Tag Archive for: stress management

What is Mental Fitness

What is Mental Fitness

What is mental fitness?

It’s a new concept in health called mental fitness. It’s the percentage of time your mind is serving you versus sabotaging you.

Independent researchers have validated the PQ (Positive Intelligence Quotient)  Score to be the single greatest predictor of how much of your potential for both success and happiness you achieve.

Research has shown that higher PQ results in enhanced immune system functioning, lower levels of stress-related hormones, lower blood pressure, less pain, fewer, colds, better sleep in a smaller likelihood of having hypertension, diabetes, or strokes.

What Is Mental Fitness?

Stanford lecturer and best-selling author Shirzad Chamine has developed a program and book called Positive Intelligence®. Your Positive Intelligence quotient, or ‘PQ’, is a measure of your mental fitness. PQ measures the percentage of time your mind is serving you versus sabotaging you. Independent researchers have validated PQ Score to be the single greatest predictor of how much of your potential for both success and happiness you achieve.

According to Shirzad, 80% of us score below the minimum level of mental fitness required for peak performance and happiness.

But the good news is that mental fitness can be significantly improved with just 6 weeks of daily practice. Shirzad tells us that doing 100 PQ reps a day to build mental muscles (essentially, creating new neural pathways) is the equivalent of taking 10,000 steps a day for physical fitness or weight training by doing reps with a dumbbell.

Helping every human build mental fitness so they can fulfill their true potential for both happiness and contribution.


How is PQ different from other programs including meditation or mindfulness?

PQ Treat Root Cause, not Symptoms

The factor analysis research has revealed the foundational root-level enablers and disablers of optimal performance and well-being. We rewire the brain at the root cause level.

PQ Focuses on Habit Formation

Most training results in short-lived improvements. For sustained results, we focus on building neural pathways that form lasting new habits. That’s why we call this “mental fitness”.

PQ Develops all 3 Core Muscles

Mental fitness requires 3 core muscles. Saboteur Interceptor, Self-Command, and Sage. Meditation only focuses on Self-Command, which is why it is not sustained by most.

An analysis of more than 200 scientific studies, which collectively tested more than 275,000 people, concluded that higher PQ leads to higher salaries and greater success in the areas of work, marriage, health, sociability, friendship, and creativity.

Daily Practice with the App

PQ app

The PQ app includes a mental fitness gym to offer a variety of PQ exercises using different senses. There are exercises for sitting or walking and they vary in length from 2 to 12 minutes. The app tracks your daily progress so you can check your progress against the targets for creating new neural pathways. It also gives you a daily focus of the day to guide your practice incrementally over 6 weeks.

15 minutes/day of app-guided practice enables you to establish mental muscles (neural pathways). These exercises are bite-sized to fit your busy schedule and customized based on how you self-sabotage.

You may be asking, is this the right program for me?

This is the right program for you if you are: 

  • Committed to improving your performance and effectiveness dramatically while reducing stress
  • Looking for a science-based and trusted system to make it stick
  • Willing to put in the initial effort to rewire years of mental habits that don’t serve you

Take the Mental Fitness or PQ Assessment

The PQ program has been transformational for my personal and professional life as well as for my clients. If you’d like to learn more about PQ, or test your levels, you can do so here. If you have questions or want to be added to the waitlist, drop a comment below. I only run the program a few times a year and limit the program to 10 members. 

When you take the assessment, I’d love to hear your results.  Better yet, schedule a free Wellness Strategy Session to learn more. 


Exhausted Woman's head on desk

What are the Signs of Adrenal Fatigue?

What are the signs of adrenal fatigue and what can you do? Take the quiz and find out. Learn if you are just tired or if you truly may have adrenal fatigue.

I was in Phase 3 adrenal fatigue a few years ago and it was debilitating. I ignored most of the symptoms because it creeps in overtime to the point where you don’t even recognize how bad you really feel. Phase 3 is an advanced phase and can be dangerous if ignored. I would break down and cry for no reason, leaving work daily by 2 pm as I could no longer function mentally or physically.  The thought of making the bed or taking a shower could feel overwhelming and exhausting. 

Conventional medicine uses the term adrenal insufficiency and WebMD explains it here. Holistic medicine uses the term adrenal fatigue. Whatever label you use, it can be serious and you need to seek professional help. When the body isn’t producing sufficient amounts of cortisol and aldosterone, that creates the symptoms of adrenal insufficiency or adrenal fatigue. The condition is usually put in one of three categories under different names. To simplify, the labels (one, two, or three) are referring to mild, moderate, and/or severe conditions. I was in a severe category.

With any chronic health issue, you should always seek the help of a professional to test your cortisol, hormones, and neurotransmitters. Adrenal fatigue must be approached from an emotional perspective first as habits need to change. Adrenal fatigue seems to be predominant with more driven, control junkies or people pleasers. It is very common in caretakers which could be a special-needs child or an elderly parent. 

Care options

Conventional medicine only uses steroids to treat adrenal insufficiency.  The holistic community uses whole clean foods, detox, stress management, and supplementation. I’ve outlined the program that worked for me as steroids were not an option for me.  However, each of us is unique so seek the help of a qualified professional. It is highly beneficial to seek the help of someone who has experienced it.   

Take the Quiz

Answer the following questions and see if you have symptoms associated with adrenal stress.

  1. Do you wake up exhausted after sleeping 6-8 hours or more?
  2. Do you find it hard to stay asleep?
  3. Do you go to bed exhausted only to feel wired again and unable to sleep?
  4. Is your blood pressure dropping on occasion?
  5. Have you noticed more hair loss?
  6. Are your nails weak or thin?
  7. Do you feel wiped out in the afternoons?
  8. Do you crave salt?
  9. Do you have muscle weakness?
  10. Are you emotionally sensitive?
  11. Are you or were you under a high amount of constant stress?
  12. Do you feel dizzy, especially when getting up from lying down?
  13. Are you gaining or losing weight for no apparent reason?
  14. Do everyday tasks seem overwhelming?
  15. Are you sensitive to bright lights?
  16. Lack of interest or enthusiasm or feeling is withdrawn for what typically brings you joy?

Results and Next Steps

If you checked more than eight of the fifteen, it’s a good idea to seek help and testing with an integrative doctor or Naturopath. If you would like to learn more, request our free guide called Top 3 Tips to Overcome Adrenal Stress to begin your path to balance your body and regain your energy. Or if you are looking for the best diet, foods, and supplements for adrenal fatigue, check out our Best Foods & Supplements for Adrenal Fatigue Guide.  I wrote these guides from my personal experience and recovery. I understand what you are going through and it’s not easy. 

If you have any questions, please reach out anytime as we are here to listen and help. You can connect with those who have been where you are. Please comment below and let me know how you scored on your quiz. 

How to Use a Healy

How to Use a Healy device or specifically the Healy Resonance Edition.  I’ve been using the Healy microcurrent and frequency device daily for almost six months and have loved the results. It has greatly enhanced our family’s health and well-being.

Healy is a new microcurrent medical device cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration only for local relief of acute, chronic, and arthritis pain and muscle soreness due to overexertion. Healy also has non-medical applications that use Individualized Microcurrent Frequencies (IMF) to harmonize your Bioenergetic Field. It can help balance your mind, and body and relieve stress. I’ve experienced these benefits and so much more.

I pulled a muscle in my back recently and was able to obtain relief from extreme pain in less than 48 hours. I had pulled a muscle the month before (pre-Healy) and it took me almost two weeks to obtain relief and be fully functional again.

I’ve also received benefits from the Healy with mental focus and concentration when working on big projects. And if I need to relax or sleep deeper, it has programs to help support in that as well. One area of improvement in my sleep is that I now remember my dreams whereas previously that rarely happened.

Healy Resonance Edition

The Resonance is the top of the line model that provides a feature to analyze frequencies in the Information field to recognize the best resonance for the user at the moment. The results of the analysis can provide guidance to assist with all your wellness goals both emotional and physical. The process takes only a few minutes and once you identify the imbalances, you can apply the associated program(s).

