Tag Archive for: toxic

The KISS Rule for Digestion – Week 21 of 52 Weeks of Wellness

Now that we know how the digestive system works and the importance of removing additives, preservatives, sugar, fats that the body can’t or will struggle to digest, here are a few Keep It SIMPLE Sweetie (not a fan of the other S word) tips to improve digestion and reduce symptoms connected with poor digestion.

How to reduce or eliminate digestive issues:

  • Avoid processed, instant, sugar-laden, chemical-laden, hydrogenated/trans fats, “lifeless” foods
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, soda
  • Avoid antacids
  • Reduce or eliminate drinking iced or hot liquids immediately before, during or 30 minutes after a meal. Consider drinking 4 ounces or less of room temperature water as to not disrupt the digestive process
  • Eat fruit separate from meals especially citrus like oranges and grapefruit
  • Avoid high amounts of red meat & dairy
  • Avoid gluten
  • Avoid chewing gum (unnecessarily simulates enzymes)
  • Don’t eat meat and starches together
  •  Don’t eat numerous different types of foods. Buffets, carry ins, holiday dinners, etc. are danger zones for creating digestive upset.
  • Reducing the number of different foods on your plate in a meal is a simple habit to implement.

Clients are always asking what to eat and I tell them to keep it simple!Fish or chicken with a green vegetable or quinoa with pasta sauce with vegetables would be two simple dinner options. Lighten your digestive overload by reducing the number of foods you include in a meal.

Week 21 Action Step:

Tackle lightening your digestive overload using one or as many of the above suggestions as you can. What is a simple dinner or lunch item that you use to keep it simple? We would love for you to share it in the comments below.

What you learned in 5th Grade about Digestion – Week 20 of 52 Weeks of Wellness

So, you may have learned how the body digests food in 5th grade but did anyone listen or care back then? I certainly did not! Luckily, most children properly digest their food until their bodies are corrupted with excess sugar, fats, additives and preservatives. However, I’m seeing more and more digestive issues in young people that is frankly a bit disturbing!

By the time we reach the age of 30-40, our bodies are really struggling to break down food. Then we start to experience gas, bloating, heartburn etc. that tells us something is not working. However, instead of looking at our diet for clues, we take antacids or the magic purple pills that further breakdown the immune and digestive system and only mask the symptoms instead of resolving the issues.

Here is a reminder of how complex the body is and how important it is to feed your body, whole clean food.

Five steps of digestion and absorption

1. Sight and smell—these sensations stimulate the flow of saliva to prepare for
incoming food.

2. Mouth—teeth chew the food into semi-liquid texture to expose more of the food
surface to the enzyme activity in saliva. Saliva contains the digestive enzyme amylase, which begins the breakdown of carbohydrates only, therefore, the more you chew and mix the food with these enzymes the better you breakdown of carbohydrates. Starches will begin to taste sweet if they are chewed long enough to begin their breakdown into simple glucose/sugar molecules.

3. Stomach—(holds approximately 1 gallon of food)

a. Depending on the food it can take between 15-minutes or 5 hours.

i. Liquids take minutes
ii. Fruits: 15-30 minutes if eaten alone
iii. Veggies: 30-50 minutes depending on preparation and type
iv.Grains/starches: 90-120 minutes
v. Animal proteins: 4-6 hours
vi. Fats: slowest of all foods

b. Stomach produces HCl and enzymes (pepsin), which break down proteins. Overall levels of HCl can decrease if a diet high in red meat; dairy and processed food is consumed. Protein, calcium and iron require a good acid/HCl soak to break down properly.

c. HCl levels decrease with age

i. Over 40 yrs. old, levels can be half of an 18 yr. old
ii. Over 60-65, dramatic decrease so it is important to use digestive
enzymes. Carbohydrates are not digested in the stomach. No food is absorbed into the body
from this organ.

4. Small intestine (the body’s major digestive organ).

a. 3 sections include duodenum (10 in), jejunum (8 ft.) and ileum (12 ft.)
b. Depending on the meal it takes between 2-6 hr. journey
c. Tiny fingerlike projections (villi) line the inside of the small intestine increasing the absorption area. The villi can be damaged or flattened by constipation, highly processed food, alcohol, drugs, lack of good bacteria. This can contribute to malabsorption (IBS, Chron’s, colitis) and other disease.
d. The small intestine can only process small amounts of food at a time. The
small intestine is where chemical digestion of food really begins. When
the acidic chime enters the duodenum (1st section of small intestine) its
acidity triggers the release of two extremely important digestive juices.

i. Pancreatic juice (from pancreas) is very alkaline and contains
amylase for carbohydrate digestion, lipase for fat and proteases for
ii. Bile (from liver and stored in gallbladder is an emulsifier and
acts as a detergent to break down large fat globules and expose
them to lipase. Bile is necessary for the absorption of the fat-
soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K).

