Health Issues & body symptoms that indicate changes need to be made.

Health Concerns about Genetically Engineered Foods

Meet Jane or should I say meet Jane’s legs. This is a visual of why there are health concerns about Genetically Engineered Foods. Jane was eating a conventional GE/GMO glyphosate diet when we met. Four months later, her legs are healed. Although this may be a minor inconvenience, it could have developed into a major chronic illness.

My Journey with Genetically Engineered Foods

In my 30’s I was diagnosed with a long list of health issues I researched the health concerns of Genetically Engineered foods and it all made sense. Suffering from allergies, asthma, Irritable Bowel Syndrome  (IBS), severe hormonal imbalances and depression plus ongoing bouts with flu, and sinus infections, I was miserable.

Ironically in the 1990’s, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) or Genetically Engineered foods were introduced to the public.

Genetic engineering (GE) is where scientists take genes from bacteria, viruses, or other sources and inject them into the DNA of a plant. A plant that humans would consume.

80-90% of soy, corn, canola, and sugar beets produced are GE and these are found in 75% of our food supply.

Another concern in our food system is the level of herbicides, some of which are being injected into the seeds of our food. Glyphosate is the chemical constituent of Roundup and used in conjunction with GE crops. The Cornucopia Institute concluded a study finding glyphosate “exerted proliferative effects in human hormone-dependent breast cancer”.

In previous years, the World Health Organization, GMOs stated that GE foods are “probably carcinogenic to humans”. As of 2020, I’m no longer able to find this statement on their site.

Furthermore, studies were conducted and published in 2012 led by French Molecular Biologist, Gilles-Eric Saralini, as one of many scientists concerned over GE crops.  Rodents tested consumed a diet of GE/GMO food and the research included data such as:

Research from French Biologist Gilles-Eric Seralini

Research from French Biologist Gilles-Eric Seralini


  • tumors
  • inability to reproduce by the 3rd generation
  • immune system responses & toxicity
  • stomach lining showed excessive cell growth, this can correlate to cancer, organ lesions, altered liver & pancreas cells, and changed enzyme levels

As a Digestive Health Specialist, the change in enzyme levels resonated with me. Enzymes are vital to life specifically to digestion, assimilation, and thus a strong immune system. A strong immune system helps prevents chronic diseases such as cancer.

According to Dr. Don Huber, professor of plant pathology at Purdue, glyphosate draws the vital nutrients out of living things. It removes the nutritional value of GM foods. Therefore, I don’t think it was a coincidence when I removed GE/GMO along with glyphosate inundated foods from my diet, that every health issue went away.

For the past 15 years, I’ve maintained a predominantly whole, clean diet, and shared this concept with others to see them experience the same. To show you a visual of this from one of my clients, see the before and after of Jane’s legs.  Janes Legs B4 11-25-14 Janes Legs after 4-2015

What do you think, coincidences or correlations? I would love to hear about your experience with GE/GMO foods. If you need help transitioning to whole, clean food and away from processed foods, I’d love to help you with that. Please contact us at (812) 461-8922 by call/text, or email for further information.

Health Issues and Heavy Metals

Health Issues and Heavy Metals

The presence of toxic metals and chemicals can potentially present serious health issues. A major concern today is that a large number of babies are born with high levels of toxic metals due to toxicity in the mothers. A review of over 400 medical studies by the US Environmental Protection Agency revealed that hair tissue mineral analysis is a beneficial test to detect toxic metals.

Toxic metals can cause hundreds of symptoms and contribute to many serious health conditions. There are no safe levels of toxic metals and reducing the presence of toxic metals is a primary goal of your nutritional balancing protocol.

Utilize Testing to Determine Levels of Heavy Metals

We utilize Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis to detect quantitatively the levels of toxic metals and chemicals in the body. This test does not provide levels of toxic chemicals such as pesticides and solvents. Hair tissue mineral analysis only detects metals present in the hair tissue. No test can detect all toxic metals as some are hidden deep within the tissues and organs. The unique value of hair mineral tissue analysis is not so much to detect toxic metals but to guide the balancing of body chemistry to assure their safe and swift removal. By using the seven methods, the metals will be removed without the need for synthetic chelators.

Toxic metals are often layered deep within body tissues. The recommended diet, supplementation, lifestyle, and detoxification program will slowly release layer after layer. Hidden metals will often be revealed on future mineral tests as they are eliminated through the hair, skin, and other eliminatory routes.

Most common Heavy Metals
The most common heavy metals and what we test for include:

  • lead
  • mercury
  • cadmium
  • arsenic
  • aluminum

In reference to the six steps to rebalancing the body, there are additional methods that I have found are effective. Infrared saunas can be extremely beneficial for heavy metal detoxification. Saunas are often more effective for heavy metal detox vacation than steam baths, hot tubs, or tub baths, by stimulating the skin, the largest organ of detoxification. They can also help enhance circulation and oxygenation of the body. The best times for using them are first thing in the morning or last in the evening before bedtime.

