Ways to Maintain Your Weight Without Dieting

I discovered 10 ways to maintain your weight without dieting and want to share them with you. First, I want to share what doesn't work. Why Diets Are Not Sustainable Have you tried every diet on the planet including counting calories, and points and even eliminating entire food groups?! Some may have worked temporarily but none of these are healthy or sustainable. In your quest to lose weight, please don’t starve yourself, limit your food choices, or ingest synthetic foods. We know these techniques do not work long-term.  What Does Work I've maintained my optimal weight for the past 15 years. This, by the way, is the same…

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How to Lose Weight Without Dieting

Many women accept their weight because of their age especially if they are over forty. Some may use their age as a reason why they have lost all control of  their body (and sometimes their mind!).  I'm here to tell you that you can be at your ideal weight no matter what your age. I know because I did it in my forties and it was a pretty simple process if you take one step at a time. First step is to eliminate processed food. I chose REAL, WHOLE foods grown naturally or certified organic and preferably non GMO. Eliminating the pesticides and herbicides reduces the toxic load to your body. Besides…

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