What is the ripple effect? The ripple effect is a metaphorical concept that describes the spread of an action, idea, or influence through a system, causing a series of secondary effects or consequences.
The first email that I opened today was from a newsletter subscriber thanking me for doing what I do.
A few hours later, I received a phone call from someone diagnosed with cancer. He said the nurse at the clinic had suggested that he contact me. She had attended one of my online classes and told him I would be a great resource as he wanted to take a healing approach to his cancer. I have since completed my training as a holistic cancer coach.
Later that day I met with a new client and she commented “meeting you is an answer to my prayers”.
Someone once shared that what I do is like skipping a stone on the water. The ripples can continue on and on. You never know where it will stop or if it does. It’s the ripple effect.
It is on those days that I may think I’m not making much of a difference in the world or that it is all too hard to be a solo entrepreneur where a few words of appreciation and encouragement keep me going.
However, I want to say that I do receive so much support and words of encouragement regularly from my friends, family, business partners and clients. I am so blessed in that respect.
When I am coaching a client and they change their eating habits, it can impact their spouse, kids and their grandkids. I think about the fact that we are in times where we could outlive our children because of the breakdown of DNA over the generations. This is sad and scary.
What if I could help change that? I know how my health has dramatically improved but would people really want to make such “drastic” changes in their health? Drastic defined as not eating junk food, fast food or processed food daily. What if people were willing to take extra time to cook foods that are not laden with additives, preservatives, antibiotics, hormones, etc? What if we decided our life is worth investing time and resources in?
Well, first I had to stop making decisions for others, put it out there and see who was open to experiencing a new way of life with energy, vitality, mental clarity and free of prescription medications and sickness.
Creating and maintaining a lifestyle of wellness isn’t for everyone. However, it is for those who want to experience a life that is much easier to navigate through as well as those willing to experience temporarily inconvenience to make it a reality.