Symptoms of Heavy Metal Toxicity

  • diarrhea
  • nausea
  • abdominal pain
  • vomiting
  • shortness of breath
  • tingling in your hands and feet
  • chills
  • weakness

Balancing the Body 
Balancing the body requires time. In many cases, vital minerals have been replaced in the body tissues with toxic metals. These toxic metals are often bound in the tissues and may not show up in your initial hair tissue mineral analysis. The process of correct healing and rebuilding of body chemistry may require many months or even years depending on your condition at the beginning of the program. It is a well-known fact that it often takes six months to replenish one mineral, such as iron (reserves) in an individual with iron deficiency anemia. Additional factors such as diet, lifestyle, stress, and medications can all impact mineral levels and ratios which impact the rate of improvement and healing.

Six Steps to Rebalance the Body

Six different methods are used simultaneously within a dietary supplement and lifestyle program to assist in the reduction of toxic metals. These are

    1. Improve your energy level
    2. Provide support for the organs of elimination
    3. Reducing exposure
    4. Supplements with the heavy metal antagonist
    5. Supplement with natural heavy-metal chelators
    6. Recommend other natural detoxification methods

Healing and Retracing
Healing reactions are symptoms that accompany changes in body chemistry as deep healing occurs. Retracing is the process where the body goes back and revisits chronic conditions in order to heal them completely. These may include sites of infections or injuries. An inflammatory process may occur for a few days or less.

Most people experience half a dozen or more low-grade chronic infections of which they are not aware. These may flare up or become more painful as the healing process proceeds. Common sites are the eyes, ears, throat, sinuses, bladder, and intestines. These types of symptoms will usually pass within a few days with supportive measures such as additional rest and sleep. Also, be sure to contact your healthcare provider as they may have you temporarily stop your detox supplement protocol.

How Toxic Metals are Eliminated
When a heavy metal elimination occurs, toxic metals are first moved from storage tissues into the bloodstream. They are then sent to the liver, kidneys, bowel, and skin for removal from the body. During the time the toxic metals are present in the blood, you may experience symptoms such as a headache, fatigue, nausea, diarrhea constipation, or stomach pain.

These reactions are normal and part of the deep healing of the body. They usually pass within a day or two. It is best to temporarily stop your nutritional supplement protocol and rest more during this time. As always, drink plenty of purified water as well.

How to Get Started?

If you are ready to determine if you have heavy metals call, email, or text us to learn what the first steps are to testing. This will vary by individual depending on where you are at on your wellness journey. We’d love to help wherever you need us.

A Simple Weight Loss Strategy

How to Make Sole Water

Learning how to make sole water is key to:

  • Increase Hydration
  • Energy
  • Vibration
  • Cellular Communication 
  • Replenish Electrolytes with 84 Trace Minerals

I learned how to make sole water when I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue. So, I want to share how Sole water (pronounced So-Lay) helped me. This is a simple and cost-effective way to introduce beneficial minerals into our bodies.

Our adrenal glands need minerals for optimal function, and when we’re stressed, we need to replenish the minerals our bodies burn up. Ever felt light-headed if you stand up too fast? Feeling depleted, low energy, foggy? Adding in more minerals is a great place to start, and Sole water is a quick, easy, absorbable, plus cost-effective way to do it.

How to Make Sole Water:

  1. Fill a wide-mouth glass jar halfway up with Himalayan Crystal Stones.
  2. Add filtered water to the jar with the Stones in it.
  3. Let it sit for 24 hours allowing for the water to become fully saturated with Himalayan Crystal Salt.

The water in your jar has now transformed into Sole!

Keep the jar covered to avoid evaporation and dust. Don’t use metallic lids or spoons.

No special storage is needed. Simply keep the Sole jar on your kitchen counter for convenience and as a perpetual reminder!

Original Himalayan Crystal Stones should always be visible in the jar. Add new Stones before they have fully dissolved. Add new water as needed and let sit for 24 hours each time to ensure complete saturation before the next use.

How to Use Sole Water

When Himalayan Crystal Stones are dissolved in spring water, the solution created is called “SOLE” (so-lay).

Now, don’t be alarmed! You’re not drinking a huge glass of salt water!

How to make sole water Option #1

Add 1 teaspoon of Sole to an 8-ounce glass of your preferred drinking water.

Drink each morning on an empty stomach and then wait 30 minutes before eating.

How to make sole water Option #2

Add 1 teaspoon of Sole to 1 quart of your preferred drinking water and drink it throughout the day.

If, with either Option, the cleansing effect is too intense for you, simply reduce the amount of Sole to a couple of drops.

Sole is safe for children just reduce the amount of Sole added to their water to half a teaspoon.

Benefits of Sole Water

Overall benefits backed by clinical research:

  • Helps to stabilize pH for a healthier acid-alkaline balance
  • Helps to stabilize oxidative stress
  • Hydration indicators showed an average of ten percent increase
  • Plus, Original Himalayan Crystal Salt has not demonstrated any adverse side effects.

There are a few studies that explain why we would put Sole water in our bodies.

The first clinical study was conducted at the University of Graz, Austria in 2001, and is detailed in the book, Water & Salt, The Essence of Life.

At the end of the study, those who drank the Original Himalayan Crystal Salt Solecame very close to the range of normal health… while those who drank Sole made from common sea salt were at least 35% away from a normal range of wellness!

Participants who drank water mixed with Himalayan Crystal Salt® Sole enjoyed significant positive changes in respiratory, circulatory, organ, connective tissue, and nervous system functions.

Patients also reported increases in quality of sleep, energy, and concentration levels, brain activity, weight loss, enhanced consciousness, and noticeable hair and nail growth.

