foods containing probiotics

Improve Your Mood with Food

How do you improve your mood with food? Let’s unpack some of the exciting (and preliminary) new research about the link between gut health, mood, and stress. This week we’ll talk about your friendly resident gut microbes, probiotic foods, and supplements, as well as offer some simple recipes to keep your gut and taste buds happy.


There are trillions of microbes that happily live in our gut. These friendly microbes do more than help us digest foods, make vitamins, and protect us from the not-so-friendly microbes – they have mood-boosting and stress-busting functions too!

It’s a hotbed of research right now and we’re finding out more about their awesome health and mood/stress benefits every day. And, while the research is just starting to figure out the many gut microbe-brain connections, it’s such a cool new topic that we couldn’t wait to share it with you!


The microbes that live in our guts are known as our “gut microbiota”. The microbes that we can ingest are known as “probiotics”.

Probiotics” are live organisms that you can eat, drink, or take as a supplement. They turn milk into yogurt, and cabbage into sauerkraut, and they are great for both your gut health and mental health. Special probiotics that have mental health benefits are called “psychobiotics,” (psycho = mental health, and biotics = live). They are live organisms that can benefit our psyche.


Probiotics can be found in yogurt, sauerkraut (and other fermented veggies), miso, tempeh, and kimchi. You can drink them in kefir or kombucha. Be sure to choose unpasteurized ones that will be refrigerated in your local grocer. Unpasteurized foods are not recommended if you are pregnant or have a compromised immune system, so please check with your healthcare provider.

Of course, there are a number of probiotic supplements available too. Check with your favorite Naturopathic Doctor (that’s me!) to identify which one is best for you. Generally, we look for one that’s refrigerated and has at least 10 billion active cultures. We also suggest you look for one that has been “third-party tested,” which means someone outside the company has tested it and says it’s a quality product.

Also, be sure to read the label before taking any supplements. The probiotics with the most research are of the Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus types. But we still don’t know enough about the psychobiotic effects to make specific mood-boosting recommendations yet. Here are a few recipes to help you consume more probiotic foods. Remember to use as many organically grown foods and ingredients as possible to reduce chemicals that negatively impact gut flora. 


Confetti Vegetable Salad with Miso Dressing

Cauliflower Olive Salad with Yogurt

Strawberry Almond Chia Pudding


It may not seem obvious or intuitive, but your body is interconnected in many ways and more research is focusing on the “microbiota-gut-brain axis.” It’s the very complex connection between your gut, its microbes, and your brain. This new field has been called a “paradigm shift in neuroscience” (Dinan, 2017).

In fact, there are a number of ways that we’re beginning to understand how our gut microbes can affect the brain. One is via the “vagus” nerve, which is a nerve that directly connects your gut to your brain. The other ways are through “biochemical messengers.” Biochemicals are made in your gut and travel throughout the body to communicate with other organs, including your brain. Examples of biochemicals include short-chain fatty acids, cytokines, and even tryptophan (the amino acid that the neurotransmitters melatonin and serotonin are made from).

The exciting thing is that this may help us with not only mood and stress, but the microbiota-gut-brain axis may one day prove to be helpful for other conditions like autism and Parkinson’s. 


Several studies show that stressed rodents not only have increased stress hormones and stressed behaviors; but, they also have different gut microbes! This has also been studied, to a small extent, in people too. One study showed that moms with high levels of stress hormones during pregnancy had infants with more of the “bad” gut microbes.

But, can it work the other way around? Can changing our gut microbes affect our moods and stress responses?

Studies of rodents that grow up without any gut microbes at all (in a “bacteria-free” environment) respond to stress more than mice with normal gut microbes. Then, when they’re given either a probiotic or gut microbes from non-stressed mice, their stress responses often go back to normal.

Gut microbiota and probiotics alter behavior and brain neurochemistry.” (Ait-Belgnaoui, et. al., 2012) That’s a pretty powerful statement.

Many animal studies show positive effects on behavior when they get probiotic supplements. For example, after a probiotic, stressed rats had lower levels of both stress hormones and an inflammatory molecule associated with depression (“LPS” – lipopolysaccharide). Human studies show that after a few weeks of taking probiotic foods or supplements, healthy people have reduced stress hormones, feelings of stress, negative thoughts, and sad moods.

One fascinating study showed that when people took probiotics, brain MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) tests showed reduced brain activity for negative and aggressive thoughts!

There is some exciting research on the positive effect that probiotics can have on moods and stress. So, what can you do to nurture your own healthy gut microbes?


In Part 1 we talked about the benefits of consuming probiotic-rich food.  Once the gut microbes take up residence in our guts, we need to feed them!

Prebiotics are food for gut microbes and, when fermented in the gut, produce specific changes in bacterial composition or activity. They are your friendly gut microbes’ favorite delicacies so they’ll happily grow, and multiply. Prebiotics are basically foods that contain fiber. Things like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Even dark chocolate (preferably with at least 70% cocoa). Foods that are particularly high in prebiotics include jicama, asparagus, avocado, whole grains, and allium vegetables like onions, garlic, leeks, and shallots.

Giving animals prebiotics has been shown to reduce stress hormones and anxiety-related behaviors. In people, studies show that taking psychobiotics along with prebiotics can improve both the microbes in our gut, as well as our mood.


Asparagus with Lemon Thyme Dressing

Triple Greens Soup with Avocado

Creamy Mediterranean Garlic Chicken


If you are looking for support on your health journey from a Naturopathic Doctor and Digestive Health Specialist, give us a call to learn more at 812-461-8922 or schedule your free mini Wellness Strategy Session to get started on your journey to more natural and safer solutions.


Ait-Belgnaoui, A., Durand, H., Cartier, et al (2012). Prevention of gut leakiness by a probiotic treatment leads to attenuated HPA response to an acute psychological stress in rats. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 37(11):1885-95. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2012.03.024. LINK:

Bailey, M.T., Dowd, S.E., Galley, J.D., et al. (2011). Exposure to a social stressor alters the structure of the intestinal microbiota: implications for stressor-induced immunomodulation. Brain Behav Immun. 25(3):397–407. LINK:

Bharwani A, Mian MF, Foster JA, et al. (2016). Structural & functional consequences of chronic psychosocial stress on the microbiome & host. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 63:217–227. LINK:

Cryan, J.F. (2016). Stress and the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis: An Evolving Concept in Psychiatry. Can J Psychiatry. 61(4):201-3. doi: 10.1177/0706743716635538.  LINK:

De Palma, G., Blennerhassett, P., Lu, J., Deng, Y., Park, A.J., Green, W., Denou, E., Silva, M.A., Santacruz, A., Sanz, Y., Surette, M.G., Verdu, E.F., Collins, S.M. & Bercik, P. (2015). Microbiota and host determinants of behavioural phenotype in maternally separated mice. Nat Commun. 2015 Jul 28;6:7735. doi: 10.1038/ncomms8735.

Dinan, T.G. & Cryan, J.F. (2016). Mood by microbe: towards clinical translation. Genome Med. 8(1):36. doi: 10.1186/s13073-016-0292-1.

Dinan TG1, Cryan JF. (2017). The Microbiome-Gut-Brain Axis in Health and Disease. Gastroenterol Clin North Am. 2017 Mar;46(1):77-89. doi: 10.1016/j.gtc.2016.09.007. LINK:

Kelly, J. R., Kennedy, P. J., Cryan, J. F., Dinan, T. G., Clarke, G., & Hyland, N. P. (2015). Breaking down the barriers: the gut microbiome, intestinal permeability and stress-related psychiatric disorders. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 9, 392. LINK:

Messaoudi, M., Lalonde, R., Violle, et al (2011). Assessment of psychotropic-like properties of a probiotic formulation (Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 and Bifidobacterium longum R0175) in rats and human subjects. Br J Nutr. 105(5):755-64. doi: 10.1017/S0007114510004319.

O’Mahony, S.M., Marchesi, J.R., Scully, P., et al. (2009). Early life stress alters behavior, immunity, and microbiota in rats: implications for irritable bowel syndrome and psychiatric illnesses. Biol Psychiatry. 65(3):263–267. LINK:

Rea, K., Dinan, T.G. & Cryan, J.F. (2016). The microbiome: A key regulator of stress and neuroinflammation. Neurobiol Stress. 4:23-33.

Rieder, R., Wisniewski, P.J., Alderman, B.L. & Campbell, S.C. (2017). Microbes and mental health: A review. Brain Behav Immun. 2017 Jan 25. pii: S0889-1591(17)30016-8. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2017.01.016.  LINK:

Romijn, A.R. & Rucklidge, J.J. (2015). Systematic review of evidence to support the theory of psychobiotics. Nutr Rev. 73(10):675-93. doi: 10.1093/nutrit/nuv025.

Sarkar, A., Lehto, S.M., Harty, S., Dinan, T.G., Cryan, J.F. & Burnet, P.W. (2016). Psychobiotics and the Manipulation of Bacteria-Gut-Brain Signals. Trends Neurosci. 39(11):763-781. doi: 10.1016/j.tins.2016.09.002.

Sender, R., Fuchs, S. & Milo, R. (2016). Revised Estimates for the Number of Human and Bacteria Cells in the Body. PLoS Biol 14(8): e1002533. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1002533 LINK:



What is Mental Fitness

What is Mental Fitness

What is mental fitness?

It’s a new concept in health called mental fitness. It’s the percentage of time your mind is serving you versus sabotaging you.

Independent researchers have validated the PQ (Positive Intelligence Quotient)  Score to be the single greatest predictor of how much of your potential for both success and happiness you achieve.

Research has shown that higher PQ results in enhanced immune system functioning, lower levels of stress-related hormones, lower blood pressure, less pain, fewer, colds, better sleep in a smaller likelihood of having hypertension, diabetes, or strokes.

What Is Mental Fitness?

Stanford lecturer and best-selling author Shirzad Chamine has developed a program and book called Positive Intelligence®. Your Positive Intelligence quotient, or ‘PQ’, is a measure of your mental fitness. PQ measures the percentage of time your mind is serving you versus sabotaging you. Independent researchers have validated PQ Score to be the single greatest predictor of how much of your potential for both success and happiness you achieve.

According to Shirzad, 80% of us score below the minimum level of mental fitness required for peak performance and happiness.

But the good news is that mental fitness can be significantly improved with just 6 weeks of daily practice. Shirzad tells us that doing 100 PQ reps a day to build mental muscles (essentially, creating new neural pathways) is the equivalent of taking 10,000 steps a day for physical fitness or weight training by doing reps with a dumbbell.

Helping every human build mental fitness so they can fulfill their true potential for both happiness and contribution.


How is PQ different from other programs including meditation or mindfulness?

PQ Treat Root Cause, not Symptoms

The factor analysis research has revealed the foundational root-level enablers and disablers of optimal performance and well-being. We rewire the brain at the root cause level.

PQ Focuses on Habit Formation

Most training results in short-lived improvements. For sustained results, we focus on building neural pathways that form lasting new habits. That’s why we call this “mental fitness”.

PQ Develops all 3 Core Muscles

Mental fitness requires 3 core muscles. Saboteur Interceptor, Self-Command, and Sage. Meditation only focuses on Self-Command, which is why it is not sustained by most.

An analysis of more than 200 scientific studies, which collectively tested more than 275,000 people, concluded that higher PQ leads to higher salaries and greater success in the areas of work, marriage, health, sociability, friendship, and creativity.

Daily Practice with the App

PQ app

The PQ app includes a mental fitness gym to offer a variety of PQ exercises using different senses. There are exercises for sitting or walking and they vary in length from 2 to 12 minutes. The app tracks your daily progress so you can check your progress against the targets for creating new neural pathways. It also gives you a daily focus of the day to guide your practice incrementally over 6 weeks.

15 minutes/day of app-guided practice enables you to establish mental muscles (neural pathways). These exercises are bite-sized to fit your busy schedule and customized based on how you self-sabotage.

You may be asking, is this the right program for me?

This is the right program for you if you are: 

  • Committed to improving your performance and effectiveness dramatically while reducing stress
  • Looking for a science-based and trusted system to make it stick
  • Willing to put in the initial effort to rewire years of mental habits that don’t serve you

Take the Mental Fitness or PQ Assessment

The PQ program has been transformational for my personal and professional life as well as for my clients. If you’d like to learn more about PQ, or test your levels, you can do so here. If you have questions or want to be added to the waitlist, drop a comment below. I only run the program a few times a year and limit the program to 10 members. 

