Benefits of Natural Progesterone

Benefits of Natural Progesterone  I suffered until my 30's with horrific mood swings, anxiety, hot flashes, insomnia, heavy flow, bloating, and weight gain. These issues can cripple women at a time in our life when we should be our most productive and confident. I would miss work for 1-2 days a month because I couldn't leave the house. My flow was so intense, my cramps were unbearable and it would flare my IBS! Not only did I not leave my home, some days, I barely left the bathroom. It was miserable. You may have researched and discovered an overwhelming number of products available to you, as well as an…

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Beating Seasonal Affective Disorder

Beating seasonal affective disorder naturally is possible. As I write this, the weather is cold and gloomy and a steady rain is falling. Don’t even get me started on the fact that it gets dark at 4:30 p.m. now.  I just want to curl up and nap on the couch with my blanket and my puppy dog. Do you find yourself struggling as the days are shorter and you are exposed to less and less sunlight? It is not unusual to experience some changes in energy levels as we move into fall and winter. However if you find that your symptoms are pronounced and you are having trouble…

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Do You (or Your Child) Have Yeast/Candida?

Do You Have Yeast/Candida? Yeast is a common digestive health issue that is overlooked by many. Did you know that hyperactivity, ear infections, depression, skin rashes, mood disorders and even food cravings can be caused by yeast imbalances? People that consume large quantities of alcohol, sugar or carbohydrates are likely to be susceptible to yeast issues and yeast is a very common problem area for a wide range of different people. Getting to the source of the yeast issue is better and will provide more relief for the sufferer than simply masking the related symptoms one might experience as a result of the yeast. Unfortunately, we live in…

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