5. Large intestine (colon or bowel)

a. Larger than small intestine, no villi and about 5 ft. in length
b. Journey thru colon take 8-12 hours
c. Produces no enzymes and contains 500 bacteria which involve:

i. Production of vitamins K, B12
ii. Control the colon’s microflora (balance of good/bad bacteria)
iii. Metabolize remaining nutrients (releasing gases, esp. if
microflora imbalance)

d. Feces contain undigested food residues, mucous, millions of bacteria and
enough water to allow smooth passage. The longer feces remain in the
colon, the more water the colon absorbs from the stool and the harder
it becomes. This may result in constipation. If passage is too quick, not
enough water, results in diarrhea.

Week 20 Action Step:

Take a close look at the your digestion this week. My favorite saying is we need to “get the colon rollin”. Examine your bowel movements (and yes, I mean that literally) to determine your frequency and consistency. If you eat three meals, you should have three bowel movements.

The feces should be brown, well-formed and about the size of a banana. If you feel, you need to get your colon rollin, consider Hair Mineral or 24 Urinanalyis Testing and stay tuned for next week where we will learn solutions to digestive issues.

Digestion and the link to Wellness- Week 19 of 52 Weeks of Wellness

We used to say, “you are what you eat” and now we say, “you are what you digest.”

You can eat clean, whole, natural and organic food all day every day but if your body can’t digest it, you are not going to experience optimal health. If your food is not broken down by chewing then your body will not be able to use it.

When digestion isn’t happening correctly your body no longer provides the appropriate amount of enzymes to break food down and you will not be able to use the food for energy and to rebuild and your good eating habits will be doing no good.

Did you know most children properly digest their food until their bodies are corrupted with excess sugar, fats, additives and preservatives? Our bodies know how to digest foods and have the abilities to do so until we disrupt the process with excess foreign substances and toxins.

Surprisingly, most people don’t recognize digestive disruption and therefor don’t pay attention to the body’s cries for digestive help.

Can you recognize the signs of improper digestion? Which of the following do you think aren’t signs of digestive issues? Tell us which you think aren’t signs in the comments below to be entered to win our monthly giveaway.

  1. Gas, belching after meals, bloating
  2. Indigestion or sourness 2-3 hours after eating
  3. Heavy, tired feeling after eating
  4. Chronic thirst
  5. Meat is no longer appealing or easily digested
  6. Constipation or diarrhea
  7. Early satiety, or fullness after a few bites
  8. Consistency of your stool
  9. Sudden weight loss or weight gain
  10. A chronic dry cough, sour taste in the mouth
  11. Frequent periods of nausea or excessive gas

Week 19 Action Step:

Take a close look at the body’s messages regarding digestion this week. Keep a journal of the foods you eat and how they leave you feeling so you’ll be able to easily pinpoint problems.

Week 18: Top (food) Toxins to Avoid – 52 Weeks of Wellness

We’ve covered MSG and chemical sweeteners in the past few weeks but there are many others to be aware of.

The food we eat could have one or more of the more than five hundred chemical pesticides routinely used in conventional farming. Pollutants in the air, water and soil including toxic levels of mercury and arsenic contaminate our waterways and impact our health. Anything that filters through the environment ultimatly infiltrates our bodies.

Pollutants store in our tissues causing damage to our immune system impairing our ability to digest, absorb and utilize the nutrients we consume. Pesticides and herbicides are just the beginning as manufactures may add these problematic toxins as well:

  1. Artificial food colors. These have been shown to lead to allergies, asthma, and hyperactivity; they are possible carcinogens.
  2. Nitrites and nitrates. These substances can develop into nitrosamines in the body, which can be carcinogenic. Found in most processed meats, lunch meat, bacon, etc.
  3. Sulfites (sulfur dioxide, metabisulfites and others).These can cause allergic and asthmatic reactions. Found in wine and dried fruits.
  4. Preservatives (BHA, BHT, EDTA, THBQ, and others). These may cause allergic reactions, hyperactivity, and possibly cancer; BHT may be toxic to the nervous system and the liver.
  5. Artificial flavors. These may cause allergic or behavioral reactions.
  6. Olestra (an artificial fat).This may cause diarrhea and digestive disturbances. Look for these in “light” versions of salty snacks.

Other concerns:

  • •Food waxes. The protective coatings applied to produce, as in cucumbers, peppers, and apples, may trigger allergies and can contain pesticides, fungicide sprays, or animal by-products.
  • Plastic packaging. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is car-cinogenic and may cause immune reactions and lung irritation.

What can you do from an environmental standpoint to reduce toxins?

Here are some ideas to help…

Buy local, pesticide free foods. Aim to switch all your food buying habits so that you are preventing toxin exposure.