Q. I was advised to be on a low sodium diet, can I still use Sole?

A: The RDA for sodium is 2,300 mg per day. This is the amount that the human body needs for normal bodily functions. The average American consumes 3,400 mg of sodium, with most of this coming from processed foods. 1 teaspoon of Sole contains only 478 mg of sodium, less than 1/4 of the recommended daily allowance and therefore is beneficial as part of your low sodium requirements. The best way to reduce your sodium intake is to avoid processed foods.

Source or learn more:

Want to chat more about Sole or other options that could benefit your health? Schedule a Wellness Strategy here!



Why Estrogen Balance is Important

Why Estrogen Balance is Important

Why Estrogen Balance is Important

Estrogen is the name of the class of hormones related to the reproductive cycle.  It includes the three main estrogens called estrone, estradiol, and estriol.  Each of these plays a role in the hormonal balance in women.

In healthy premenopausal women, estrogen is made from progesterone and/or from androgens within the ovary’s cells. Estrogen is responsible for changes in young women at puberty and gives adult women their shapely curves. During childbearing years, estrogen rises during the first half of the menstrual cycle in preparation for pregnancy. Elevated estrogen causes water retention and weight gain, and too much estrogen can lead to excess fat and/or obesity.

There are good reasons for some of the negative effects on the body such as water retention and weight gain. In times of famine, an expectant mother would be able to store body fat.  During times of severe famine or nutritional deficiencies, when a woman would be unable to carry a pregnancy to term, the body stops the production of estrogen to prevent fertility. Most of us have not experienced a famine but a large majority of Western women are experiencing severe nutrient deficits, which is causing our bodies to stay in starvation mode.

In times of dietary abundance, estrogen’s effects can be harmful. When women consume more calories than needed, estrogen production increases to extreme levels and can create estrogen dominance and exaggerated estrogen decline at menopause.  Americans who consume diets high in animal fats, sugar, refined starches, and processed foods are creating estrogen levels twice as high as those in third-world countries. It is rare for western women to be truly deficient in estrogen but more likely they may be progesterone deficient, creating an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone levels.


Hormone imbalance is when estrogen becomes the dominant hormone and progesterone is deficient. The estrogen in excess becomes toxic to the body.  The imbalance causes symptoms such as:

  • Infertility
  • Endometriosis
  • PMS
  • Cramps
  • Headaches
  • Hot Flashes
  • Night Sweats
  • Weight gain
  • Heavy menstrual flow (menorrhagia)


The great news is there are natural ways to get your hormones back in balance.   You can begin to integrate these healthier, safer options and they will have a positive impact on your health and hormones:

  • Utilize gut health testing. The gut must be balanced before you can fully balance hormones.
  • Eliminate processed foods
  • Identify and eliminate toxic chemicals in the home and personal care
  • Avoid conventionally processed meat and dairy– high levels of estrogen – eat grass-fed instead or consider a more plant-based diet
  • Avoid Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and birth control pills
  • Consider a natural progesterone cream
  • Supplement your nutrition with a whole-food concentrate
  • Add essential fatty acids (EFAs) to your diet. EFA’s are crucial to hormone balance, fertility, and brain health.
  • Eat more organic fruits, vegetables, and greens especially cruciferous vegetables as they contain nutrients that use up bad or excess estrogen

You can also contact us to schedule an appointment for a personal consultation to discuss your hormonal imbalance issues and consider hormone testing.




Bonnie and her bulldog Baylee

How I Healed from Adrenal Fatigue

I’m passionate to share how I healed from adrenal fatigue. It’s a chronic condition that many, especially healthcare professionals, do not truly understand.

The healing process felt like an eternity but in reality, it was only about 9 months. That was record time as I was told it could take 2-5 years. Healing from adrenal fatigue entailed addressing emotional, physical, and nutritional imbalances. Addressing the emotional component is a priority. My emotions fluctuated from extreme emotional sensitivity, and sadness to outbursts of anger.

Learning to let go and let God was one way I gave up control to my higher power. My routine was daily prayer, meditation, and expressing gratitude for everything and I mean everything. When life seemed to hit rock bottom, I would thank God for the experience to learn to trust Him and learn from the opportunity.

Seeking help through support groups through my church and Al-Anon was key. My dad was an alcoholic and working the 12 Steps of Al-Anon helped me recognize issues from my past were still impacting my current state of mind.

Creating a Positive Mindset

The healing process also included a much more positive mindset, plus letting go of resentment, blame, attachments, and fears that not only stimulate but also can paralyze the adrenal glands.

Other lifestyle modifications include techniques to improve one’s ability to cope with stress including relaxation techniques, diaphragmatic breathing, and restorative or basic yoga (not hot or power yoga). Outsource housecleaning, cooking, laundry (kids), paying bills (spouse), and every aspect of your life that you personally do not need to do. This does not make you lazy or weak. Think of yourself as your friend or child, would you continue to push him or her if they did not feel well or had a chronic disease like cancer or Parkinson’s? Be a friend to yourself and take care of yourself.