When you take the assessment, I’d love to hear your results.  Better yet, schedule a free Wellness Strategy Session to learn more. 


what's destroying your gut

What’s destroying your gut

What’s destroying your gut health is a popular question. So many people now realize that gut health is foundational to our overall health. It’s even been called our second brain!

Your microbiome is a complex ecosystem, home to an estimated 38 trillion living microorganisms and comprising over 10,000 types of bacteria and other microbes. These contribute more to your survival than your DNA. They digest food, supply vitamins, support the immune system, and create neurotransmitters. 

Most of the bacteria in your gut help support your body. But, about 15% of the bacteria in the gut can have some negative impacts on your overall health. Most of the time this isn’t a problem, because as long as the good bacteria outweigh the bad (by about six times) things tend to work pretty well. If the balance of bacteria shifts, the undesirable bacteria can start to have more of an effect, leaving you feeling less than your best.


Here are 10 of the most common things NOT supporting your gut health:


1. Gluten

Gluten is a type of protein that’s found in many grains, including wheat, rye, and barley. It gives foods good texture but can wreak havoc on your gut. While it’s true, some people are more sensitive to gluten than others, research has shown that even if you’re not gluten-sensitive, eating gluten can have significant, long-term effects on your gut bacteria. In turn, it can affect pretty much any part of your body. Go gluten-free, God’s way, naturally, with fruits, vegetables, and greens. Along with nuts and seeds that have not been cooked in oil. Packaged gluten-free products are made mostly of junk grains such as white rice, potato starch, or tapioca. 


2. Sugar

This one includes sugar and sweeteners in all forms: white sugar, brown sugar, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, etc. 

You may be asking, why is it so bad for your gut bacteria? 

Well, just like you, your bacteria have to eat. They get their food from the food that you consume. While some foods are prebiotic, meaning that they break down into substances that feed the good bacteria in your body, others, including sugar, feed the bad guys. The more sugar or sweeteners you eat, the more they can grow, and eventually start crowding out the good bacteria, which has all kinds of effects on your body. 

Try this instead: There are lots of natural sweeteners that you can use to replace sugar; honey is one of the easiest to find and use. It is also a potent prebiotic to boot. Plus organic monk fruit powder and organic stevia are also options. Pay close attention to wine as the residual sugar can be high (especially in whites). Buy organic when possible or obtain wine from other countries as grapes in the U.S. are heavily sprayed with pesticides.


3. Fried and Processed Foods

We know that fried and processed foods contain trans fats. They’re detrimental for the same reason as sugar: they break down into components that feed the less hospitable bacteria in your gut. In one memorable experiment, professor of genetic epidemiology, Tim Spector found that when his adult son ate strictly fried foods and junk foods for a week, he lost about a third of the species of bacteria in his microbiome, including many beneficial ones. Among the species that stuck around, one linked to problems with weight really flourished. Similar results have been found in other studies.

Besides the obvious issue with the inhospitable bacteria, the reduction in species of bacteria in the gut––aka gut diversity––is a huge deal. You see, the more diverse your gut microbiome is, the better your health is likely to be. While part of this comes down to easing up on our modern overzealous notions of cleanliness, another part is making sure that the foods we’re eating aren’t devastating bacterial populations. Switch up your probiotic, variety is key!!

Try this instead: if you’re just dying for some french fries, try having some oven-roasted organic potatoes or even prebiotic-rich jicama fries instead. Make fried foods somewhat healthier by changing the oil that you cook them in, so try using coconut oil or avocado oil instead of canola or vegetable oil. Unlike many other oils, these don’t break down into harmful components (transfats) when heated, making them a better choice for anything you’re frying at home.


4. Dairy

Like gluten, some people are going to be more sensitive to dairy products than others. But research has shown that a diet rich in dairy products has significant negative effects on your gut microbiome.

Another issue with dairy? The possibility of consuming antibiotics in it. Antibiotics can’t tell what bacteria are good or bad, so they kill beneficial and non-beneficial bacteria alike. Throwing your microbiome out of whack.

Since antibiotics can show up in our food, many of us are exposed to more antibiotics than we realize. While FDA regulations in the U.S. state that lactating cows can’t be given antibiotics (since they leach into the milk), a small percentage of farmers have been found to violate those regulations. Your dairy products might not be as antibiotic-free as you’d think.

Try this instead: Make sure you get the highest quality, organic, grass-fed, rBGH-free, and preferably raw dairy you can. Some people take an “organic and raw or not at all” approach and although it’s hard, it’s worth it.


5. Soy

You would think that soy would be one of the healthier foods. After all, so many of the foods we consider to be healthy are made with it, and it’s an incredibly common substitute for meat. But here’s the thing—while soy that’s made in very traditional ways can be healthy, most of the soy we consume today is genetically modified and processed in ways that make it less-than-ideal for our bodies. 

Studies have shown that a diet high in soy products can have rapid, large-scale negative effects on gut bacteria, particularly Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria, two strains of bacteria that are incredibly important for microbial health.

Try this instead: Organic soy can be healthy, especially when it’s fermented (as in the case of natto, tempeh, or miso). Just be sure to read the label carefully for the NonGMO label to avoid GM soy.


6. Red Meat

While having the occasional organic, grass-fed, responsibly farmed steak isn’t likely to throw your whole system off, eating a diet that’s heavy in meat can be tough on your body. Especially if it includes a lot of red meat. While research is ongoing, it’s been shown that eating high amounts of red meat affects your gut bacteria rapidly, increasing the bad guys and decreasing the good guys. 

Another thing to consider is unless you’re getting high-quality, responsibly produced meat, chances are that it contains antibiotics, steroids, and GM grains in it. Fact: 80% of antibiotics used in the U.S. are given to livestock!

Try this instead: Look for organic, grass-fed meat wherever you can, or better yet find a local farmer. It’s not only much tastier, but it’s also much better for your health.


 7. Tap Water

Staying hydrated is absolutely fundamental to good health. And no surprise, given that our bodies are 55-60% water. So while we would never recommend you put down your water glass, it might be better to make the switch over to filtered water. While your water is absolutely drinkable when it comes out of the tap, it’s also treated with a number of chemicals, including chlorine, which can have significant negative effects on your gut bacteria.

Don’t forget about the presence of antibiotics and other chemicals.  When we consume antibiotics either as medicine or through our food supply, they get processed by our body and released into our wastewater, which is then sometimes recycled for drinking water. While it is (of course) processed before it makes its way back to your tap, the water can still have the residue of antibiotics in it, which in turn affects your gut microbiome.

