Week 16: “Can’t Stop Eating Them”! MSG Manipulates & Harms – 52 Weeks of Wellness

The Toxins in Our Foods - “Can’t Stop Eating Them”! MSG Manipulates & Harms - Week 16 of 52 Weeks of Wellness Many think MSG or Monosodium glutamate  is a preservative or that it contains nutritional value, they are mistaken. MSG is used in the food industry as a “flavor enhancer” which is a BIG red flag. If you have to enhance the flavor of something, there’s something wrong with it. Real food shouldn’t need much enhancement. In fact, chemically MSG is an "excitotoxin"  or neurotoxin that has a negative impact on the brain and nervous system. Some of you may remember in week 8 we learned that "according to Neurosurgeon,…

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Are you Toxic?

Are you toxic? A better question would be, "is your body toxic".  Living in the world today, everyone has some level of toxicity. I strive to detox my body at least three times per year. Or some do when the seasons change so it's easier to remember. I don't recommend a single organ cleanse but all major organs including the brain. These comprehensive detoxes are most effective. I have clients start with a simple 14 day protocol and once they get the hang of it and realize how easy it is, I encourage them to continue for a full month. What are the different types of toxins? Heavy…

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Are you Toxic? Take the Quiz!

Are you Toxic? Take the Quiz! We've, been discussing toxicity lately so I thought I'd share this fun quiz on toxicity. Take the quiz and add up your points. At the end check out your score to see if you are toxic. 1. How many servings of fruits or vegetables do you consume? 1 per day = 1, 3 per day = -1, 5+ per day = -2 2. How often do you consume whole grains (such as brown or wild rice, millet, quinoa or barley) and/or natural fiber? almost never = 3, once a week= 2, 3 times a week = 1, at least once a day=…

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Week 15: The Toxins in Our Foods – What is the big deal about MSG anyway? – 52 Weeks of Wellness

The Toxins in Our Foods - What is the big deal about MSG anyway? - Week 15 of 52 Weeks of Wellness I was asked by a cardiologist what are the top three additives to avoid in food. My response was high fructose corn syrup, MSG (monosodium glutamate) and chemical sugars. His response was , “Good answer.” Sounds like one savvy cardiologist to me! Since we covered chemical sweeteners in February, let’s look at Monosodium Glutamate next. First, before we can dive into the problems behind the use of MSG we must first understand what it is. MSG = Monosodium glutamate | Steer Clear! According to The Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients:…

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Health Issues from Toxicity

Your Body's Cry For Help: Toxicity Have you been feeling healthy lately?  If you find yourself suffering from sickness or fatigue you may not be eating for optimal wellness. Are you... Feeling tired, sluggish, lethargic Having trouble concentrating and staying focused Experiencing headaches Experiencing joint pain Catch colds easy Having trouble sleeping Suffering from bad breath Emitting an unpleasant body odor Having frequent gas, bloating or indigestion Suffering from allergies and/or food sensitivities Noticing skin problems like acne, psoriasis, eczema Experiencing constipation and other gastrointestinal irregularities Feeling depressed, irritable or noticing mood changes Having recurrent respiratory problems Suffering from back pain, hemorrhoids or sinus congestion These are common…

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Week 14: The Fiber Dilemma – 52 Weeks of Wellness

Week 14: The Fiber Dilemma This month as part of the 52 Weeks of Wellness program we are discussing real sources of fiber, and why it’s crucial to our diet. Last week we learned what fiber is specifically and how it aids the body.  We also discussed increasing fiber intake for optimal health and I cautioned against popping the fiber supplements as a quick fix to fiber deficiencies. The absolute best way to go about increasing fiber intake is through consumption of plant foods.  Fruits, vegetables (don't forget green leafys), whole grains, nuts and seeds because they often contain both types of beneficial fiber. However, fiber isn't the only…

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Creamy Raw Soup or Flavorful Vegetable Pudding

Creamy Raw Soup or Flavorful Vegetable Pudding Okay, "before you think you that's disgusting" or "Bonnie is crazy"  let me remind you that Gazpacho is basically a raw soup too. Raw soups or vegetable puddings are remarkably flavorful, surprisingly filling and amazingly good for you! Before you decide if you like it or not give this recipe a try. Ingredients: 1 large carrot 2 celery pieces 1 avocado 1 tsp kelp – granules or powder 1 large garlic clove 1 small handful cilantro 1-2 cups dandelion green or other ½ cup mushrooms 2/3 cup coconut milk   Place all in Vitamix or blender until mixed and warm (Vitamix will warm…

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Week 13: Are you Fiber Deficient? 52 Weeks of Wellness

Week 13: Are You Fiber Deficient? This month as part of the 52 Weeks of Wellness program we’ll discuss what fiber is, real sources of fiber, and why it’s crucial to our diet. What is Fiber? Fiber is an indigestible substance that is found mainly in the outer layers of plants. Fiber is a special type of carbohydrate that passes through the human digestive system virtually unchanged, without being broken down (digested) into nutrients. Carbohydrates constitute the main source of energy for all body functions. Fiber keeps things moving in the large intestine, promoting regularity, cleansing the intestinal tract and removing toxins. It binds and/or absorbs certain harmful materials…

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Week 12: Kick Those Hydrogenated Fats to The Curb – 52 Weeks of Wellness

Week 12: Kick Those Hydrogenated Fats to The Curb - 52 Weeks of Wellness Last week we learned about what makes hydrogenated products bad for you. It isn't necessarily because they are fatty. Fats aren't really the problem, rather the processing and chemical alterations of the fats are the issue. The health dangers of hydrogenated products (trans fats) include: They are free radicals. They not only raise LDL (bad) cholesterol, they lower protective HDL (good) cholesterol level. They decrease `good' prostaglandin formation (more on that later). They are suspected of being a major contributing factor to cancers and heart disease. They increase body weight. They alter numerous reactions…

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Week 11: The dirty details about bad fats – 52 Weeks of Wellness

Week 11: The dirty details about bad fats - 52 Weeks of Wellness As we discussed in the past two weeks as part of the 52 Weeks of Wellness program, not all fats are bad. Actually, we cannot live without good fats but the mainstream push for improved health has often left all fats lumped in one giant category and are perceived as bad. Getting the real facts where fats are concerned is becoming more and more confusing as food manufacturers muddy up the information in an effort to convince you that their processed foods are not bad for you. This week we will clear things up regarding…

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