My 3-day Cleanse Journey

It's day one of my 3-day cleanse which started with a 2.5-mile walk on July 4th. What a perfect day to celebrate freedom from toxins! Instead of focusing on what I won't be eating, I'm focusing on the benefits such as mental clarity, focus, and increased energy. I prepared my body by eliminating meat and increased my consumption of fresh, raw organic fruits and vegetables. If you consume alcohol, caffeine, or dairy on a regular basis, I  would eliminate these products a few days before as well. Except for an occasional (organic) ice cream, I swore off these vices years ago. However, with dark chocolate, I still have issues!…

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7 Ways to Love Yourself

Here are 7 Ways to Love Yourself beyond Valentine's Day! Self-love is difficult for many people because oftentimes they focus on caring for and loving others. Consequently, they forget about themselves and at the end of the day they feel depleted. The problem with this is, many people are running themselves ragged and are on "empty" energetically, spiritually, or emotionally. It is important to remember that if you love others, you need to also love yourself. Taking time for yourself is the ultimate act of care and love that you can show others. It's not selfish to take time for your own health and wellness, but rather the…

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Quieting the mind can heal

Quieting the mind can heal Silence is God's first language; everything else is a poor translation. In order to hear that language, we must learn to be still and to rest in God— Thomas Keating What brings you to the brink? –that tipping point that finally turns you away from your old habits and turns you to healing and wholeness? For me turning 30 was the tipping point –I knew I didn’t have the stamina to run from life anymore – neither, I hated to admit, could I control it. Old hurts, consequences of my choices, the challenges of marriage and family life brought me to the brink. I had to make the…

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