Tag Archive for: modere

OMG-Painted toes on Weigh Scale

5 Tips To Move the Scale

Here are my Top 5 Tips To Move the Scale. At some point on your journey, you just say ENOUGH! The definition of insanity is doing the same thing (eating, moving, drinking) and expecting different results. So, I did some things differently to help shift the scale. I got some help and I learned what wasn’t working.

I’m happy to say that I’m a loser. I lost four pounds in 14 days. So, what did I do and what did I learn?

I’ll share first what I learned and then what I did.

1. I learned that I was snacking way too often and used it as an excuse that I was grazing. I was really eating out of boredom, stress or avoiding some hard things that I must do being a business owner. As much as I love what I do, there are still the hard things.

2. Snacking and having sweets after supper. Once I stopped eating after supper, (I used the no eating after 6:30 pm rule), I felt better and slept better. To help, I brushed my teeth right after supper to help avoid temptation.

3. I needed to move my body every day instead of 3-4 times per week. I didn’t do anything extreme or high intensity, just walking, Pure Barre, and light weights. It’s always fun to get a friend involved to keep me motivated.

4. I made my mind up to just do it. I didn’t make excuses and I set expectations. I told my husband there would be no dining out during the 14 days. The man lives to go out on Saturday evenings, but he was a great support.

5. I ate until I was satisfied instead of until I was full. When you reach fullness, you’ve most likely eaten too much.

So, what did I do to lose the weight? Well, honestly, I used a lot of products because I was utilizing all the tools I had. I was pulling out all the stops!

First, I eliminated all dairy, gluten, eggs, starches, and nightshades along with processed foods and of course the ultimate evil, sugar! Note, this was only for fourteen days. However, I highly recommend staying away from gluten, sugar, and dairy on a consistent basis which is what I have done for years. Although sugar enters in and out of my diet occasionally.

I made simple meal combinations of grilled organic chicken with vegetables, protein shakes each morning with greens, green powder, and small amounts of fruit. And of course, salads! I had all veggie salads, salads with chicken, and fish tacos on gluten-free wraps.

I had been using the Lean Body System from Modere for the past four months so continued with it. It consists of Trim, Burn, and a 3 Day Detox. The Lean Body System is super simple and the most difficult part is determining which flavor! Benefits of Trim (clinical strength CLA) include: inhibits fat storage, improves muscle tone, and restores youthful skin.

Flavors of the Trim product

I also used the OmniCleanse Detox Kit which is a 14-day system. It’s as simple as taking a couple of capsules and the homeopathic drops throughout the day and was the perfect support to the Lean Body System. Contact us to obtain these healthcare professional-grade products at a discount.

It was so encouraging to see the scale move. My clothes had been fitting better but I needed to see this weight shift as well. I have an important date coming up in October so want to look and feel my best. It’s my son’s wedding day and I get a little emotional just thinking about it. I’m very excited for him and to gain a beautiful daughter-in-law.

I am so blessed to have access to some of the best products on the planet. And remember, I research for safety and purity, so you don’t have to. Let me know if I can help you and we always share discounts with friends and followers. We have an even bigger discount for military and first responders.

13 Self Care Gift Ideas

Curious about what tools would make your wellness journey easier? Here are 13 self care gift ideas just for you!  I’d like to share my most cherished wellness products and services that I love and use daily.  These tools have literally transformed my health and my clients plus make being healthy so easy.

Share this list with your loved ones for a subtle hint or ensure it is in your wellness regimen by purchasing one for yourself….you are worth it!

This shopping can be accomplished from the comfort of your home.  No fighting crowds, burning fossil fuels, or wasting precious hours of your time. Contact us if we can help at info@brenewed.com or by calling 812-461-8922.

1. Vitamix. Oh, how you have made my life in the kitchen simpler and much more fun.  I used to despise being in the kitchen, as I hated to cook.  Vitamix is an all-one tool that does it all from freezing “nice” cream to heating soup in one container.

It also acts as a food processor so you can cut the salad greens/cabbage and make the dressing in it as well.  If that wasn’t enough the beautiful, full-color, freestanding recipe books are worth the price alone.  Backed with a full 7-year warranty makes it my number one wellness gift.

2. Essential Oils. These gifts from God have supported our holistic options for emotional balance and a way to replace toxic air fresheners. They provide a fun and safe way to teach our children natural forms to support the body. We have essential oil products to place in the stockings or full kits. We can fit any budget with prices ranging from $10-$200.

3. Chi Machine.  Fifteen minutes equals 90 minutes of walking from an oxygenation standpoint.  Need I say more?  I use mine twice a day each morning and each evening.  I call it my “lazy woman” exercise machine.  It supports my spine (scoliosis), and discomfort and stimulates the lymphatic system to safely detox.  It is great for stress reduction, improved sleep, and weight loss. Contact us for wellness provider-only discounts.

4. Infrared Pad is a portable source of heat and healing that I don’t leave home without.  Regular heating pads heat the outside of the body, Far Infrared Ray heat penetrates 2-3 inches into the subcutaneous tissue.  I use this with my pets as well to relieve joint pain.

5. Infrared Dome.  The Far Infrared Dome is similar to the pad except it is about five times as powerful.  It emits about 9-11 microns which is so powerful it can help detox heavy metals from the body.  The dome provides improved circulation as well as pain relief.  I use all three modalities together which includes the Chi Machine, Infrared pad on the back and the Infrared Dome on the front of the body.  It feels like a slice of heaven on earth!

6. Inversion Table.  A few minutes a day is an easy way to relieve back pain and pressure. Contact your chiropractor to see if an inversion table is right for you.

7. Essential Oil Cold Air Diffusers.  Cold air diffusers use therapeutic-grade essential oils and release them into the air to be used by the body.  The cold air process helps maintain the therapeutic value of the essential oil, unlike heat diffusers that destroy it.  The diffuser creates a spa-like atmosphere with these wonderful aromas in your home that help heal without the toxic chemicals that synthetic air fresheners emit.

Modere Cellproof skincare

Award-winning skincare

8. CellProof Skincare. Finding skincare that is safe and effective is beyond challenging. However, Modere CellProof skincare has exceeded most people’s expectations for the highest quality products available. It’s a system where you can feel the difference and see it! If this is your first order, you can save money using the special discount code.

9. Q Link Pendant EMF Protection. Electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) are transmitted from wireless networks, phones, tablets, PCs, and all electronic devices.  Exposure to EMFs can impact sleep, energy, emotional balance, and productivity.  I’ve been using these for years and wouldn’t be around technology without them.  I used to feel drained at the end of the day after working at my computer and now I remain energized!

10. QLink Clear EMF Protection – These are great stocking stuffers and protection for your children and grandchildren that will last a lifetime. It is the same protection as the pendant but adheres to your electronic device. It supports your body’s natural defenses against EMFs.

11. Norwex Cleaning products. Oh, how you make my life easier! I love the enviro cloths, travel cloths, mops and just about everything they offer. Let me know what part of cleaning you dislike, and I’ll share how they make cleaning safer, easier, and save you money.

12. Massage Therapy. How do I love thee, let me count the ways!  Massage Therapy is not a once-a-year luxury.  It should be part of your regular health maintenance program to receive at least monthly. The benefits are endless from relieving aches and pain, detox, and building the immune system.  If you don’t have a favorite massage therapist, ask a friend who sees one regularly or contact us for a local referral.

13. Wellness Gift Certificates from B Renewed. Consider a comprehensive Wellness Review to determine where your body is out of balance. Improving energy, reducing stress, and dropping excess weight are easy once you know what’s out of balance.  Show yourself or someone some love by purchasing a gift certificate today. Call 812-461-8922.

Allergies and asthma

12 Natural Solutions for Allergies and Asthma

I suffered from severe seasonal allergies and asthma for years.  My symptoms ranged from annoying to debilitating at times.  I had itchy eyes, a runny nose, and a fogged brain.  I was just plain miserable!  Sound familiar?  I went the conventional treatment route, but the side effects were as bad if not worse than the side effects of allergies/asthma.

As of today, I have not used a conventional allergy medication or my inhaler for 15 plus years! How did I do it?  It may be hard to believe, but I simply eliminated the foods in my diet that created inflammation and supported my immune system.  The most important time to start is LONG before allergy season begins.  Depending on where you live, seasons may vary, but it is typically March-April and again in the fall.

Here are the top 12 strategies that have worked for clients.

1. Switched from drinking cow’s milk to almond or other plant-based milk.  I use certified organic and non-GMO sources.  Greatly reduced or eliminated other sources of dairy such as cheese, cottage cheese, and yogurt.  I made those “sometimes foods” instead of consuming them daily.  Dairy products (lactose) do not break down well, for most, and create mucus in the body.

2. Used Alcat food sensitivity testing to determine what foods, herbs, and chemicals created inflammation.  Even healthy foods, for me, were creating inflammation like lemons, avocados, coconut, and turkey.

3. Once I learned that I had a mild intolerance to gluten, I switched to eliminating or using gluten-free organic grains. In many people, gluten sets the immune system into action and causes inflammation. Grains that contain gluten are wheat, rye, spelt, and barley. Gluten-free grain options are quinoa, rice, millet, and buckwheat. Also note that wheat and rice are two grains that are highly sprayed with glyphosate, a herbicide in Roundup, that has been linked to numerous health conditions including allergies.

4. Don’t just eat your greens, drink them! I drink a green drink almost every morning.  Organic greens, fruits, and vegetables in raw form are natural anti-inflammatory foods and gentle detox. In addition to tasting delicious, this drink supports your immune system by adding much-needed antioxidants to your cells.

5. Enzymes and Probiotics. Using plant-based enzymes between meals also works well for seasonal discomfort.  We carry healthcare professional-grade plant-based non-GMO enzymes that are much more potent than conventional enzymes.

Balancing gut health is key to supporting your body so adding a potent probiotic is critical. Consuming processed or nonorganic foods destroys our good gut flora. Probiotics are best taken in the morning with food. If you are looking for one of the best probiotic combinations to supplement, consider one that contains prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics.

6. Cleanse nasal passages with natural saline and that is drug and preservative-free. One safe brand is NeilMed NasaMist Saline Spray.

7. Add Concentrated Phytonutrients.  Modere Axis™ PhytoGreens is a simple way to get 27 highly bioavailable and bioactive ingredients including marine and leafy greens and adaptogens to help optimize alkalinity, energy, and digestive health. It’s non-GMO and tastes great.modere phytogreens

8. Buy and consume certified organic or naturally grown local produce. Allergies can be a negative response to toxins so the goal is to reduce them in food, beverages, and personal care products. Herbicides (especially glyphosate) and pesticides can create respiratory issues and create more inflammation in our bodies.  Today, almost every grocery store carries thousands of organic items to enable you to eat clean. It is worth the time and money to go the extra mile.

Switch your in-between meals snacks from crackers and chips to fruit or raw veggies.  Be sure to avoid the MSG-laden ranch dressings and opt for hummus or organic dips. Again, fruits and vegetables act as natural anti-inflammatory agents. Fruits and veggies should come from the whole food either fresh or frozen, never canned. Canned foods are void of enzymes and nutrients, which are essential in reducing inflammation and building the immune system.

9. Vacuum your home more frequently, especially in your bedroom and if you have pets. Delegate to another family member (assuming they do not have allergies) or hire someone to do this for you.  Keep your windows closed during peak pollen seasons as well. We invested in a Roomba and this has helped immensely to save time, energy and it gets in those hard-to-reach spots we can’t (under the beds).

10. Eliminate chemical or perfumed cleaners, dryer sheets, detergents, soaps, and shampoos.  Consider making your own detergents and choose personal care products that are free of chemicals that aggravate your skin and cause inflammation. I clean with simple products like baking soda and/or vinegar.

One outstanding laundry detergent is Norwex. Not only is this product safe but it is the best at getting out tough stains. I was able to get ink stains off my husband’s brand new polo shirt after running it through the dryer!

11. Drink plenty of purified or reverse osmosis water to support the detox process. Your body is 70-80% water, so replenish it with the good stuff.  City/tap water contains heavy metals that block nutrients. To learn more about what pure water really is and bring an affordable system into your home, go to Aquasana.com. One of the better-bottled waters on the market is Fiji water.

12. Tongue Scraping. As crazy as this sounds, this ritual has really helped my allergies. Purchase a stainless steel scraper as they work better than the plastic versions. Scrape your tongue each morning before you brush. I start in the middle and then scrape both sides rinsing your scraper at each section. Using your toothbrush (which is what I used to use) doesn’t remove the bacteria but can drive it in. Since 70% of bacteria reside on the tongue, scraping can help keep you healthy and reduce allergy symptoms.

Understand that when you experience unpleasant symptoms your body is temporarily out of balance. Allergies and asthma are not necessarily lifetime conditions if you are diligent and disciplined with your diet and lifestyle. Reach out with questions as we love to help or let us put a personalized allergy support protocol together for you at no cost.