My 3-day Cleanse Journey

It's day one of my 3-day cleanse which started with a 2.5-mile walk on July 4th. What a perfect day to celebrate freedom from toxins! Instead of focusing on what I won't be eating, I'm focusing on the benefits such as mental clarity, focus, and increased energy. I prepared my body by eliminating meat and increased my consumption of fresh, raw organic fruits and vegetables. If you consume alcohol, caffeine, or dairy on a regular basis, I  would eliminate these products a few days before as well. Except for an occasional (organic) ice cream, I swore off these vices years ago. However, with dark chocolate, I still have issues!…

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Now Hiring: Office Manager at B Renewed Wellness Center

Do you have a passion for serving others or looking for a way to help others with their health? B Renewed is currently looking to hire an Office Manager with the following skills: *Attention to detail, professionalism and passion for serving others are priority *Strong interpersonal skills needed to greet and educate clients, answer telephone, schedule appointments and occasionally work events *Health and nutrition with administrative experience knowledge preferred *Approximately 25-30/hrs a week, Monday thru Thursday 8:30-4:30, which could lead to full time potential *Enjoys a calming work environment with Christian morals *Strong skills in Office Suite (Word, Excel and PowerPoint) required *College education preferred. Please send a…

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Can You Handle the Truth?

A couple years ago I discovered a great book called One Word that will change your life. The book inspired me to create a one word theme for my personal and professional life. My word this year is Truth! As a chronic people pleaser, I sometimes avoid the truth. It’s not that I outright lie but it’s more I’m not being true to myself or being true to the person God called me to be. You truly cannot serve two masters; it’s either man or God. When you try to be all things to all people, you start to become someone you are not. And know, you may…

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Understanding gluten sensitivity and symptoms

Gluten is a compound protein that composes about 80% of the protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. Gluten can be found in many things such as; chocolate, imitation crab (surimi), deli meats, soy sauce, and other sauces along with vitamins and even some toothpaste. Gluten is also used in anti-caking agents, malt beverages, and soups. If you have a gluten-sensitivity or Celiac disease, you must read all labels. I have gluten intolerance and have been gluten-free for years and still read labels. The 6 grains to avoid that contain gluten are Wheat, Rye, Barley, Malt, Spelt and Oats (unless gluten-free), What is Gluten Sensitivity versus Celiac disease?…

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What is gluten and the associated health issues?

Gluten is a compound protein that composes about 80% of the protein found in wheat, barley and rye. Gluten can be found in many things such as; chocolate, imitation crab (surimi), deli meats, soy sauce, and other sauces along with vitamins and even some toothpaste. Gluten is also used in caking agents, malt beverages and soups. If you have a gluten-sensitivity or Celiac's, you must read all labels. I have a gluten intolerance and have been gluten-free for years and still read labels. The 6 grains to avoid that contain gluten are: Wheat, Rye, Barley, Malt, Spelt and Oats (unless gluten-free), What is Gluten Sensitivity versus Celiac Disease? In general,…

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Why you won’t see me wearing a fitness tracker

Technology, for the most part, is great! It has changed the way we act, think, communicate and yes, it has even changed the way we track our physical activity; but have we crossed the line? Could the popularity of these fitness tracking devices actually put your health at risk? The answer is a big, resounding YES! I continually remind people, especially women (and their children), not to sleep with their cell phones next to their head or keep it on their body constantly; and now, someone creates a device that is made to be worn 24/7, even while sleeping! It’s important to understand that ALL wireless and electronic…

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Mango Bliss Balls

These treats are delicious for dessert or breakfast! The original recipe called for dried apricots but since I had dried mango on hand, I substituted.  Be sure to use organic for all ingredients as conventional fruits and nuts contains toxic preservatives. Nuts, especially walnuts, can also contain BHT as a preservative which has to been linked to increased risk of cancer. Dried fruits may contain sulphur dioxide (sulfites) which has been linked to respiratory issues.  The #1 Rule is to read ingredient labels and buy organic! 1 c of dried organic apricots or mango 1 c. pitted dates 1/2 c raw organic almonds 1/2 c raw organic cashews 1/2…

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Walnut Oil Vinaigrette Dressing

Want an deliciously different and healthier option for salad dressing with a few simple ingredients? Try walnut oil which is packed with an average of 1.77 g of Omega 3 per serving (1 Tbs). A Tablespoon of walnut oil contains about the same amount of omegas as a wild salmon fillet.  Walnut oil has a 12 month shelf life and recommended that it be refrigerated after opening. 4 Tbs of walnut oil 1 Tbs of balsamic vinegar 1 tsp of dijon mustard Dash of pink Himalayan sea salt Combine all ingredients and enjoy!

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Sweet & Sour Chicken with Brown Rice

Planning is the key to success when the goal is improving your health. Slow-cooking is an easy way to plan your week with healthy meals. Plan ahead by making one crockpot meal and one stovetop meal on the weekend to ensure you have good options throughout the week. This reduces the temptation to stop and grab fast food. 1 lb chopped organic carrots 1 medium white onion, chopped 6 oz organic skinless, boneless chicken breasts or thighs 2 cups of chopped pineapple 1/3 cup brown sugar 1 Tbsp nonGMO low-sodium Soy sauce or Bragg's Liquid Aminos 1/4 tsp of pink Himalayan salt salt 1/2 tsp ground ginger 1/4 tsp…

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Why Naturopathy is of value and 5 simples steps to afford it. 

“Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care profession, emphasizing prevention, treatment, and optimal health through the use of therapeutic methods and substances that encourage individuals’ inherent self-healing process. The practice of naturopathic medicine includes modern and traditional, scientific, and empirical methods.” ( In the state of Indiana, doctors of Naturopathy are not permitted to be licensed. Therefore, Naturopathic doctors are not covered by insurance. We also do not treat, diagnose or cure disease.  Our mission is to educate and empower you in the area of health and healing. If you are new to Naturopathy or unclear of the difference between Allopathy and Naturopathy, it may be difficult…

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