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10 Tips for Healthy Eating in Charleston

10 Tips for Healthy Eating in Charleston

Charleston, SC is stunning and can captivate you with its allure of food and beauty. Therefore, I offer you 10 tips for healthy eating in Charleston. Maintaining a healthy diet while dining out can pose challenges, but you can certainly achieve it by making mindful choices. Having moved from a Midwest town with limited healthy eating options in Evansville, IN, my husband and I feel fortunate. We are true foodies who used to drive almost two hours to Louisville, KY, where we discovered a great selection of farm-to-table restaurants. Evansville had earned a reputation as the chain food capital of Indiana! Although many covet chain restaurants, we typically avoid them due to their reliance on processed foods.

Here are the top 10 tips for healthy eating when dining out in Charleston:

  1. Plan ahead: Check the restaurant’s menu online before your visit. Look for healthier options and decide your order in advance, reducing the chances of making impulsive, unhealthy choices at the restaurant.
  2. Control portion sizes: Restaurants often serve larger portions than necessary. Consider sharing a dish with a friend or requesting a half portion if available. Alternatively, you can pack half of your meal to take home.
  3. Choose water or unsweetened beverages: Opt for water, herbal tea, or sparkling water over sugary drinks or alcoholic beverages. These options are lower in calories and won’t add unnecessary sugar to your meal.
  4. Prioritize veggies and fruits: Seek out dishes rich in vegetables and fruits. These provide essential nutrients and fiber while often being lower in calories compared to other options.
  5. Be cautious with dressings and sauces: Many salads and dishes can become unhealthy due to high-calorie dressings and sauces. Ask for dressings on the side and use them sparingly or choose lighter options like olive oil and vinegar.
  6. Avoid fried and breaded items: Fried foods are typically high in unhealthy fats and calories. Instead, opt for grilled, baked, or steamed dishes for a healthier alternative.
  7. Limit added sugars and refined carbs: Be mindful of hidden sugars in sauces, desserts, and even some savory dishes. Also, choose whole grains when possible, such as brown rice or whole wheat bread.
  8. Control your appetizers and sides: Select healthier appetizers like salads, soups, or dishes with lean proteins. Steer clear of deep-fried or heavily processed options. For sides, opt for steamed vegetables or salads instead of fries or creamy dishes.
  9. Eat mindfully: Slow down and savor your meal. Listen to your body’s hunger and fullness cues, and stop eating when you’re satisfied. This will prevent overeating and allow you to enjoy your food more fully.
  10. Be cautious with desserts: If you desire dessert, consider sharing it with others at the table. Alternatively, choose a lighter option like fresh fruit or sorbet to satisfy your sweet tooth without overindulging.

Remember that occasional indulgences are okay, but making healthier choices most of the time can help you maintain a balanced diet when dining out. When my husband and I first moved to Charleston, we got caught up in trying everything and developed some unhealthy eating habits, including indulging in heavy appetizers and alcoholic beverages. While there is nothing wrong with this occasionally, making it a weekly habit for us was not advisable. Unfortunately, it reflected on our scales, resulting in some unwanted belly fat.

If you want to discover my top 10 healthiest dining spots in the Charleston area, you can find more information here.