Try this instead: This one’s an easy fix! You can easily put a filter under the sink or tabletop filter and go for filtered water instead of tap.


8. Eggs & Chicken

Eggs aren’t bad if the chickens were raised responsibly. While eggs that come from chickens who are fed a healthy diet, allowed roaming, and not dosed up with antibiotics are generally fine for your health; your standard factory farm-raised eggs are not. Again, it comes down to the possibility of getting those residual antibiotics, hormones, steroids, and genetically modified components into your food.

Try this instead: Eggs are one of the easiest foods to find healthy alternatives for, so by all means, keep up the omelets––just make sure your eggs are coming from happy, drug-free, free-range chickens. Ask farmers if they use GM grain! Yes, I’ve paid $6-$7/doz (.50/egg) for years. I’m worth it and so is your family.


9. Farmed Fish

Have you been to a fish farm?! 

Conventionally farmed fish are often kept in overcrowded pools and fed a diet that’s not ideal for their health. To compensate, the people raising the fish often give them antibiotics directly or in their food, which can then be passed on to you. Also, farmed fish are often fed growth hormones and genetically modified corn that can deplete your beneficial bacteria.

Another potential issue is that some types of larger fish have high levels of mercury in their flesh. Not only is that bad for your overall health, but heavy metals are also associated with lowered levels of good gut bacteria. Consume larger fish (tuna, swordfish, orange roughy) in moderation and stick to smaller fish. 

Try this instead: Consume only wild-caught fish and smaller fish (salmon, sea bass, flounder, cod). Don’t be afraid to ask your server when dining out where the fish came from and if it is wild-caught or farm-raised. 


10. Genetically Modified (GM) Foods- Are you Roundup-ready?

GM foods were introduced in 1990. One of the main areas of focus is the negative effects that glyphosate (an herbicide used in growing some GM foods) has on the gut microbiome. Other research points to changes in the genes of the microbiome: one study has shown that when humans digest genetically-modified foods, the artificially-created genes transfer into the bacteria of the gut and alter their function.

Try this instead: Look for foods that are grown using traditional methods with non-GMO ingredients.


In our modern Western culture, chances are you’re going to eat some ice cream, (enjoy our cookie dough energy bites), or have a glass of tap water every now and then, so don’t worry if you can’t avoid all of these things all the time. You’re not doomed to poor gut health. Instead, do what you can to live a gut-healthy life by taking the best possible care of your body, and giving your microbiome the support it needs to thrive—like making healthy changes to your diet and taking a premium probiotic to replenish your beneficial gut bacteria. 

A healthy microbiome is so fundamental to your well-being, and it’s so easy to get started on your journey to optimal gut health. A switched-out ingredient here, a water filter there, and you’ll have already made some great strides in supporting your gut. We know you can do it- believe us when we say that your gut will thank you for it! 

  1. Bonus: Hand sanitizers and disinfectant wipes are notorious for destroying your good bacteria. Stop it! Use essential oil-based products that do not kill good bacteria. We need to be exposed to germs, viruses, etc. Living in a bubble will wreak havoc in the near future. SmartSilver is our favorite! It’s hydrosol, not a colloidal silver so there is no toxicity. To kill viruses you can swab your nose, diffuse it, and more! Ask us to send you a recommendation as it’s a healthcare professional grade. 

We understand life is busy! We want simple solutions as much as you. Here are some super simple changes that you can start to make today:  

  • Probiotics- We’ve all heard of them, right? But did you know that there is such a thing as prebiotics and postbiotics too? These are all great options. Remember to switch it up! Variety is key to supporting all the good bacteria in your body. Here is one of my favorites


  • Digestive Enzymes – These enzymes will help break your food down so your body can digest and assimilate the nutrients. 


  • Organic Plants- Making sure you are adding in more organic plants, daily, will help your body get more nutrients, naturally. (Did you know the chewing motion stimulates digestive enzymes? So the more you chew your greens, the more your body can actually absorb what they have to offer). Struggling to eat your greens, try drinking them. This powdered produce provides 37 different ones. 


  • Fiber – We aren’t overweight, we are over-toxic. We NEED fiber to detox. Eat lots of clean plants and add a scoop of clean plant fiber powder to beverages. Conventional retail fiber products contain chemicals and GM ingredients that disrupt our gut. 

One thing you can count on from us, we will always talk about gut health and why it is so important to our lives. Our goal is to live disease free and this is how we start! We don’t just suggest others follow these suggestions, we follow them too. 


If you are feeling overwhelmed or need help getting started, you can book a free consultation with me. We love hearing what has and hasn’t worked for others. Follow us on Facebook and join our women-only group! 

bowl of cabbage soup naturopathic doctor digestive health gut health

Cabbage Roll Soup

Cabbage roll soup brings back so many memories of my mom’s stuffed cabbage rolls or Golumpki. Golumpki is a traditional Polish dish and a labor of love. My dad was Polish and my mom was Czech so we had lots of great food to experience. I don’t know about your family, but my family bonded over food. Do you ever feel kinda yucky and you want your mom’s homemade chicken soup? Or smell corn beef and cabbage and remember New Year’s Day with your grandparents? 

Food often brings families together! I know I love making my mother’s cookies (with modifications) for Christmas and sharing our memories of her while we gobble them down. This cabbage soup brings back all the good feelings for me. It was one of my favorites (which I hold right up there with Kolache and Pierogies). And I wonder why I ended up with gluten intolerance?! 

The recipe is easy and only took about 15 minutes to prep and chop the veggies. I used my food processor so the cabbage was a bit finer. 

A friend shared this recipe but it seemed a bit heavy on the tomato side. So I made modifications to suit my needs and it turned out delicious. I was looking for an easy Christmas Day meal and it was perfect. It was full of flavor and nostalgia. And with record colds here in South Carolina, it was even better. I love to serve this soup with gluten-free crackers or bread. My favorite GF organic cracker is Mary’s Gone Crackers. Simple Kneads bread is my favorite. They don’t use “junk” grains (rice, potato starch, tapioca) like most gluten-free breads do. They use ancient grains such as quinoa, millet, pumpernickel, etc. 


