Quieting the mind can heal

Quieting the mind can heal Silence is God's first language; everything else is a poor translation. In order to hear that language, we must learn to be still and to rest in God— Thomas Keating What brings you to the brink? –that tipping point that finally turns you away from your old habits and turns you to healing and wholeness? For me turning 30 was the tipping point –I knew I didn’t have the stamina to run from life anymore – neither, I hated to admit, could I control it. Old hurts, consequences of my choices, the challenges of marriage and family life brought me to the brink. I had to make the…

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Do You (or your child) Have Symptoms of Burnout?

Do You (or your child) Have Symptoms of Burnout? If you are experiencing low energy or fatigue, your body may be in burnout mode.  The main physical symptom that identified burnout is overwhelming fatigue upon awakening after eight to ten hours sleep or after a short nap.  Bottom line, you feel exhausted. Your body can recover after a good night’s sleep with simple fatigue where burnout cannot be corrected solely by rest. Other symptoms of burnout may include: Craving for sweets due to a need for a quick energy source Lowered resistance to disease and/or infections Changes in appetite, alternating from ravenous to no appetite at all Reduced…

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What’s Lurking in your Pantry?

What’s Lurking in your Pantry? One service that I offer and love is a Pantry Purge.  It doesn’t happen very often as most women are a bit intimidated and maybe even a little embarrassed to let me puruse their pantry.  I have been dubbed the "food Nazi" you know. So, this last purge was quite rewarding as I was able to help some of our best friends on their wellness journey by helping clean up their pantry.  They were the perfect clients who did what I recommended, no whining, excuses or complaining.  I love this type clients not because it makes my life  easier (as it does) but…

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Are You Trapped? Part 2 Cancer is Not a Mystery Disease

So many people are "trapped" and they don't even know it.  They are sick, diagnosed with disease or still trying to figure it out and/or depending on the medical community to do so.  They are experiencing pain, discomfort and a miserable life.  I know this, but I can't seem to save them... And what about their kids? If they don't know how to escape the grips of disease and sickness, their children will endure the same grueling life full of pain, discomfort and quite possibly premature death.  According to Dr. David Katz, M.D., "this may be the first generation of children to have a shorter life expectancy than…

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Cancer isn’t a mystery disease – Part 2

Cancer isn't a mystery disease. Part 2 The first article in this series is: Trapped! Pt 1: The mindset that propagates continued sickness if you haven't already read it please consider doing so. So many people are "trapped" and they don't even know it.  They are sick, diagnosed with disease or still trying to figure it out and/or depending on the medical community to do so.  They are experiencing pain,  discomfort and yes a slow painful debilitating life.   They could die a premature and painful death.  I know this, but I can't seem to save them... And what about their kids? If they don't know how to escape the…

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Food Additives and Preservatives = The Death of Wellness For Many

Food Additives and Preservatives = The Death of Wellness For Many Convenience foods are a way of life for many of us,  understandably so. For decades convenience has it has been ingrained into us since at least the 1950s when TV Dinners gained popularity. A visit to the grocery store clearly illustrates our preferences for prepackaged, prepared, convenience foods. The problem isn't the convenience factor, it is the fact that we've placed our trust in food manufacturers and government agencies, whose main goal isn't to provide the safest most wholesome food options. Rather their main goal is just to make lots of money. Today's convenience foods are laden with…

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Healthy Digestion and You

Healthy Digestion and You You've heard the saying, "you are what you eat" but realistically we should say, "you are what you digest!".  Eating the same foods daily or processed food with sugar, fat and sodium in excess is over burdening the body and disrupting the digestive process. Even if you strive to eat well, our food system is working against you. Foods are laden with processed junk that is nutritionally void and jam-packed with other toxins your body doesn't know what to do with! Healthy digestion is essential to optimal health. The food you eat should fuel your body but if your digestion isn't up to par…

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Are you Toxic? Take the Quiz!

Are you Toxic? Take the Quiz! We've, been discussing toxicity lately so I thought I'd share this fun quiz on toxicity. Take the quiz and add up your points. At the end check out your score to see if you are toxic. 1. How many servings of fruits or vegetables do you consume? 1 per day = 1, 3 per day = -1, 5+ per day = -2 2. How often do you consume whole grains (such as brown or wild rice, millet, quinoa or barley) and/or natural fiber? almost never = 3, once a week= 2, 3 times a week = 1, at least once a day=…

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The Alarm

The Alarm I woke up before the alarm today, thank God.  I really despise alarms.  Alarms are loud, set our nerves on end, disrupt us from our focus (usually much needed sleep) and force us to take action immediately. My first thought this morning was that this is just like our health.  The alarm signifies our “wake up” call.  We may have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis or God forbid cancer. Every day we make choices.  We either say YES to health and NO to disease/sickness or we say YES to disease/sickness and NO to health.  There really is no in between. We can…

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