Excess Weight and Adrenal Fatigue

Like many in adrenal fatigue, I started to pack on weight especially in my mid-section. My sugar cravings were a challenge. This is normal as an individual in adrenal fatigue has a difficult time maintaining normal blood sugar levels. The reason is that the normal energy pathway for production of glucose from carbohydrates and fats is not operating well. This can create a strong desire to consume sugar directly to provide fuel for the cells. However, the key was to start my day with a high fiber plant-protein shake with organic greens and a small amount of fruit. Balancing the blood sugar in the morning helps sustain energy and helps reduce cravings.

Adrenal Fatigue and Supplementation

The next step was to incorporate nutritional supplements based on my test results. Testing types included 24 Hour Urinalysis for gut and digestive balance, salivary hormone and neurotransmitters.

Nutritional supplements support the body to reduce stress and enhance adrenal activity. The adrenal glands especially require vitamins A, C, and E, pantothenic acid, manganese, and zinc. Plus, adrenal glandular to help rebuild the adrenal glands, B-Complex (folate based) and l-theanine. Each person’s protocol is unique so please seek professional help with this.

Supplements can enhance overall metabolism, eliminate heavy toxic metals and enhance absorption and digestion of food. A whole, clean food diet is key for optimal digestion with as much organic as possible. Finding the appropriate digestive enzyme for your body is a priority. The adrenals will not heal until digestion is optimized and functional.

Success without Steroids!

The happy ending is I improved my adrenal health and moved from Phase 3 to Phase 2 in one year. I didn’t succumb to chemical options but used all-natural methods.  I reduced stress by closing my physical business location to create less stress-filled life along with freedom and flexibility. I still consult, just virtually and when it fits my life. My son and I are both healthy and balanced mentally and physically!

If you need help with your adrenal healing journey, schedule a free Wellness Strategy Session.

Exhausted Woman's head on desk

How Adrenal Fatigue Can Develop

Exhausted Woman's head on desk

My Journey on How Adrenal Fatigue Can Develop

Here’s How Adrenal Fatigue Can Develop. I am sharing my own personal experience with Adrenal Fatigue, not just as a healthcare provider. There are many health conditions that cannot truly be understood until you experience them, and adrenal fatigue is one of those. So, I say God blessed me with Adrenal Fatigue so that I could help others.

Stress was the underlying cause

Stress, whether it be emotional, physical or nutritional is truly at the root of all chronic disease. Regarding adrenal issues, you will hear different labels including adrenal insufficiency, a medical diagnosis, or adrenal fatigue or even burnout. Whatever you call it, it is stress and it impacts the body and mind.

In 2013, a client came to me sharing that she had been diagnosed with adrenal fatigue.  I had worked with clients that had various health challenges, but this was a new one. She was already eating clean and working with an Integrative MD, so this was going to be a challenge. The only unique factor was that her stress level was extremely high, as she was experiencing extreme burnout in her career.

To be honest, her symptoms were puzzling.  I kept trying to figure out exactly what it was she was feeling and why, but I just couldn’t connect. Usually clean eating, resting and supporting the digestive process was the answer but, in this case, it wasn’t enough and I left it to “I can’t help everyone.”

Approximately one year later, I started to experience signs of extreme fatigue and emotional sensitivity. I remember the thought of performing simple household chores like changing the linens on our bed was equivalent to running a 5K. Some days I couldn’t even perform these simple tasks. When and if I did, I had to lie down and rest even with 7-9 hours of sleep.

Testing for Adrenal Stress

Ironically, at about that same time I decided to add saliva hormone and neurotransmitter testing to my menu of services, and the first thing I do with a new service is put myself through the test. My results revealed that I was in Phase 3 Adrenal Fatigue. I was devastated and scared. It was at that point I started reading and researching everything I could find on the condition. I learned that Adrenal Fatigue is categorized as Phase 1 (Alarm), 2 (Resistance) Phase 3 (Exhaustion).

I connected to a private Facebook group for those with Adrenal Fatigue. I did learn quite a bit from the group, but the negativity was so overwhelming that I decided to stop following. Most of the group seemed to be strong Type A, perfectionists, overachievers and/or controllers, which makes sense why many end up here! I embodied many of these traits which contributed to my outcome.

The adrenal fatigue research scared me. Stats, such as, it takes up to five years to recover or some cases lead to adrenal cancer as well as Addison’s disease. Addison’s is where the adrenals have been damaged and one symptom is a golden bronze skin pigment. Now I understood why people were asking me if I had been to Florida recently or why my skin was so bronze in the middle of winter, in the Midwest! All of the pieces were coming together. It was a wake-up call for me.

What is Adrenal Fatigue

Unfortunately, it is not recognized by conventional medical community. It is not a proven medical condition but a “syndrome” where fatigue and other symptoms are caused by a poorly working adrenal gland in people who are under chronic mental, emotional, or physical stress.  They do recognize “adrenal insufficiency” which states that only drugs/steroids can be used to treat it and that supplements could be harmful. So, I asked myself, are my adrenals in need of more toxins to “treat” it or should I use whole clean food and pure sources of supplementation along with retraining my thought processes to balance my body? As a Naturopath, you can guess the answer.

So how did I end up here? Two reasons, one was opening a brick and mortar (physical location) business, which we were renovating. The second was that our adult son was struggling with serious health and financial issues. In my quest to “take care” of him and my business/clients, I failed to take care of myself and ended up in severe adrenal fatigue or Phase 3.

