The Best of 2021 – A New Year’s Tradition

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A tradition my husband and I started years ago was to sit down either on New Year’s Eve or New Years Day and reflect on all the blessings we’ve experienced throughout the year. I document this all in my journal. Reliving these events is what fills our hearts and helps us to focus on what’s really important in life. We typically make a meal together on New Year’s Eve and then reflect on the blessings of the year. It’s quite easy to focus on the bad especially during the insanity of the past two years. It was and continues to be like watching a tennis match bouncing back and forth from open to close, mandates or not!

One thing the shutdown taught us was to value time with family and friends. We took so much for granted like travel, vacations, concerts, or spending quality time with loved ones. As you read my list, you’ll see only one of the bulleted lists is a material item.

  1. We found a great deal on a hybrid car in February. This was a blessing to help us save money on fuel for my husband’s daily commute.
  2. Also in February, I added a new clean product line with Modere and experienced the amazing benefits of liquid collagen, hyaluronic acid, and chondroitin sulfate. I had tried powder collagen’s with no success so grateful that I gave this one a try. Not only did it transform our health, but it literally saved our Baylee’s (bulldog) life. In less than 60 days, she went from hips collapsing and not being able to use her back leg to being completely mobile and active. We are forever grateful.
  3. In March, our Governor lifted the mask mandates. It felt like freedom and pray we don’t go back.
  4. My husband and I started reading Revelations in Through the Word app. I highly recommend this app created by Kris Langham. He and his team explain every chapter and verse in everyday terms. He also has a great sense of humor which helps when trying to understand sometimes challenging information.
  5. In July, my mom felt comfortable enough to have me come home (Michigan)! It was a glorious time after almost 2 years apart.
  6. Our son Wes was married in October. The wedding took place on October 2 in a beautiful wooded area in rural Indiana.  His wife is a beautiful young woman who has a strong faith in God. We flew home from the wedding on my husband’s birthday so I surprised him with a first-class ticket!
  7. My best friend came to visit in September. Vicky has been a dear friend for years and was my rock when my husband left for South Carolina to start his new job. It was a stressful time and it was great to reconnect.
  8. My sister Carolyn came to visit in August and we experienced a culinary tour in downtown Charleston. Another reason I’ll be looking to drop a few pounds in 2022.
  9. My brother Dennis came to visit in November and we took a History of Charleston walking tour. Charleston is rich in its culture and beautiful architecture.
  10. Early December I flew to Michigan to spend time with my 98-year-old mother and siblings. It was an early Christmas gift to myself.

I truly believe 2022 will only be better. I pick a word each year to live by and this year it is Courageous.  Every day is a choice to live life the way God intended. We will not die one day sooner or later than what God planned for us so why live in fear.  God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love.  (2 Timothy 1:7) So promise me, you will continue to live your best life.