Smoothie Recipes

The simplest and most delicious way to add more plants to your diet is through easy smoothie recipes. Consuming plants add more fiber and antioxidants to your diet. Plants are the key to reduce disease and inflammation plus maintain a healthy pH for proper digestion. Protein Options If you need a clean, tasty plant-based protein powder that is also delicious, try PowerMeal which is what I use and recommend. This link will save you 20%. Smoothie Recipes Here are a few recipes I love: Cherry Pie Smoothie 1/2 cup frozen organic cherries 1/2 cup organic vanilla plant-based yogurt 1 cup water or coconut milk 1/3-1/2  frozen banana 1…

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Spicy Sweet & Sour Eggplant Recipe

Spicy Sweet & Sour Eggplant Recipe Eggplants are in season and we've been blessed abundantly with them from our CSA. I made this last night and it was delicious. Whether you are buying your eggplant from the local farmers market, growing your own or finding them in your CSA shares this month, consider trying this mouth watering whole foods recipe for a meat free night one day this week. Some notes on the recipe: The Arrowroot powder is the thickener in the sauce which replaces Cornstarch (typically GMO stuff). Obviously, cornstarch works as well if you don't have access to arrowroot. The Sweet & Sour Sauce would be great with stir-fry…

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