Tag Archive for: digestion

Allergies and asthma

12 Natural Solutions for Allergies and Asthma

I suffered from severe seasonal allergies and asthma for years.  My symptoms ranged from annoying to debilitating at times.  I had itchy eyes, a runny nose, and a fogged brain.  I was just plain miserable!  Sound familiar?  I went the conventional treatment route, but the side effects were as bad if not worse than the side effects of allergies/asthma.

As of today, I have not used a conventional allergy medication or my inhaler for 15 plus years! How did I do it?  It may be hard to believe, but I simply eliminated the foods in my diet that created inflammation and supported my immune system.  The most important time to start is LONG before allergy season begins.  Depending on where you live, seasons may vary, but it is typically March-April and again in the fall.

Here are the top 12 strategies that have worked for clients.

1. Switched from drinking cow’s milk to almond or other plant-based milk.  I use certified organic and non-GMO sources.  Greatly reduced or eliminated other sources of dairy such as cheese, cottage cheese, and yogurt.  I made those “sometimes foods” instead of consuming them daily.  Dairy products (lactose) do not break down well, for most, and create mucus in the body.

2. Used Alcat food sensitivity testing to determine what foods, herbs, and chemicals created inflammation.  Even healthy foods, for me, were creating inflammation like lemons, avocados, coconut, and turkey.

3. Once I learned that I had a mild intolerance to gluten, I switched to eliminating or using gluten-free organic grains. In many people, gluten sets the immune system into action and causes inflammation. Grains that contain gluten are wheat, rye, spelt, and barley. Gluten-free grain options are quinoa, rice, millet, and buckwheat. Also note that wheat and rice are two grains that are highly sprayed with glyphosate, a herbicide in Roundup, that has been linked to numerous health conditions including allergies.

4. