5 Tips To Move the Scale

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Here are my Top 5 Tips To Move the Scale. At some point on your journey, you just say ENOUGH! The definition of insanity is doing the same thing (eating, moving, drinking) and expecting different results. So, I did some things differently to help shift the scale. I got some help and I learned what wasn’t working.

I’m happy to say that I’m a loser. I lost four pounds in 14 days. So, what did I do and what did I learn?

I’ll share first what I learned and then what I did.

1. I learned that I was snacking way too often and used it as an excuse that I was grazing. I was really eating out of boredom, stress or avoiding some hard things that I must do being a business owner. As much as I love what I do, there are still the hard things.

2. Snacking and having sweets after supper. Once I stopped eating after supper, (I used the no eating after 6:30 pm rule), I felt better and slept better. To help, I brushed my teeth right after supper to help avoid temptation.

3. I needed to move my body every day instead of 3-4 times per week. I didn’t do anything extreme or high intensity, just walking, Pure Barre, and light weights. It’s always fun to get a friend involved to keep me motivated.

4. I made my mind up to just do it. I didn’t make excuses and I set expectations. I told my husband there would be no dining out during the 14 days. The man lives to go out on Saturday evenings, but he was a great support.

5. I ate until I was satisfied instead of until I was full. When you reach fullness, you’ve most likely eaten too much.

So, what did I do to lose the weight? Well, honestly, I used a lot of products because I was utilizing all the tools I had. I was pulling out all the stops!

First, I eliminated all dairy, gluten, eggs, starches, and nightshades along with processed foods and of course the ultimate evil, sugar! Note, this was only for fourteen days. However, I highly recommend staying away from gluten, sugar, and dairy on a consistent basis which is what I have done for years. Although sugar enters in and out of my diet occasionally.

I made simple meal combinations of grilled organic chicken with vegetables, protein shakes each morning with greens, green powder, and small amounts of fruit. And of course, salads! I had all veggie salads, salads with chicken, and fish tacos on gluten-free wraps.

I had been using the Lean Body System from Modere for the past four months so continued with it. It consists of Trim, Burn, and a 3 Day Detox. The Lean Body System is super simple and the most difficult part is determining which flavor! Benefits of Trim (clinical strength CLA) include: inhibits fat storage, improves muscle tone, and restores youthful skin.

Flavors of the Trim product

I also used the OmniCleanse Detox Kit which is a 14-day system. It’s as simple as taking a couple of capsules and the homeopathic drops throughout the day and was the perfect support to the Lean Body System. Contact us to obtain these healthcare professional-grade products at a discount.

It was so encouraging to see the scale move. My clothes had been fitting better but I needed to see this weight shift as well. I have an important date coming up in October so want to look and feel my best. It’s my son’s wedding day and I get a little emotional just thinking about it. I’m very excited for him and to gain a beautiful daughter-in-law.

I am so blessed to have access to some of the best products on the planet. And remember, I research for safety and purity, so you don’t have to. Let me know if I can help you and we always share discounts with friends and followers. We have an even bigger discount for military and first responders.