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Naturopath with Client

Difference between Naturopathic and Allopathic Doctors

You may be curious about the difference between Naturopathic and Allopathic doctors. 

There is absolutely a need for both in the world. Allopathic doctors prescribe medications and can perform procedures and surgeries. Their consultation is typically much shorter with regards to patient time which averages about 10 minutes per person. Conventional doctors are critical when it comes to acute (emergency) care.

Naturopathic doctors may or may not be licensed depending on their education. Naturopaths typically spend between 30-60 minutes per client or patient.  They understand the importance of diet (whole, clean food) and the impact on preventing disease. Naturopaths are a great resource to find root causes and natural solutions to your health issues to prevent disease. Many people I see are not getting the results from their conventional doctor.

Here are a few examples of what a Naturopath would recommend versus a conventional medical doctor.

  1. A Naturopath may tell you to take magnesium instead of OTC stool softeners (which dehydrates the bowel).
  2. Naturopathic doctors may tell you to change your diet when you have heartburn and indigestion along with digestive enzymes instead of you taking Prilosec (this can cause more heartburn, osteoporosis, and further imbalance the body).
  3. Naturopathic doctors will tell you herbs or whole clean food heals.
  4. A Naturopath will tell you to lower toxic chemicals in your home when you have constant headaches and allergies (these fragrances and chemicals cause toxic buildup in our cells that cause more allergies and headaches).
  5. Why aren’t you informed by your doctor that if you eat a grapefruit every day, it will lower your blood pressure naturally and you don’t need it (this is why a person can’t eat it while on blood pressure meds)?
  6. Why doesn’t your doctor tell you to take activated charcoal for headaches, bloating/gas, skin issues, colds, and food poisoning (activated charcoal bonds waste/toxins for the removal from the body)?
  7. Why don’t doctors tell you about herbs and herbal teas to support immune and digestive functions (different herbs help different organs do their jobs to keep the body healthy)?
  8. Why isn’t your doctor suggesting that you take a probiotic daily (this supports immune function, helps clean and balance the bowel, helps regulate absorption and elimination, and keeps colds and allergies at bay)?
  9. Why don’t your doctors provide you with any information on your vaccines before you inject yourself or your child (they don’t disclose that there are aborted baby cells, cow cells, African monkey cells, and dog cells, along with many other horrible adjuvants like mercury and aluminum and formaldehyde)?
  10. Why don’t doctors create diet/lifestyle plans for patients instead of offering a pill (diet and lifestyle choices are 90+% of all illnesses)?
  11. Why don’t doctors tell you to take supplements to boost your health prior to becoming sick and then they recommend (supplements/herbs/tinctures that can all prevent illness by boosting immune function and supporting organs with their natural functions)?
  12. Why don’t doctors teach you that your emotions store in your physical body and can cause you mental anguish, instead of they say you need an (emotions can play a very significant role in our total health, and without tools to help navigate our emotions we can easily become physically ill)?
  13. Why don’t doctors tell you when they take a whole organ from your body, that you’re still going to suffer, you just will suffer in a new way (organs are critical which is why God put them in our body, we need them to function, and most organs can be healed completely without removing anything)?
  14. Why don’t doctors take a real role in helping people to live better lives? Why do they set up these protocols of pills that most of them wouldn’t even take? Why aren’t we being helped to be healthy before we get sick?

If you have a doctor that listens to your concerns and does this, count yourself blessed!

Depending on what you are learning or hearing from your doctor, you may need to find a different one. Do your research on all medications and vaccines before subjecting yourself or your children. Do the research on all doctors before you meet with them or heed their advice. If you would like safer options to your health schedule a free Wellness Strategy Session to learn more.

Traditional Naturopaths do not treat diagnose or cure a disease but help you balance your body and reduce stress.

Essential Oil Diffuser Blends

If you use essential oils in your home, you will love these essential oil diffuser blends!

If you don’t use essential oils, let me share what the hype is all about. In short, they have a ton of uses. Some of those include DIY cleaners, laundry detergents, and soothe skin. They also replace candles which are loaded with toxins that are released into the air when we burn them. There are different types of essential oils and they are not all the same quality, but, we’ll discuss that in a different post.


Here are some of our favorite diffuser blends:


Peaceful Mind: 2 drops orange, 2 drops bergamot, 2 drops rosemary, 2 drops peppermint, 1 drop frankincense

Sunshine: 3 drops lime, 3 drops of lavender, 3 drops bergamot, 2 drops of geranium

Just Beachy:  4 drops lime, 3 drops lavender, 1 drop rosemary, 1 drop eucalyptus

Happy Camper: 5 drops patchouli, 4 drops bergamot, 2 drops black spruce, 1 drop frankincense

Vacation: 3 drops cedarwood, 3 drops tangerine

Summer Twist: 4 drops lime, 2 drops cilantro, 1 drop lemongrass

At The Beach: 4 drops of Joy or rose oil, 2 drops lime, 2 drops of lemon

Seashore: 4 drops lime, 3 drops tangerine, 2 drops sandalwood

Road Trip: 2 drops bergamot, 2 drops cypress, 2 drops lemon

Irish Rain Showers: 3 drops lavender, 3 drops lemon, 3 drops peppermint

Welcome Fall: 1 drop clove, 1 drop ginger, 2 drops frankincense, 3 drops wild orange

Fresh Rain: 2 drops patchouli, 1 drop lavender, 1 drop lemon


Fun Fact: Our like (or dislike) of certain oil smells can actually change daily! For example, if I have an upset stomach, I react well to peppermint. If I feel great, peppermint may make my eyes water. Our bodies are intuitive and we can have fun trying new oils the same way we have fun trying new foods!

If you are just starting to explore oils, we would love to help you! Click here for our great quality at great prices favorites! We love to try new blends and would love to hear what you have tried! If you want to chat more about environmental toxins, how to can start to reduce them, and how we can help, check this out!