Also consider stoping or reducing the spraying toxins on your lawn or garden, seek alternative options or ask your pest control company for natural safer options. Ask your carpet cleaner to reduce or eliminate the chemicals in their cleaning solution. Switch personal and home care to safer, natural ones. Stay away from commercial air fresheners, scented candles and such.

Remember, our choices today impact our children and grandchildren for years to come.

Week 18 Action Step:

How have you limited your toxic exposure in foods or in your environment or what ways to do you think we can all do so? Tell us in the comments below.

Week 17: Hold on to those brain cells! – 52 Weeks of Wellness


MSG or monosodium glutamate is an addictive flavor enhancer used in many processed foods. It can be listed under 20-30 different names so it is very difficult to detect.

Those warm, fuzzy ingredient names such as natural flavorings, spices and seasonings can do some major damage to our body.

One major concern with MSG is that it has been labeled an excitotoxin. You may remember reading in week 8 we learned that according to Neurosurgeon, Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D., Neurosurgeon, says excitotoxins like MSG, overstimulate neural cells and cause other nervous system issues. MSG causes brain cells to fire rapidly, become exhausted and die.

They literally are killing off your brain cells.

“What are excitotoxins? The word excitotoxin is derived from two words, excite and toxin. A ‘toxin’ is a poison. So excitotoxin is a poison that excites any brain cell it encounters until it dies. These substances are usually amino acids – sounds rather natural and harmless but when these react with specialized receptors in the brain in such a way as to lead to destruction of certain types of brain cells.” Quote source and much more excitotoxin info can be read here.

MSG can impact hearing, destroy nerve cells, heart rate, lungs, brain, digestive system, blood pressure. Another area of the body that is impacted is vision. There are glutamate receptors in the retina and laboratory studies on animals have shown the retina to be damaged by MSG. We can also see how this impacts other health epidemics. Glutamate stimulates the pancreas and may cause Type II diabetes, obesity, and insulin resistance. Need I go on? Not much safe or natural about it!

So what can you do to ensure you and your family are not consuming this substance?

Eat whole, clean foods grown locally or purchase certified organic. Stick to foods in natural state and not in bags or boxes. Fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, dark leafy greens, whole grains, and nuts/seeds (unroasted and unsalted) are pretty safe bets!

The following list of ingredients may contain MSG:

Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein, Hydrolyzed Protein, Hydrolyzed Plant Protein, Plant Protein Extract, Sodium Caseinate, Calcium Caseinate, Yeast Extract, Textured Protein, Hydrolyzed Oat Flour, broth, boullion, natural flavorings, seasonings, spices,whey protein concentrate, soy protein isolate.

Week 17 Action Step:

Challenge this week, see how many items you can load up your cart with that aren’t in a bag, box or package! What did you score, how did you make a meal of it? Tell us in the comments below.

Week 15: The Toxins in Our Foods – What is the big deal about MSG anyway? – 52 Weeks of Wellness


I was asked by a cardiologist what are the top three additives to avoid in food. My response was high fructose corn syrup, MSG (monosodium glutamate) and chemical sugars. His response was , “Good answer.” Sounds like one savvy cardiologist to me!

Since we covered chemical sweeteners previously, let’s look at Monosodium Glutamate next. First, before we can dive into the problems behind the use of MSG we must first understand what it is.

MSG = Monosodium glutamate | Steer Clear!

According to The Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients:

 “Monosodium glutamate can generally be produced by three methods. Currently most of the world production of monosodium glutamate is by bacterial fermentation.

In this method bacteria (especially strains of Micrococcus glutamicus) are grown aerobically in a liquid nutrient medium containing a carbon source (e.g., dextrose or citrate), a nitrogen source such as ammonium ions or urea, and mineral ions and growth factors.

The bacteria selected for this process have the ability to excrete glutamic acid they synthesize outside of their cell membrane into the medium and accumulate there. The glutamic acid is separated from the fermentation broth by filtration, concentration, acidification, and crystallization, followed by conversion to its monosodium salt [monosodium glutamate].”

Well, I don’t know about you, but this doesn’t sound like FOOD to me. Sounds like another chemistry experiment that I’d rather not put in my mouth. And if that wasn’t enough, the bacteria used are often, if not always, genetically engineered (GMO).

Manufacturers also hide MSG as part of “natural flavorings,” because it is a natural product when listed in ingredient labels. But being natural is not the same as being harmless.

Next week we’ll look at the numerous other names that MSG is hiding in.

Week 17 action step:

Read ingredient labels and while eating out, ask if  you are meal’s seasonings contain MSG or “natural flavorings”. Better yet, ask to have your food prepared without additional sauces or seasonings as this will eliminate the risk all together.

Tell us in the comments below which foods you were surprised to learn contain MSG.

In the coming weeks will cover:

  • Why food manufacturers use MSG?
  • What other names is MSG listed as on food labels?
  • Why avoid it.
  •  What body systems are impacted by MSG?