Tag Archive for: sleep

Are you making your health a priority?

Are you making your health a priority? The two best indicators of where you place priorities are found in your calendar and bank account. So, if you are working towards improving your career, health, or finances, start here.  How much time are you blocking for health activities such as meal planning, shopping, meal prep, or your fun, sweaty activity? And maybe your business or career is not where you would like it. How much time are you devoted to personal improvement, prospecting, marketing, sales, follow-up, or all the other IPA’s (income-producing activities) involved in a career or business?

Let’s talk about health first since that’s my passion and if you are here, it’s probably yours too. So many people complain about paying extra money for high-quality supplements (vs retail pharmacy grade), and nutrition and testing services not covered by insurance. You must value yourself and make both (health and your body) a priority.

I’ve been to clean juice stores where they sell a bottle of organic juice full of nutrients for $10-$12 and people would say “Are you serious…$10 for a juice?!” Plus, I hear women tell me they cannot afford to purchase organic food for their families because it’s too expensive. However, go sit in a bar or restaurant and no one bats an eye to pay $10-$15 for alcohol or an appetizer. And what about all the money everyone is spending at Chick-Fil-A! Yikes, I may have struck a nerve here. I don’t care how efficient they are. It’s the same unhealthy food you would get at any fast-food restaurant.

People will drop hundreds per month on lattes or cell phones, yet not want to spend $50 on a gym membership, or a few hundred on therapy or a coaching program.  The only Coach they may spend a few hundred dollars for would be the handbag. Ladies, what about the hair color, nails, and gosh knows what else we spend money on that doesn’t improve our health. I’m hitting below the belt now but how much is one salon appointment to color your hair? I’m guessing $150 or more, and some are doing this every 6 weeks? But again, discuss health testing that costs $300-$600 that we will do annually at most, and we have to think or pray about it??!! Now, I agree with praying but I’m guessing most women are not praying about their salon appointments!

These are all great examples of how most of our society views investing in their health. And then wonder why they don’t feel good or are not achieving their goals.

And what about our precious time that we are lacking? People spend hours scrolling on their phones or watching Netflix and but don’t have enough time to read, journal, meditate or go for a walk. The benefits of reading for even 30 minutes per day include improved brain health, better sleep, overall health, balanced emotions, and stress reduction. The average person spends 3 hours per day on social media.

Our actions show where our priorities are, not our thoughts and ideas.

If you’re having a difficult time making changes to your health, happiness, relationships, business, take a look at what you’re investing in. Not just investing with your money, but your energy, time, and/or attention.

Again, the two best indicators of where you place priorities are your calendar and bank account.

The more you give to yourself, the more you’ll get back. You deserve to have everything you desire and nobody else is going to give it to you but YOU.

If you are worried about the price of making a change, you should assess the cost of staying exactly where you are. Let me know if you need support in either area. I’m not perfect, just learned through life where and what to invest in.

The word Diet with a large red circle with a line through it

Ways to Maintain Your Weight Without Dieting

I discovered 10 ways to maintain your weight without dieting and want to share them with you. First, I want to share what doesn’t work.

Why Diets Are Not Sustainable

Have you tried every diet on the planet including counting calories, and points and even eliminating entire food groups?! Some may have worked temporarily but none of these are healthy or sustainable. In your quest to lose weight, please don’t starve yourself, limit your food choices, or ingest synthetic foods. We know these techniques do not work long-term. 

What Does Work

I’ve maintained my optimal weight for the past 15 years. This, by the way, is the same as my high-school weight, which isn’t bad for a woman 50++ years young! It wasn’t until I stopped the insanity of dieting and started eating whole clean food did I get results.

We all know there is no “one size fits all” in weight loss which is why we recommend nutritional testing. If you’ve attempted these strategies or just want to expedite the weight-loss process, give us a call. We’d love to help you begin a journey to wellness. 

Obviously, weight loss shouldn’t be exclusively focused on how you look and feel. Consider longevity or quality of life with your spouse, children, and grandchildren. The long-term goal may motivate you longer than the short-term one. Putting quality foods in your body says you love and respect the temple God gave to you. You will see, feel and experience the difference so that you won’t want to go back to old unhealthy habits.