How to Use a Healy

I typically analyze 3-4 programs per day to assist with my emotional, mental, and physical wellness goals. One of the features of it being a wearable device is that I can continue on with my life whether that’s working at my desk, making dinner, or going for walk.

Healy is giving people a competitive edge especially as they are aging. And speaking of aging, Healy is launching a new application called Bioenergetic Revitalization to improve vitality and energy at any age in every phase of life!

Healy Bioenergetic Revitalization
Healy Bioenergetic Revitalization is an app for the Healy that supports revitalization – as a counterbalance to an unhealthy lifestyle that can accelerate the premature deterioration of mind and spirit.

Healy Bioenergetic Revitalization provides:

  • Research-based individual revitalization tips with a 3 to a 6-month plan
  • Selected Individualized Micro Current Frequency (IMF) programs for harmonizing the bio-energetic field
  • Sustainable promotion of revitalization effects
  • Tracking healthy lifestyle elements

Current research has investigated the resonance effects of certain frequencies or frequency bands with stem cells and various types of body tissues.

Research has studied the resonance effects of certain frequencies or frequency bands with different types of body tissues.

Each Healy Bioenergetic Revitalization includes:

  • A combination of revitalization tips from different health areas
  • 12 specially designed Healy IMF (individualized microcurrent frequency) programs in the program group “Bioenergetic Revitalization” for many areas of your life and health, for vitality, youthful energy, and holistic support!
  • An easy-to-understand HealAdvisor Assistant, with which you will always find a suitable recommendation for an IMF Healy program

Go directly to my website for Healy product pricing or contact us if you would like to learn more about this new application.

Watch a video on the Healy device here.

If you would like to talk more and have your questions answered, click here. 

Finding Joy in Family

4 Simple Tips to Reclaim Your Joy During Stressful Times

Would you have thought back in March when this partial isolation started that we would still be somewhat locked down in July? Thankfully we can explore outside, have lake or beach adventures and take time to reflect on what brings us joy with limited resources.

I have been very thankful during my time of self-reflection, to be comforted by knowing I have a foundation of faith.  With so much discord in many facets of life these days, it is so incredible to believe in a God that we can trust. It gives such a sense of peace to know he holds all things under his control and that they will work out best for those that love him.

It has been therapeutic for me to expand my horizons with new things to find joy in. So, I want to share these tips with you in hopes that it may help you as well.

  1. Create a getaway haven in your home or yard. God gave us two perfect trees to hold a hammock! I am happy to be enjoying it daily along with the sunshine and my surroundings.Create an Escape Haven
  2. Create/find a mental escape. I have spent time doing some “light” reading. Escaping into a fun novel has reduced my stress and taken me away to some fun places if only in my mind! Remember the brain doesn’t know the difference between real and imagined. Meditation is also a wonderful way to create a mental escape and restore balance.
  3. Create a fun dining experience. Last weekend we picked up food from a couple different restaurants (each picked our favorites) and took it to a park to eat. We packed a picnic basket with beverages and other necessities and were able to enjoy the fresh air, new scenery and each other.
  4. Create more family time. I have enjoyed some precious time celebrating our growing family. Thankfully, my children were able to visit for a few days and help me celebrate my day of birth. However, you don’t need a reason to be together. The photos you see in the collage above are of our wonderful weekend together.  We had fun exploring the beach, our grandson came which always helps re-energize the family and we are thrilled to announce my son’s girlfriend recently said “YES”. Words cannot express how much joy this brings us.

Nothing puts things in perspective like realizing our joy does not come from what we have, where we can go or what we do….it truly comes from the love we share with those closest to us. This summer, maybe more than ever, I have been thankful for the slower pace of my personal world that has allowed me to discover more joy in making these precious memories and the people I share them with.

As my family watched the incredible show of fireworks put on by our many incredible neighbors on July 4th, it was a wonderful reminder that we still live in a great country and can find so much joy if we look for it.