We Need More Empathy

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We need more empathy. Many have thoughts and beliefs around what’s right, following the “appropriate” protocol, and what’s not right during this season of what is being called a pandemic. Everyone has an opinion which we are all entitled to.

Sadly, during this time we are getting mixed messages from the “experts” and/or media.  So obviously no one really knows the truth or at least those who have a voice in the media may not be our best resources. Unfortunately, we have many that are experts in the field that don’t have a voice or are censored when they attempt to voice it.

We hear that any mask will work and then that they don’t help unless you have an N95? We hear wearing a mask is creating damage in our body. There is also a concern about extreme and constant disinfecting as it is killing both good and bad germs . We know that we need both the good and the bad to have a healthy immune system and environment. Frequent use of Clorox type wipes and hand sanitizers is dangerous long-term.

We hear soap and water kills the virus but yet it is sometimes mandated to use strong and toxic disinfectants in our environment? Our public areas are finally reopening and we are still being told to stay home?!!

So with all the mixed messages how can we determine what truly is the “right” protocol for our health and safety. Who can truly be the authority on what’s right and what isn’t? Since the majority of us aren’t Virologists, it’s probably safe to say it’s NOT us.

Most of the beliefs on what we feel is right or wrong come from emotions that stem from fear and rightfully so. Most of us naturally fear the unknown which is what most of this is.  We tend to read and connect with the media platforms based on our beliefs as we want and need people to confirm them. We filter out what we don’t want to hear and consume information that confirms our beliefs and/or fears.

So let’s look closer at various fears. I have fears such as spiders (only depending on size and how hairy they are!), confined spaces and a fear of heights (but not of flying luckily).  Unless I’m pushed off a cliff, none of these fears are truly life threatening. But to me they are scary and real. You can’t just tell me to stop being scared, give me some logic and think they will all go away.

Therefore, if someone has a fear of contracting or carrying a virus to another human being, that fear is real for them. If you think of it, someone not wearing a mask could possibly be equivalent to someone chasing them with a spider or snake or whatever your fear is. Some people are even afraid of trees (dendrophobia) which to most may seem silly but to that person, it is real. If you want to see the entire list of fears, it is quite lengthy and some are unique such as a fear of numbers or books. Seeing the list gave me a good perspective that we are all different and to be more empathetic even if we don’t understand the fear.

It doesn’t matter the reason behind the fear, what does matter is being more empathetic and staying out of judgment no matter which side you are on. We should respect one another for our beliefs which are not right or wrong. If you feel wearing a mask will keep you safe and others, wear a mask. If you feel not wearing a mask keeps you healthier, then don’t wear a mask. Please be open minded enough to see both sides when needed and stop the public or should I say social (media) shaming.

Losing our connection to other humans is exactly what Satan wants. This season of shaming is creating so much doubt, discouragement and DIVISION. If you are a Christian, please be aware of this. We are all God’s children no matter what we are wearing or not.

Seeing friends and even families divided over this breaks my heart. I’ve also seen and heard people use shaming with those who are or aren’t acting in accordance to their beliefs. Growing up in a household where shaming was used on a regular basis, I never want to do that to others.

I asked myself how Jesus would respond in these situations and asked him for words that I can share with my Christian brothers and sisters. He would respond in love, compassion and in grace. He wouldn’t judge, condemn or ostracize another human being for their beliefs when we truly don’t know the whole truth. God only knows the truth and has the ending to our story written in his book. We can’t control or rewrite it.  Until that day when he calls us home, I’m trusting Him for the outcome and I’ll do my best to support the people I love and care about, even if it means that I don’t completely understand their view. I just have to love others enough to know that being connected to friends and family is more important than me thinking I’m right.

If you’re looking for another post like this, check this one out.