Here are my 10 Simple Steps to Weight-Loss Success

  1. Eat clean or organic foods as much as possible.  Grow your own and/or buy from farmers who don’t use chemicals. Purchase certified organically grown in the U.S. We are not necessarily overweight so much as we are over toxic because our bodies are inundated with chemicals within the processed foods we eat.
  2. Eat more fruits, vegetables, and greens. This is one food group that is critically deficient in the diet. This group is also the only one that contains fiber and antioxidants. Animal products don’t. Also, fruits, veggies, and greens digest much easier than meat or dairy products.Vegetables
  3. Add essential fatty acid (EFA) foods to your diet. EFA foods include wild salmon, avocados, chia, hemp or flaxseed, walnuts, coconut oil, or extra virgin olive oil (preferably that has not been heated). EFAs are crucial for hormone regulation and brain function as well as other important bodily processes. If you are looking a high-quality omega, we can provide healthcare professional grades at a discount
  4. Eat fewer animal products, especially dairy. When you fill-up on plant foods, you naturally eat less animal food. Again, the downside of animal protein is that it is difficult to digest which causes the body stress. It is also inflammatory, and if not eaten organically, it is laden with hormones, genetically modified feed, and antibiotics.
  5. Start your morning with 6-8 ounces of purified water. Most people are critically dehydrated and are being counter-productive by consuming beverages that dehydrate, such as sodas, coffee, and alcohol. Continue drinking water all day, replacing all other beverages. Water is the best detox and energizer available. 
  6. Sleep 7-9 hours per night and be in bed by 10 p.m. Your body repairs and rebuilds between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. so it is essential to be asleep during this time frame.  Be sure to remove all technology (cell phones, computers/tablets) from your bedroom to eliminate stimulation from electromagnetic radiation.  Also, avoid “electronic insomnia” by powering down your cell or tablet at least 60 minutes before bedtime. Obtaining adequate sleep reduces your body’s need for external sources of energy that can cause us to overeat. 
  7. Engage in fun, sweaty activities daily. Do something you enjoy and that gets you moving, like dance, yoga, tennis, walking, etc. Even moving 10-15 minutes is beneficial.  You don’t have to buy a gym membership since walking outdoors is great therapy.  I own a rebounder, Max Trainer, and a Chi Machine which give me a way to get in my exercise when inclement weather or time constraints prohibit the activity.
  8. Get the white out of your diet. Greatly reduce or eliminate white foods such as pasta, rice, bread, or potatoes. Pasta and bread are not nutritionally dense, and they contain gluten. Even gluten-free pasta typically consists of low-quality filler ingredients. Quinoa is a more nutrient-dense grain/seed as well as a complete protein.  Consider using it in place of gluten-free or traditional pasta noodles.
  9. Get the gluten out. Many people feel that gluten-free diets are a fad. However, many people are gluten intolerant and have no idea. You can use nutritional testing to determine if you are intolerant and/or perform a simple elimination test for two weeks by going gluten-free.  When added back into the diet, most people who are intolerant will experience a multitude of symptoms such as headaches, bloating, gas, increased inflammation, or other digestion issues.
  10. Monitor your portions. You do not need to count calories or points, just learn to eat to satisfaction instead of to a feeling of fullness. If you eat until you are full, typically, you’ve eaten too much. Americans underestimate the number of poor-quality foods they consume and overestimate the amounts of fruits, vegetables, and greens. Keep half of your intake of each meal from plants.

If this all sounds a bit overwhelming, you don’t have to go it alone. Join our community on Facebook or follow us on Pinterest to stay connected. Or if you are ready to have someone walk you through this process every step of the way and get results faster, I’d love to help! Book your call with us here.

How to Use a Healy

How to Use a Healy device or specifically the Healy Resonance Edition.  I’ve been using the Healy microcurrent and frequency device daily for almost six months and have loved the results. It has greatly enhanced our family’s health and well-being.

Healy is a new microcurrent medical device cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration only for local relief of acute, chronic, and arthritis pain and muscle soreness due to overexertion. Healy also has non-medical applications that use Individualized Microcurrent Frequencies (IMF) to harmonize your Bioenergetic Field. It can help balance your mind, and body and relieve stress. I’ve experienced these benefits and so much more.

I pulled a muscle in my back recently and was able to obtain relief from extreme pain in less than 48 hours. I had pulled a muscle the month before (pre-Healy) and it took me almost two weeks to obtain relief and be fully functional again.

I’ve also received benefits from the Healy with mental focus and concentration when working on big projects. And if I need to relax or sleep deeper, it has programs to help support in that as well. One area of improvement in my sleep is that I now remember my dreams whereas previously that rarely happened.

Healy Resonance Edition

The Resonance is the top of the line model that provides a feature to analyze frequencies in the Information field to recognize the best resonance for the user at the moment. The results of the analysis can provide guidance to assist with all your wellness goals both emotional and physical. The process takes only a few minutes and once you identify the imbalances, you can apply the associated program(s).

How to Use a Healy

I typically analyze 3-4 programs per day to assist with my emotional, mental, and physical wellness goals. One of the features of it being a wearable device is that I can continue on with my life whether that’s working at my desk, making dinner, or going for walk.

Healy is giving people a competitive edge especially as they are aging. And speaking of aging, Healy is launching a new application called Bioenergetic Revitalization to improve vitality and energy at any age in every phase of life!

Healy Bioenergetic Revitalization
Healy Bioenergetic Revitalization is an app for the Healy that supports revitalization – as a counterbalance to an unhealthy lifestyle that can accelerate the premature deterioration of mind and spirit.

Healy Bioenergetic Revitalization provides:

  • Research-based individual revitalization tips with a 3 to a 6-month plan
  • Selected Individualized Micro Current Frequency (IMF) programs for harmonizing the bio-energetic field
  • Sustainable promotion of revitalization effects
  • Tracking healthy lifestyle elements

Current research has investigated the resonance effects of certain frequencies or frequency bands with stem cells and various types of body tissues.

Research has studied the resonance effects of certain frequencies or frequency bands with different types of body tissues.

Each Healy Bioenergetic Revitalization includes:

  • A combination of revitalization tips from different health areas
  • 12 specially designed Healy IMF (individualized microcurrent frequency) programs in the program group “Bioenergetic Revitalization” for many areas of your life and health, for vitality, youthful energy, and holistic support!
  • An easy-to-understand HealAdvisor Assistant, with which you will always find a suitable recommendation for an IMF Healy program

Go directly to my website for Healy product pricing or contact us if you would like to learn more about this new application.

Watch a video on the Healy device here.

If you would like to talk more and have your questions answered, click here.