Connection Between Gut Health and Joint Pain

Connection Between Gut Health and Joint Pain Understanding the link between gut health and joint pain is essential for anyone looking to improve their overall well-being. Studies have shown that poor gut health can contribute to inflammation, which in turn can exacerbate joint pain and conditions such as arthritis. As our understanding of overall health deepens, the intricate relationship between gut health and joint pain has become a prominent area of interest. The gut, often dubbed the “second brain,” is home to a complex community of trillions of microorganisms. These microorganisms play vital roles that extend beyond digestion—impacting immune responses, inflammation, and even mental health. But what does…

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Food Sensitivity Testing

Food sensitivity testing (also called food intolerance), is highly beneficial to uncover hidden conditions and symptoms. I have clients that end up with high sensitivity to what we consider highly healthy foods such as beets or blueberries. Of course, beets and blueberries may be good for 80% of people. However, if you are one of the 20%, then clearly it is not the right food for you and will do more harm than good. “The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.”― Ann Wigmore Is food sensitivity testing the same as food allergies testing? Exposure…

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Benefits of Collagen

Benefits of Collagen
Benefits of Collagen

What are the benefits of collagen and why is it important to understand what you are buying? We are hearing about and seeing it everywhere. Do we need it, does it work, and which one is best? I’m probably a little late to this game but I like to sit back and observe before I jump on the next health bandwagon. Let's start by looking at what it is and the benefits. What is Collagen? Collagen is considered a complex and primary protein comprised of 19 different amino acids. It is a key structural component that forms connective tissue and skin. In layman’s terms, it’s the glue that…

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