, cows, rabbits, cats, dogs and even a pet raccoon. Our chickens were the original free-range, long before it was chic to eat organic.  Free-range back then meant dodging chicken poop in the back yard,…

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Six Signs That The Body Needs Enzymes

Before we look at the six signs of needing enzymes, we should review exactly what enzymes are. What are Enzymes? The three types of enzymes include those made in the body, those found in raw food, and metabolic enzymes responsible for all biochemical reactions in the body. Enzymes are protein substances produced by living cells.  Besides performing all of the biochemical reactions in your body, they also digest food and allow a healthy inflammatory response. Healthy inflammation is a normal function that allows the body to protect itself from foreign invaders and repair injured tissue. Food enzymes are found in all living substances, including raw foods.  However, most…

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Is Your Dream Dust in the Wind?

You created that goal to realize your dream. You signed that agreement and made a commitment. You were so excited (as my friend Chris says, “running around like your hair is on fire” excited) and then one day it died.  Kansas (the musical group, for the young people) said it best, "All my dreams pass before my dust in the wind." My first question is, why did this happen? Why did the dream fade?  You pictured yourself finally out-of-debt, in the convertible sports car or on the beaches of a remote island, and the dream suddenly became dust in the wind. Well, “why” is the question, but…

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Natural Health Care and Detox

Natural Health Care and Detox You are probably already aware that toxins are virtually everywhere. They are found in foods, in the environment, in our personal care products, in our cooking tools and much, much more. You might even know some of the ins and outs for avoiding toxin intake. Things like... Eating whole foods Eating organic, non GMO or locally grown clean (pesticide/herbicide free) foods Skipping processed/packaged foods Switching from conventional chemical-based cleaning & personal care products to natural Using EMF protection with your electronics like Q-Link ... are just a few basic ways to avoid toxins. There are lots of toxins that are more difficult to avoid,…

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Benefits of Chia Seeds

Do you know the many benefits of chia seeds? They are truly a superfood.  Many of us have heard of the Chia Pet. Some of us even remember the silly "chi, chi, chia" jingle! But have you heard of eating chia seeds? Chia seeds are one of the most nutritious superfoods known yet so few people are enjoying them. I made this video to help share the beauty of chia seed consumption and I've got loads of chia seed facts below the video. After you've learned a thing or two about the amazing chia seed, get yourself some and add them to your diet for wonderful nutritional benefits. How to Prevent Chronic Disease with the benefits of Chia…

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