I remember sitting at the table crying and saying, “I don’t think I can do this anymore.” “This” meaning taking care of everything and everyone else. I couldn’t function.  My dream of opening a wellness center and serving others started to feel like a nightmare. My temper was short and breakdowns, behind the scenes, were not uncommon.  So, instead of taking a “why did this happen to me” approach, I saw it as a way to serve others with the same challenges.  God again blessed me with another health challenge, so that I can share and serve others.

The light at the end of the tunnel is that it isn’t going to take me 5 years to recover because I had access to the best holistic health mentors/experts in the world and access to the best whole food products. Read more here on the next steps of my journey.

If you’re struggling to, I would love to help. Book a Wellness Strategy and let’s chat!

Understanding gluten sensitivity and symptoms

Gluten is a compound protein that composes about 80% of the protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. Gluten can be found in many things such as; chocolate, imitation crab (surimi), deli meats, soy sauce, and other sauces along with vitamins and even some toothpaste. Gluten is also used in anti-caking agents, malt beverages, and soups. If you have a gluten-sensitivity or Celiac disease, you must read all labels. I have gluten intolerance and have been gluten-free for years and still read labels.

The 6 grains to avoid that contain gluten are Wheat, Rye, Barley, Malt, Spelt and Oats (unless gluten-free),

What is Gluten Sensitivity versus Celiac disease?

In general, an allergy is a reaction that triggers the release of antibodies that results in immediate symptom onset. A true food allergy causes an immune response that can affect multiple organs and in some cases, be severe or even life-threatening. Food sensitivity (intolerance) symptoms are delayed and are typically limited to digestive problems, but they can lead to chronic inflammatory health issues.

70-80% of the US population has some type of food intolerance; 4% have food allergies

According to the CDF (Celiac Disease Foundation): Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune disorder that can occur in genetically predisposed people where the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine. When you have CD, gluten damages those villas (we have finger-like villa in our small intestine that are supposed to move freely to absorb vitamins and nutrients) and you stop absorbing nutrients and that is why we see over 300 symptoms in CD where it can be hard to diagnosis.  It is estimated to affect 1 in 133 people worldwide, and 83% of Americans are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed so they are at risk for long-term health complications.

Gluten sensitivity symptoms include: foggy mind, depression, ADHD, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, headaches, bone or joint pain, and fatigue, plus others include depression, mood swings, and anxiety. A 2009 study published in the journal BMC Gastroenterology found a positive link between gluten sensitivity and recurrent mouth ulcers. Food sensitivities in general are caused by several factors or why do immune cells attack food particles:

  1. the body is restricted in it’s ability to detox
  2. it reacts abnormally due the excess of chemicals in the foods & environment
  3. the intestinal function is not balanced
  4. immune dysregulation results in some food particles not be recognized by the body and considered harmful

Gluten sensitivity is a lifelong condition and impacts skin and mucous membranes including the bladder lining in some individuals know as Interstitial Cystitis.

Gluten causes gut inflammation in at least 80% of the population. It is estimated that 30% of the Western population is gluten sensitive.

What are the components of Gluten?

Gluten (protein) Gluten is actually made up of two components 1. Glutenins  2. Gliadins

Gliadin (the protein part) and glutenin (the sticky part). The gliadin protein is believed to be the immune-reactive component. A positive gliadin antibodies test indicates the immune system is mounting a defense against the protein.

  • Deamidated Gliadin  You may have heard, “our bread today is not your mother’s bread” as it has been processed, manipulated and no longer natural. Today’s gluten is being made in a lab instead of by nature.

By way of a process called deamidation, food manufacturers alter the gliadin protein in order to make it more water soluble and easier to mix with other foods and liquids. This deamidation process also occurs naturally in the intestines, which can be a problem within itself. But the use of deamidated wheat isolates in our food supply has become a hidden source of food allergy. In fact, immune T-cells respond more readily to deamidated gliadin than non-deamidated gliadin.

  • Packaged processed gluten-free can make you fat. Some people who go off gluten to lose weight end up gaining weight instead. That’s because they consume gluten-free packaged products that are often just as high in saturated fat, sugar and sodium as other junk food, and these products often contain high-glycemic refined ingredients like white rice flour or fillers like potato starch that can affect your blood sugar and trigger cravings. Consider this: Gluten-Free God’s way

Testing Options:

  1. Self Test: eliminate gluten for a few weeks and gradually reintroducing it is the one way to assess your body’s response to gluten and determine your own gluten threshold. By gradually introducing gluten-containing grains and other foods, you’ll get an understanding of which of these foods, or how much of them, your body can process without triggering symptoms.
  1. Blood/serum testing: By monitoring white blood cells,  you can determine sensitivity, intolerance, or other reactions to more than 350 different foods and chemicals. We utilize the ALCAT test to determine varying degrees of intolerances. We also provide modifications to your nutrition which can be tailored to your individual needs.  We can help you anywhere in the U.S. by drop shipping a test kit and consulting via video chat.  

So remember these tips if you are considering a gluten-free elimination or diet:

  1. Read your food labels
    • Gluten can be hidden everywhere
  2. Do your own research and educate yourself.
  3. If you have Celiac disease be cautious about cross-contamination
    • Ask your server questions when dining out
    • Tell your friends and family so they are respectful of your disease or sensitivity
  4. Remember the 6 grains to avoid; Wheat, Rye, Barley, Malt, Spelt, and Oats (unless gluten-free)
  5. Consume whole natural foods is best versus buying manmade gluten-free, sugar/preservative-laden products
    • Eat naturally GF grains like quinoa or organic rice
    • Organic foods such as fruits, vegetables, and meats are all naturally gluten-free
  6. If you have any questions, give us a call as we have personal experience with both Celiac disease and gluten-sensitivity!

Natural Solutions to Adrenal Fatigue

I knew nothing about it much less natural solutions to adrenal fatigue. In 2013, a client came to me sharing that she had been diagnosed with adrenal fatigue.  I had worked with clients that had various health challenges but this was a new one. She was already eating clean and working with an Integrative MD so this was going to be a challenge. The only unique factor was her stress level was extremely high as she was experiencing extreme burnout in her career.

To be honest, her symptoms were puzzling.  I kept trying to figure out exactly what it was she was feeling but I just couldn’t connect to her symptoms. Usually, my clean eating, resting, and supporting the digestive process was the answer but in this case, it wasn’t enough. I left it to “I can’t help everyone”.

Then approximately a year later I started to experience signs of extreme fatigue and emotional sensitivity. I remember the thought of performing simple household chores like changing the linens on our bed was equivalent to running a 5K. Some days I couldn’t even perform these simple tasks. When and if I did, I had to lie down and rest.

Ironically, about that same time, I decided to add saliva hormone and neurotransmitter testing to my menu of services. So the first thing I do with a new service is to put myself through the test and this was no exception. I received the results that I was in Phase 3 Adrenal Fatigue and was devastated. It was at that point I started reading and researching everything I could find on Adrenal Fatigue. I also connected to a private Facebook group of fellow Adrenal Fatiguers. I did learn quite a bit from the group but the negativity was so overwhelming that I decided to stop following. The majority of the group seem to be strong Type A, overachievers, and/or controllers which makes sense why many end up here!

So what is Adrenal Fatigue? It is not a proven medical condition but a “syndrome” where fatigue and other symptoms are caused by a poorly working adrenal gland in people who are under chronic mental, emotional, or physical stress.  The medical community does recognize “adrenal insufficiency” which states that only drugs can be used to treat it and that supplements could be harmful. So I asked myself, are my adrenals in need of more toxins to “treat” it or should I use whole food and clean sources of supplementation to balance my body? For those who know me, you can guess the answer.

The research scared me. Stats like it takes up to five years to recover or some cases lead to adrenal cancer as well as Addison’s disease. JFK had Addison’s which one symptom is a golden bronze skin pigment. Now I understood why people were asking me if I had been to Florida recently or why my skin was so bronze in the middle of winter!  Again, all the pieces were coming together along with test results which was a wake-up call for me.

So how did I end up here? Two reasons, one was opening a brick and mortar (physical location) business which we were renovating as well. The second was that my son was struggling with serious health and financial issues. In my quest to take care of him and my business/clients, I failed to take care of myself and ended up in severe adrenal fatigue (Phase 3).

I remember sitting at the table crying and saying, “I don’t think I can do this anymore.” “This” meaning taking care of everyone else and everything. My dream of opening a wellness center and serving others started to feel like a nightmare. My temper was short and breakdowns were not uncommon but all behind the scenes.  Instead of taking a “why did this happen to me” approach, I saw it as a way to serve others with the same challenges.  God again blessed me with another health challenge so I can share and serve others.

The light at the end of the tunnel is that it isn’t going to take me 5 years to recover because I had access to the best holistic health experts in the world and access to the best supplements and herbs.

So what was my life-changing adrenal fatigue protocol? Only products that were clean, non-GMO, and gluten-free sources of plant-based herbs, enzymes, and food.

My mornings started with Sole water which is a solution of Himalayan salt and water.

I’d start my morning with a green smoothie using a plant-based protein powder with various greens such as kale, spinach, dandelion, etc. plus two tablespoons of flax, hemp, or chia seeds. For extra nutrients, I added plant powders.

The following supplements are from Pure Encapsulations. I use this brand because they are genuinely pure, using non-GMO, no additives or preservatives, and gluten-free ingredients:

  • B Complex Plus – 2 times/day with food,
  • ADR Formula- 2 in am 1 hour before food,
  • Dopa Plus – 1 in a.m. 1 hour before food,
  • Ashwagandha – 3 times/day with food and
  • Liquid Vitamin D *4-5000 (4-5 drops) based on my test results

From Loomis Institute, I used:

  • Loomis Digestive Enzymes, 2 before each meal (VSCLR was specific to my needs, please utilize our Gut health or 24 Hour Urinalysis testing to determine yours)
  • Loomis Organic Iron blend and Female Herbal blend after each meal
    • Loomis products are healthcare professional grade. Please contact us if you’d like to order.
  • Organic Excellence Progesterone Cream – 1 pump or 20 mg 30 minutes before bedtime.

Again, these are products that worked for me based on the current condition of my body and health. There is not a one size fits all approach to any health challenge. It is recommended that you utilize a Holistic Health Coach and nutritional testing to determine the state of your health. Contact me if I can help as we can ship test kits anywhere and help you across the miles.

If you would like to learn more, request our free guide called Top 3 Tips to Overcome Adrenal Stress to begin your path to balance your body and regain your energy. Or if you are looking for the best diet, foods, and supplements for adrenal fatigue, check out our Best Foods & Supplements for Adrenal Fatigue Guide.

And if you have experienced Adrenal Fatigue, I’d love to hear from you. And if you aren’t sure where to start, schedule a free call with me.

Beating Seasonal Affective Disorder

Beating seasonal affective disorder naturally is possible. As I write this, the weather is cold and gloomy and a steady rain is falling. Don’t even get me started on the fact that it gets dark at 4:30 p.m. now.  I just want to curl up and nap on the couch with my blanket and my puppy dog. Do you find yourself struggling as the days are shorter and you are exposed to less and less sunlight?

It is not unusual to experience some changes in energy levels as we move into fall and winter. However if you find that your symptoms are pronounced and you are having trouble functioning, you might be suffering from seasonal mood imbalances or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Symptoms for SAD vary greatly and can include:

  • Feeling sad or depressed
  • Oversleeping
  • Appetite changes, especially a craving for foods high in carbohydrates
  • Weight gain
  • Tiredness or low energy

One cause for mood imbalances is a decrease in serotonin, a neurotransmitter or brain chemical, that is responsible for the overall sensation of well-being, as well as regulation of the sleep-wake cycle.

Yet another cause can be a Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is not really a vitamin at all but a group of steroid-like substances that we can make from cholesterol if we have adequate exposure to sunlight. In the wintertime, we often don’t get enough exposure to UVBs from sunlight in such a way that we have the opportunity to make enough Vitamin D. A lack of Vitamin D3 can therefore lead to depressive symptoms, as well as compromise our ability to absorb critical minerals like zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron, and phosphate.

Let me share safe methods to help you conquer the blahs and blues.<a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="//" ></a><img src="" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />

Sun lamps or light therapy. One natural method for achieving balance is by using light therapy that contains full-spectrum 10,000 lux intensity. 10,000 lux is the recommended light intensity to reset your circadian rhythm and improve your well-being. Research has shown that infrared light is effective in increasing the production of serotonin, that feel-good brain chemical we discussed earlier. I own a Verilux HappyLight and use it 30 minutes per day first thing in the morning in the fall and winter. You may not want to use it later in the day or evening as it may disrupt sleep.

Vitamin D3 Have your Vitamin D levels tested so you know the appropriate level of supplementation.  We offer several options from vegan, to easy to take liquid or capsules of Vitamin D3. In addition, please keep in mind that if you eat fish and eggs, you can get some of the vitamin D that you need from clean, wild-caught (not farm-raised) fatty fishes like salmon, or mackerel, and the yolks of eggs from pastured chickens that haven’t consumed genetically modified feed. However, with severe Vitamin D deficiencies, food may not be enough to bring your levels up to balance your body.

Fun, Sweaty Activity Some call it to exercise but I like to keep it fun! Do something physical daily that makes you happy like tennis, walking, golf, riding bikes, or restorative yoga. Even 15 minutes of walking per day can have a positive impact on your emotional health along with the many physical benefits.

Essential Oils  There are so many oils that I use to help calm or lift my mood. Here are some of my favorites and I encourage you to use multiple oils together for a powerful synergy.

    • Uplifting mood – Orange, Grapefruit, Lemon, Frankincense
    • Destress – Lavender, Bergamont, Lemongrass, Frankincense
    • Motivation and energy – Peppermint, Rosemary, Basil, Melissa

Eat Whole Clean Foods – When I switched to a predominantly organic diet, my health status improved dramatically. Moving away from toxic, packaged processed foods wasn’t serving my body or my mind. It is worth the extra money to invest in your health upfront by choosing organically grown food. Grabbing an organic apple, pear, or carrot will not only feed your body and mind but detox it at the same time. You’ll digest better which creates a healthier gut. You’ve probably heard the gut-brain correlation, well it’s true. Regulating gut flora with whole, clean foods is a positive step toward building a solid foundation for health and preventing SAD and many other diseases.

Are you impacted by seasonal mood imbalances? If so, what have you found that helps? We’d love to help you save money on high-quality healthcare professional-grade supplements. Check out our wellness store to shop 16,000 products with over 350 brands.

Do You Know Your Intestinal Age?

How healthy is your digestive system?  Is your intestinal age older or younger than you expected?

Find out by taking this Digestive Health Quiz.

The purpose of this questionnaire is to determine how healthy your digestive system is.  It is interesting to know if your actual age matches your intestinal age.  If your intestinal age is older than expected then it’s time to look for a healthy life style change and take action with good enzymes that will benefit and help your digestive system.  If it’s younger or matches your age, then it’s time to take good care and maintain your young digestive system with good supplements.  Please be honest with yourself when taking the questionnaire, as it will help to determine an accurate intestinal age reading, which will help you to better understand where your health is today and how to improve it.

Assessment Questions: Please check the following boxes that relate to you.

Eating Habits

□  Often do not eat breakfast

□  Breakfast is usually short and quick

□  Eat meals at irregular times

□  Inadequate intake of vegetables

□  Like to eat meat

□  Like to drink milk and eat dairy products

□  Eat out more than 4 days a week

□  Like to drink soft drinks

□  Often eat late at night

□  Drink alcoholic beverages



Bowel Habits

□   Often ‘strain’ when having a bowel movement

□   Don’t feel completely empty even after a bowel movement

□   Difficult to have a bowel movement (ex.constipation)

□   Stool is hard and resembles pebbles

□   Stool is very soft or experience diarrhea

□   Stool is a dark color

□   Stool and gas have an awful smell

□   Irregular bowel movements

□   Stool sinks to the bottom of toilet


Living Conditions

□   Often smoke

□   Facial skin tone is dull and you appear older than you are

□   Rough skin, acne or other skin condition

□   Lack of exercise

□   Often feel stressed

□   Feel panic or rushed in the morning

□   Often have difficulty falling asleep at night

□   Lack of sleep due to staying up late

□   Often feel tired after waking up


 Your RESULTS: If you checked:

0 boxes: Your Intestinal age is younger than your actual age. Congratulations, your intestinal health is outstanding!

1-4 boxes: Your Intestinal age = your actual age + 5 years. This means your intestinal age is slightly older than your actual age. You may need to start paying attention to your intestinal health.

5-10 boxes: Your Intestinal age = your actual age + 10 years. Your intestinal age is older than your actual age which means you need to pay more attention to your diet and try to get better rest.

11-14 boxes: Your Intestinal age = your actual age + 20 years. Your intestinal age is much older than your actual age so you must completely change your eating and living habits.

16+ boxes: Your Intestinal age = your actual age + 30 years. Your intestinal health is very poor. Please seek professional help immediately.





Use Whole, Clean Foods to Balance Hormones

Since 85% of women experience Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) symptoms (some can be severe) and about 75% suffer from menopausal symptoms, let’s discuss what we can do to prevent or reduce such unnecessary discomfort! I suffered from excruciating pain and discomfort with PMS as I didn’t know that my diet and lifestyle choices were causing it. Menopausal symptoms however have been virtually nonexistent as I now consume a whole, clean food diet.

Infertility is another growing issue in the U.S. which impacts 11% or 6.7 million women. Sadly, the medical community is not considering diet and lifestyle as a solution.  Changing these thought processes could save billions of dollars and provide safer options for mom and baby.

PMS symptoms occur during or before the menstrual cycle which can include bloating, weight gain, aggression, cloudy thinking, head or backaches, cravings, anxiety, mood swings, and more. PMS is correlated to the body being out of balance, specifically the hormones progesterone and estrogen.

As women age, levels of their hormones become imbalanced as the body produces less of them.  Estrogen and progesterone, the two primary hormones, work together to perform their many and complex functions.  Between the ages of 45-50, most women will cease to have a menstrual period. This marks the beginning of the official menopause phase.

Symptoms of menopause can include hot flashes, night sweats, moodiness, and more.  During this time is usually when women seek the advice of their physician or natural health practitioner to help battle the changes.

Hot flashes are the most frequent symptom of menopause and premenopause as two-thirds of all women suffer from them. They occur when blood vessels near the skin’s surface expand to cool the body. Hot flash symptoms may include a red face, sweating, increased heartbeat, or chills. If they occur at night, they are called night sweats. Stress, caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, tight clothing, heat and smoke from tobacco products can trigger hot flashes.

The fundamental element to putting the body back in balance is a diet of whole, clean, unprocessed food and especially fruits, vegetables, greens, and essential fatty acids. What do I mean by whole, clean food? Whole, clean food is the stuff straight from God and nature without additives, preservatives, pesticides, herbicides, and not genetically modified. Chemical toxins combined with nutrient deficiencies are a major cause of hormone imbalance.

Ideally, the whole, clean food you consume should be vine-ripened (picked at peak nutrient levels versus being picked green) or certified organic. According to the USDA, half your daily intake of food should be from fruits, vegetables, and greens, which is approximately 7-13 servings!  Are you getting a variety of these on a daily basis?

The second key element to balancing the body is sufficient essential fatty acids (EFAs). This includes the nuts and seeds (raw, unsalted) to supply fiber, protein, and EFA’s that are crucial to hormone regulation.  Nature provides these through foods such as:

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil, cold-pressed
  • Butter or ghee (from grass-fed, antibiotic, hormone-free animals)
  • Borage oil
  • Hemp seeds or oil
  • Nuts and nut butters especially almond and walnut
  • Coconut Oil
  • Avocados
  • Flax seeds and oils

From seafood, we obtain EFA’s from wild (not farm-raised) cold-water fish and oils such as sardines and salmon.

Consuming a minimum of 2-4 Tablespoons per day and a variety of each of the EFAs is crucial for hormone balancing, which supports fertility as well.

The body requires good fats or EFA’s as they are a necessary basic component in hormones and the production of prostaglandins, which are the precursors to hormones.  Prostaglandins are important for the regulation of:

  • Inflammation, pain, and swelling
  • Blood pressure and heart function
  • Kidney function and balance
  • Allergic response
  • Immune response
  • Nerve transmission
  • Steroid production and hormone synthesis
  • Blood clotting and red blood cell/platelet aggregation (stickiness)

The good prostaglandins prevent blood cells from sticking together, which leads to improved blood flow and reduced inflammation, therefore, reduced pain.

Eating whole, clean, processed foods and increasing or adding EFA’s are two key steps to balance the body and hormones.  What foods have you found help balance the body when it comes to hormone health or what foods have you learned to avoid?

Hormone testing is a key way to decipher your individual imbalances and needs. Contact us if you are interested in more information.