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Understanding Enzymes and Probiotics

Understanding Enzymes and Probiotics

Understanding Enzymes and Probiotics: What’s the Difference?

Today, let’s talk about two important things for your digestive health: enzymes and probiotics. Understanding enzymes and probiotics is key to keeping your gut happy and healthy. They might sound like complicated words, but don’t worry—we’ll make it easy to understand.

What Are Enzymes?

Enzymes are special proteins that help break down the food you eat into smaller pieces. Think of them as tiny scissors cutting up food so your body can use it for energy, growth, and repair. There are different types of enzymes for different kinds of food. For example, some enzymes help digest proteins, while others work on carbohydrates or fats.

What Are Probiotics?

Probiotics are live bacteria that are good for your gut. They are often called “good bacteria” because they help keep your digestive system healthy. These friendly bacteria live in your intestines and help balance the bad bacteria, improve digestion, and boost your immune system.

The Difference Between Enzymes and Probiotics

  • Enzymes help break down food.
  • Probiotics are good bacteria that live in your gut and help keep it healthy.

Think of it this way: enzymes are like the workers that prepare your meal, and probiotics are the guests that keep everything running smoothly during the meal.

Why Don’t Many Practitioners Talk About Enzymes?

Even though enzymes are super important for digestion, they don’t get as much attention as probiotics. This might be because:

  1. Less Awareness: Many people are more familiar with probiotics because they are often added to foods like yogurt and advertised a lot.
  2. Focus on Probiotics: There has been a lot of research on probiotics lately, so they get more spotlight in the health community.
  3. Lack of Knowledge: Some practitioners may not know as much about enzymes or how to use them in balancing the body.

Why Enzymes Are Just as Important

Enzymes are crucial because, without them, your body can’t properly digest food. This can lead to problems like bloating, gas, and nutrient deficiencies. So, it’s important to pay attention to enzymes as much as probiotics for good digestive health. Understanding enzymes and probiotics is key to your health.

Foods, Medications, and Beverages That Destroy Enzymes

Certain things can destroy the enzymes in your body, making it harder for you to digest food properly. Here are some culprits:

  • Processed Foods: These often lack natural enzymes and can deplete the ones you have. Seed oils, even the kind in organic foods, can wreak havoc in the body.
  • Sugary Drinks: Too much sugar can harm your digestive enzymes.
  • Alcohol: Drinking too much alcohol can damage the cells that produce enzymes.
  • Medications: Some drugs, like antibiotics and antacids, can interfere with enzyme production.
  • High-Heat Cooking: Cooking food at very high temperatures can destroy natural enzymes found in raw foods.

How to Keep Your Enzymes Healthy

To keep your enzymes working well, try to eat more raw fruits and vegetables, avoid too much processed food and sugar, and limit alcohol intake. Also, talk to a healthcare provider before starting any new medications or supplements.

More Tips for a Healthy Gut

In addition to focusing on enzymes and probiotics, you can take other steps to keep your gut healthy. Drinking plenty of water helps your digestive system work smoothly. Regular exercise can also improve your digestion and reduce stress, which benefits your gut health. Getting enough sleep is important too, as poor sleep can negatively affect your gut.

Including a variety of fiber-rich foods in your diet, such as whole grains, legumes, and nuts, can support both enzyme activity and probiotic growth. Fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi are great sources of natural probiotics and can help maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria.

Remember, understanding enzymes and probiotics is key in keeping your digestive system healthy and happy. So, take care of your gut, and it will take care of you!

If you are looking for a Digestive Health Specialist to make the process easier and recommend the best products relevant to your needs, comment below or schedule your complimentary call here.

Food Intolerances and Sensitivities

Understanding Food Intolerances and Sensitivities is key to uncovering unresolved health issues.

What do the following healthy foods all have in common?


These are foods that I learned through testing that I had a moderate or severe food intolerance to. This is important to know as food intolerances and food sensitivities cause chronic inflammation. Food intolerance manifests a wide array of symptoms from gastrointestinal, fatigue, headache, migraines, arthritis, and brain fog. These types of sensitivities affect 80% of the population. However, food intolerance does not cause immediate allergic symptoms.

Two more foods that made it to my reaction list are gluten and casein, which seem to be quite prevalent. The scary part is that I was sure I wasn’t sensitive to gluten. I’m really glad I conducted the testing and didn’t rely on my limited knowledge at that time (2013).

Food intolerance and food sensitivity can vary based on stress levels, eating habits, medical conditions, nutritional status, hormone levels, medications, change in season, and other factors that impact the immune system.

Intolerances and sensitivities can be measured via the ALCAT Test. It’s a simple blood test for food and chemical sensitivities. ALCAT testing identifies food, chemical, and herbal sensitivities where the symptom onset is longer (several hours to days) and varied (typical in chronic conditions).

ALCAT testing does not identify immediate IgE food allergies.

This valuable testing answered questions for me as I was baffled why I was still having high levels of inflammation eating a predominantly whole, clean (organic) food diet.

I’ve attached a copy of my test results from the Platinum Comprehensive Panel, which tests for the following:

  • 200 Foods
  • 50 Functional Foods and Medicinal Herbs
  • 20 Food Additives/Colorings
  • 10 Environmental Chemicals
  • 21 Molds
  • 20 Antibiotics/Anti-Inflammatory Agents

Along with the comprehensive personalized results is included a 4-day Rotation Plan Guide. You can move foods around as long as you keep a food diary. Mild Intolerance foods can be eaten one day and then omitted in your diet for at least 3 days to avoid a cumulative sensitizing effect.

Another bonus of the testing is that you receive a consultation with a Nutritionist to review the results and help you with food rotation and planning.

ALCAT testing is also widely used for athletes who want a competitive edge. ALCAT results instruct them in personalized dieting to help increase strength and normalize weight.

Ready to get started or learn a bit more about how ALCAT testing can help you or your loved ones? Contact us at info@brenewed.com.

See My Test Results