  • 2 tsp coconut oil
  • 1 lb lean ground beef or ground chuck
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 medium yellow onion diced finely
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced*
  • 4 cups chopped green cabbage
  • 2 medium carrots, diced
  • 4 cups low-sodium beef broth
  • 2 8 oz. cans tomato sauce
  • 1/2 cup organic white rice uncooked
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 3 tbsp light brown sugar (I used organic coconut sugar)
  • 2 tbsp fresh chopped parsley (optional)



  1. In a dutch oven or large soup pot, heat oil over medium-high heat and add ground beef.
  2. Season ground beef with salt and pepper as desired and cook until browned.
  3. Add diced onion and minced *garlic and cook for another 2-3 minutes, until onions are tender.
  4. Add in chopped cabbage, carrots, tomato sauce, beef broth, white rice, bay leaf, and brown sugar and stir to combine.
  5. Bring soup to a simmer and let cook for about 30-40 minutes, until rice and carrots are tender.
  6. Take out the bay leaf and sprinkle with chopped parsley.
  7. Serves 6

*Note: Be sure to mince your garlic at least 10 minutes in advance of cooking to release the allicin (the therapeutic property in garlic)

What was your favorite meal growing up? Is it still your favorite? If it’s changed, what is it now? We would love for you to join our FaceBook group and share your answers! Our group is full of women who are on the same healing journey as you and we would love for you to join us. 

And if you have questions on your health, gut, hormones or any female health need, schedule with me here.


Quinoa Mango Black Bean Salad

Black Bean Mango Quinoa Salad

Black bean mango quinoa salad is my go-to for lunch. Why do I love this, let me count the ways…mangos, avocado, cilantro, etc are a few reasons! Because quinoa is a complete protein, you can serve it as your main meal. There are so many health and environmental benefits to eating quinoa. I love incorporating quinoa dishes into my week as it digests easily which keeps me feeling energized. It’s a great Meatless Monday (or Tuesday, Wednesday, etc) option to make the transition to eating less meat.

As always, purchase organic in everything when possible. Approximately 90% of everything we purchase is organic or grown naturally. It’s how I’ve avoided taking any meds or over-the-counters for the past 20 years.  We can’t control many of the environmental toxins, but we have some control over what we put in our mouths. We aren’t overweight, we are over-toxic.

This dish is naturally gluten-free and vegan so enjoy! Plus it is a great dish to bring to a carry-in or potluck. Want more quinoa recipes, check this one out.


1 cup of dry quinoa

2 cups of organic spinach

1/2 cup of fresh cilantro

3 green onions, chopped

1/2 lemon, juiced

2 teaspoons cumin

Salt and pepper to taste (I use pink Himalayan salt)

1 can (15-ounce) black beans, rinsed

2 mangoes, cubed

1 avocado, cubed


1. Prepare quinoa and rice cooker or on stove top according to package directions let cool.

2. In your food processor add the spinach cilantro green onions lemon juice cumin salt and pepper.

3. Processor until smooth like a pesto. Stop and scrape down the sides a few times.

4. Add sauce to the quinoa as soon as the quinoa is cooked this will help the quinoa absorb all the flavor.

5. Add the black beans and mango. You can either mix the avocado in the salad or add it while plating. I like to add it fresh to my plate each time which is just a personal preference!

Toss gently. Makes 4 to 6 servings.

Love this recipe. Let me know in the comments.  Need help transitioning to a whole foods diet. I’d love to help you with that too.


Day 3 of My Detox

Day 3 of my detox has been another new experience. The headaches have subsided, except for one very brief one. However, my tongue was heavily coated and white. It was quite disgusting and now I wish I had taken a photo of it.

The hunger wasn’t a problem at all but, I was sick of drinking the same thing. I realized I’m such a variety girl. I don’t do well eating or drinking the same foods over and over.  I love all juices but was losing my desire for these quickly. I made it through each of them deciding to pass on the final Mean Green juice. I skipped it and went to the almond Mylk which is the final drink of each day! It’s a wonderful blend of dates, almonds, vanilla and sea salt.

I decided to retire early as I knew when I would awaken that I could break the fast if I chose to.  Sleep and rest is so important during a fast. This is when the body and mind rebuild and repair. Unfortunately, I was wide awake and actually almost wired. It was as if I had drank caffeine! One theory is that fasting can create abnormal adrenaline secretion that can also cause insomnia.

Another concern with people detoxing is that they will spend the day in the bathroom. By day three the colon was moving more than in the previous two days but nothing that would impact my normal routine. When there isn’t much going in, there isn’t much coming out…besides liquids!

Day 4 wasn’t much different than the previous three. I wasn’t really that hungry so I added a half scoop of plant protein to my Mean Green juice. It was a whole lot more appealing this way!

So bottom-line, I would definitely do this cleanse again. If you have an organic juice bar in your town, take advantage of the convenience.  It was so easy having the juices pre-made and a detailed guide of what I needed to drink and when.

My positive results: 1) I was unable to eat as much as I had been when I returned to a whole food diet. 2) I lost about six pounds and 3) eliminated sugar cravings and 4) experienced a great sense of accomplishment in taking control of my eating habits!

Are you ready to drop the weight and lose the sugar cravings? Let me know as I’d love to help.

Brain with a missing puzzle piece

Reasons to Consider Neurotransmitter Testing

Reasons to consider neurotransmitter testing. Not sure if you should invest in this type of health testing? I’ve been helping women for years and I’ve honestly found few women who wouldn’t benefit. But, I’ll let you decide.

Did you know 85% of our health issues are related to our emotional health? Most practitioners don’t even consider this when putting together a plan for rebalancing the body. When we work holistically, we always consider the three key areas of stress in order which are Emotional, Nutritional/Chemical, and Physical. Our goal is to reduce the stressors we can on our bodies in these areas.

If you are feeling the effects of the following signs, you may want to consider Neurotransmitter Testing:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Low Energy or Extreme Fatigue
  • Low Pain Tolerance
  • Addictive Behaviors
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Foggy Thinking
  • Low Motivation

As we know, many factors can cause emotional/mental imbalances. The combination of many different hormones in our bodies does its best to regulate that balance but sometimes they just cannot. Below you find the hormones listed that are tested in the Neurotransmitter test. By testing and finding out the excesses and deficiencies of these hormones, we are then better equipped to know what the next steps should be to help.


Components included in the test panel are as follows:
  • Serotonin
  • GABA
  • Dopamine
  • Epinephrine
  • Norepinephrine
  • Glutamate
  • DHEA
  • 4 Cortisols

The testing utilizes a combination of saliva and urine samples. These tests are ordered and delivered to you, to be completed in your home.

View a sample NeuroAdrenal report.

With Neurotransmitter testing, you can achieve more happiness and the emotional/mental balance you desire. With a simple urine sample and saliva for cortisol, we can help you interpret your test reports and develop a unique plan to balance the body using amino acids, supplements, diet, and lifestyle modifications.

The goal is a healthier, happier, more energetic life mentally, emotionally, and physically. Let us know if we can help you answer questions or get started with your health testing needs.

Hip issues in bulldogs

Hip Issues in Bulldogs

Hip Issues in Bulldogs

Hip issues in bulldogs are more common than people know. Medium to large breed dogs such as bulldogs can be prone to hip dysplasia, where the socket portion does not fully cover the ball portion. As a result, the joint degenerates, causing the dog pain and making it difficult to walk. Watching our beloved fur baby struggle with hip and joint issues was so difficult.

What Causes Hip Dysplasia in Dogs?

Hip dysplasia is a genetic disorder, so genetics is a key factor to consider when adopting a breed. Large breeds are more likely to suffer from hip dysplasia. Breeds such as Great Danes, Saint Bernards, German Shepherds, Bulldogs, and Retrievers. However, smaller dogs, such as Pugs and French Bulldogs, can develop hip dysplasia.

Diet, lifestyle and exercise play a major role in how your dog is impacted by hip dysplasia. One of the reasons we started making her food.

Baylee’s amazing recovery story

Baylee is our beloved English bulldog. She is 10 years old and was healthy and happy until about one year ago she was unable to use her back leg and her hips were completely giving out when she was standing or walking. We had to start lifting her onto the sofa, our bed (bought her stairs), and into the car. We could tell she was experiencing joint pain and hip dysplasia.

We purchased her own orthopedic bed thinking that may help. I truly thought the end of her life was near and it was heartbreaking as you could tell she was in pain. Her 2-mile walks were cut down to only 2-3 blocks as she would be bedridden the day after from the pain. The joy she normally showed for our adventures was overshadowed by how uncomfortable she was after.

We hired a vet acupuncturist to come to our home. This helped for a few days after each treatment but didn’t seem to offer long-term results.

The vet just said to put her on pain meds daily for the rest of her life which wasn’t going to fix the problem and could destroy her gut, plus shorten her life span. We had her on the highest quality food, and professional-grade supplements (probiotics, omegas, and enzymes), and I even started making her (yes, organic) food. All of these things seemed to help some but she was nowhere near back to herself.

Then, we discovered liquid pet collagen.

hip issues in bulldogs

After the second month, she was walking using her leg, with no more collapsing hips, and walking like normal!! I started her on it twice daily.

She is now back to bounding to the door to greet visitors just like she used to. She’s so much happier and I can tell her discomfort level has drastically been reduced! It’s as easy as putting a few dropper fulls per day on her food (based on the animal’s weight). I’m so grateful that someone shared liquid pet collagen with me so I wanted to share it with you. This fur baby’s momma is forever grateful. If you’d like to try it with your family pet, take $10 off your first order on me.

Helping reduce hip issues and joint discomfort in bulldogs or any breed is critical. I’ve heard from pet owners who felt they had no other choice but to euthanize their pets to eliminate their suffering. You now have options! If you know someone who has a pet, please share this post.

And please do not wait until your pet shows debilitating symptoms. I wish someone would have shared it with me earlier. We spent thousands of dollars that may have helped some. But nothing provided the dramatic improvement that pet collagen did. So please try it today was less than $40 with my discount code. And please let me know how it helps your fur baby.


13 Self Care Gift Ideas

Curious about what tools would make your wellness journey easier? Here are 13 self care gift ideas just for you!  I’d like to share my most cherished wellness products and services that I love and use daily.  These tools have literally transformed my health and my clients plus make being healthy so easy.

Share this list with your loved ones for a subtle hint or ensure it is in your wellness regimen by purchasing one for yourself….you are worth it!

This shopping can be accomplished from the comfort of your home.  No fighting crowds, burning fossil fuels, or wasting precious hours of your time. Contact us if we can help at or by calling 812-461-8922.

1. Vitamix. Oh, how you have made my life in the kitchen simpler and much more fun.  I used to despise being in the kitchen, as I hated to cook.  Vitamix is an all-one tool that does it all from freezing “nice” cream to heating soup in one container.

It also acts as a food processor so you can cut the salad greens/cabbage and make the dressing in it as well.  If that wasn’t enough the beautiful, full-color, freestanding recipe books are worth the price alone.  Backed with a full 7-year warranty makes it my number one wellness gift.

2. Essential Oils. These gifts from God have supported our holistic options for emotional balance and a way to replace toxic air fresheners. They provide a fun and safe way to teach our children natural forms to support the body. We have essential oil products to place in the stockings or full kits. We can fit any budget with prices ranging from $10-$200.

3. Chi Machine.  Fifteen minutes equals 90 minutes of walking from an oxygenation standpoint.  Need I say more?  I use mine twice a day each morning and each evening.  I call it my “lazy woman” exercise machine.  It supports my spine (scoliosis), and discomfort and stimulates the lymphatic system to safely detox.  It is great for stress reduction, improved sleep, and weight loss. Contact us for wellness provider-only discounts.

4. Infrared Pad is a portable source of heat and healing that I don’t leave home without.  Regular heating pads heat the outside of the body, Far Infrared Ray heat penetrates 2-3 inches into the subcutaneous tissue.  I use this with my pets as well to relieve joint pain.

5. Infrared Dome.  The Far Infrared Dome is similar to the pad except it is about five times as powerful.  It emits about 9-11 microns which is so powerful it can help detox heavy metals from the body.  The dome provides improved circulation as well as pain relief.  I use all three modalities together which includes the Chi Machine, Infrared pad on the back and the Infrared Dome on the front of the body.  It feels like a slice of heaven on earth!

6. Inversion Table.  A few minutes a day is an easy way to relieve back pain and pressure. Contact your chiropractor to see if an inversion table is right for you.

7. Essential Oil Cold Air Diffusers.  Cold air diffusers use therapeutic-grade essential oils and release them into the air to be used by the body.  The cold air process helps maintain the therapeutic value of the essential oil, unlike heat diffusers that destroy it.  The diffuser creates a spa-like atmosphere with these wonderful aromas in your home that help heal without the toxic chemicals that synthetic air fresheners emit.

Modere Cellproof skincare

Award-winning skincare

8. CellProof Skincare. Finding skincare that is safe and effective is beyond challenging. However, Modere CellProof skincare has exceeded most people’s expectations for the highest quality products available. It’s a system where you can feel the difference and see it! If this is your first order, you can save money using the special discount code.

9. Q Link Pendant EMF Protection. Electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) are transmitted from wireless networks, phones, tablets, PCs, and all electronic devices.  Exposure to EMFs can impact sleep, energy, emotional balance, and productivity.  I’ve been using these for years and wouldn’t be around technology without them.  I used to feel drained at the end of the day after working at my computer and now I remain energized!

10. QLink Clear EMF Protection – These are great stocking stuffers and protection for your children and grandchildren that will last a lifetime. It is the same protection as the pendant but adheres to your electronic device. It supports your body’s natural defenses against EMFs.

11. Norwex Cleaning products. Oh, how you make my life easier! I love the enviro cloths, travel cloths, mops and just about everything they offer. Let me know what part of cleaning you dislike, and I’ll share how they make cleaning safer, easier, and save you money.

12. Massage Therapy. How do I love thee, let me count the ways!  Massage Therapy is not a once-a-year luxury.  It should be part of your regular health maintenance program to receive at least monthly. The benefits are endless from relieving aches and pain, detox, and building the immune system.  If you don’t have a favorite massage therapist, ask a friend who sees one regularly or contact us for a local referral.

13. Wellness Gift Certificates from B Renewed. Consider a comprehensive Wellness Review to determine where your body is out of balance. Improving energy, reducing stress, and dropping excess weight are easy once you know what’s out of balance.  Show yourself or someone some love by purchasing a gift certificate today. Call 812-461-8922.

Benefits of Collagen

Benefits of Collagen

What are the benefits of collagen and why is it important to understand what you are buying? We are hearing about and seeing it everywhere. Do we need it, does it work, and which one is best? I’m probably a little late to this game but I like to sit back and observe before I jump on the next health bandwagon. Let’s start by looking at what it is and the benefits.

What is Collagen?

Collagen is considered a complex and primary protein comprised of 19 different amino acids. It is a key structural component that forms connective tissue and skin. In layman’s terms, it’s the glue that holds our bodies together. Collagen is a great way to get more amino acids which most of us need. And I also see a high amount of protein deficiency in women as well. We seem to be a bit more “carboholic” in nature.

Benefits of Collagen

Improved Health of Skin and Hair

As we age, collagen production declines. Unfortunately, production starts to decline as early as age 25, and continues. It decreases even more in women after menopause. Collagen also decreases as a result of other factors such as smoking, sugar intake, and ultraviolet rays. You’ll notice it physically in looser skin, more wrinkles, and less elasticity.  There is no way to prevent collagen decreases in the body. However, adding collagen to your diet can help your skin look firmer, increase smoothness, and help your skin cells keep renewing and repairing.

mature woman seeing signs of aging

Signs of aging with decreased collagen

Double-blind, placebo-controlled studies show anti-aging properties of collagen have found that 2.5–5 grams of collagen hydrolysate used among women aged 35–55 once daily for eight weeks significantly improved skin elasticity, skin moisture, water loss (dryness), and skin roughness, all with little to no side effects.

When skin loses its elasticity as a result of decreased collagen, there’s another side effect: more visible cellulite. Because your skin is now thinner, cellulite becomes more evident. Collagen for skin helps its elasticity and may help reduce potential dimpling.

Collagen reduces joint discomfort

It also improves joint mobility and lubrication as well as promotes healthy cartilage and connective tissue.

Which brand is best?

I decided to trial collagen and chose the Modere brand after watching a friend use it and she ended up dropping weight, reduced joint discomfort, and looking like she turned back the hands of time several years with her radiant skin. I was impressed learning the product also contained hyaluronic acid. I had learned from my many aesthetician friends that HA is the secret to younger-looking skin.

Speaking of skin, they have a general product call Biocell Life and another one specifically for skin called Biocell Skin.

Features of Biocell Life

  • Contains award-winning, multi-patented Collagen/HA Matrix Technology®
  • Clinically proven
  • Provides 13 phytonutrient-rich superfoods + resveratrol
  • Great-tasting natural fruit flavor
  • Non-GMO, gluten-free, dairy-free
  • 15 calories per serving, 3g carbs

Every product is formulated with their exclusive Collagen/HA Matrix® Technology to support joint and muscle fitness and connective tissue health, counteract skin photo-aging, restore youthful skin, and support healthy hair, nails, gums, and eyes.*

Biocell Life Liquid Collagen

Clinical trials show that Liquid BioCell® counteracts
the skin’s natural aging and photoaging from the inside out.
It reduces deep lines and wrinkles, eliminates dryness,
increases skin’s collagen content, and improves skin’s
microcirculation, hydration, and skin tone.*

My Experience

The serving size states one tablespoon per day. However, I heard that you receive faster results by taking one tablespoon am and one pm. The downside is that I ran out before my next shipment. However, it helped me realize how much it was helping me. I don’t experience joint pain so didn’t know what to expect besides hoping to look a few years younger! Well after running out for almost a week, I could really tell the difference. I just felt better overall (improved vitality) when taking it and my skin looks and feels healthier. This is something I will not go a day without and now keep a backup bottle! I hope you will give it a try. Here is a discount on your first order.

Sharing the Love

Save $10 on your first bottle with this special code.

Please keep me posted on your experience!



Healy Frequency Device

Healy is a microcurrent medical device that has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the relief of acute, chronic, and arthritis pain and muscle soreness due to overexertion. Healy also has non-medical applications that use individualized frequencies to help balance your mind and body and relieve stress. Always use your Healy in accordance with its Instructions for Use. Have you heard of the Healy Frequency Device?

I’ve purchased my Healy wearable and can’t wait to experience the benefits of balancing my body and mind. This new technology to the U.S. will create another option in the field of holistic or energy healing. Healy is a certified wearable that uses individualized frequencies to help balance your mind and body and relieve stress.

Energy healing is a traditional healing system that restores the balance and flow of energy throughout the body, mind, and soul. This technique works directly with the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of well-being.

As a Naturopath, we studied energy and frequencies as a natural way to balance the body. Essential oils are a great example of how the high levels of frequencies from plants can balance the body, especially from an emotional perspective.

Healy offers you applications to help you stay fit, and bioenergetically regenerate and reduce pain. It is designed to support you in stressful situations during the day, plus help you recover more easily and experience peace in the evening.

Healy is meant to help you to increase your vitality to improve the flow of your energy reserves and activate your energy reservoirs.

What is Healy? Watch this 3 minute video.

Healy Resonance

The HealAdvisor App and its recommendations are meant to guide you in getting the best use of the Healy frequency programs, not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or provide medical advice. If you believe you may have a medical condition, always consult a healthcare professional.
The content displayed by the HealAdvisor App does not constitute medical advice, which can only be provided by a medical professional. The Healy programs and other advice are recommendations that depend on user input. If you have or suspect you may have a medical condition, or if you are under the care of a healthcare professional, you should consult your practitioner before following these recommendations.

Go directly to my website for Healy product pricing or contact us at if you would like to learn more.

Adrenal Fatigue: How Does it Develop

Although adrenal fatigue represents a physical energy breakdown, it can be brought on by any kind of stress – physical or emotional. Many types of stress, if severe enough or of long enough duration, can result in adrenal fatigue.

Essentially, stress depletes vital nutrients faster than they can be replaced by your normal dietary intake. You will need two to three times the amounts of nutrients. As the body’s nutrient reserves become depleted, the energy producing glands, the thyroid and adrenal glands, are unable to function normally (maintain homeostasis) and symptoms begin to appear, or present symptoms are magnified.

An inadequate diet and excess processed foods, can hasten the process. However, adrenal fatigue can occur in the presence of an adequate whole food diet. This is what happened in my case which proves stress trumps a healthy diet. I had been eating clean, organic and non-GMO for about ten years when I was diagnosed. Consuming a whole, clean food diet was key to my quick recovery. However, it doesn’t mean if you aren’t eating this way that you can’t recover quickly. 

How to determine if you have adrenal fatigue? Salivary Hormone & Neurotransmitter testing are two ways. Contact a Naturopath, DO, or an Integrative Physician to start the testing as they can guide you through a protocol.

Adrenal insufficiency is commonly associated with the following symptoms, which can vary from mild to extreme. I see it much more in women and sadly in teens. Think about parents who keep their kids going 24/7 in sports, school pressures, social activities, etc. We really need to examine the message we are sending, priorities, keeping balance and protecting their health and preventing adrenal stress.

  • need for excessive amounts of sleep and waking up feeling exhausted after you have slept. This is not to be confused with the person who lives on 4-6 hours of sleep. They truly just need sleep!
  • fatigue, low stamina
  • decreased tolerance to cold – poor circulation
  • low blood sugar level (hypoglycemia)
  • low blood pressure
  • apathy or depression
  • low self-esteem due to low energy output
  • joint aches and pains
  • low levels of gastric hydrochloric acid (gas, bloating, AR)
  • constipation
  • muscle weakness
  • fears, due to low energy and secondary copper toxicity
  • lowered resistance to infection
  • subnormal body temperature

Causes of Adrenal Insufficiency

  • Genetics can affect the adrenal glands. Also, genetic defects can be a cause of physical and emotional stress that can weaken the adrenal glands.
  • Congenital Weakness- Congenital means present at birth. However, it is not related to the genes. It is caused by nutritional deficiencies of the mother that are passed on to the child. It may also be caused by toxic metals or other toxins passed on from the mother’s body that interfere with the functioning of the adrenal glands. This is a common cause of adrenal insufficiency today.
  • Nutritional Imbalances- These can begin early in childhood with inadequate diets, diet inappropriate for one’s oxidation type, poor food quality, or digestive problems that prevent proper nutrition. Even natural foods today often are low in vital minerals and do not provide adequate nutrition. Pesticides, heavy metals, bacteria, solvents and other organic chemicals can all act as stressors that weaken the adrenal glands.
  • Other possible stressors include pressures from family, school, work, social pressure, financial stress and others. People who force their bodies to “run or fight” all the time by any means will tend to exhaust their adrenal glands. The ‘fight-or-flight’ tendency must be balanced by adequate rest and sleep.
  • Most stimulants whip the adrenal glands. This may cause one to feel better for a while, but the long-term effect is to weaken the adrenal glands. Stimulants include sugar, alcohol, caffeine, theobromine in chocolate, amphetamines and other medical drugs. Chocolate was my drug of choice! Anger, fear and worry can act as stimulants as well.
  • Infections, Energetic and Structural Imbalances. These are all internal stressors that, if left uncorrected, can eventually weaken the adrenal glands by forcing the body to mount a chronic stress response to these irritants.
  • Toxic Substances. These may include chlorine in water (chlorinated swimming pools), polluted air, mercury from dental fillings or seafood, household chemicals, food additives, pesticide exposure, dusts, molds and pollen’s.
  • Mental Attitude. One’s attitude makes a great difference in determining the stress response. Worry, fear, anger and resentment tend to increase the stress response. An attitude of gratitude, and compassion for oneself and others tends to diminish the stress response. Understanding the impermanence of the body and the world we live in, emotional detachment and detachment from all form, and a single-minded desire to extend love can greatly diminish the stress response. 
  • Doing vs Being.  You can still have healthy ambition, challenging goals and enjoy life without going into overdrive. There are two type of people that when stressed either go into overdrive (that’s me) or those that shut down. Neither is good, just recognize your mode and find someone to help you work through it.  I have a heart centered coach that helps me.

The adrenal glands are often referred to as the stress glands or the fight-or-flight glands. The fight-or-flight response is the way our bodies respond to stress and is mediated by the adrenal medulla.

The stress response prepares the body to run or fight. Blood pressure, pulse rate and blood sugar levels increase. Blood is directed away from the digestive organs and toward the muscles and brain. The pupils dilate and the speed of reflexes increases.

The stress response is caused by the action of the adrenal hormones. Symptoms of adrenal insufficiency can be directly traced to a reduced secretion of these hormones when under stress. Adrenal hormones are divided into two groups, those produced in the adrenal medulla and those produced in the adrenal cortex.

Hormones produced in the medulla are epinephrine and norepinephrine. These are powerful, fast-acting neurotransmitters which initiate the fight-flight response. They are also sometimes called adrenaline and noradrenalin. The hormones produced by the adrenal cortex are aldosterone, cortisol and cortisone. The cortical hormones have a slower, more prolonged action.

Tomorrow I will share….how I healed.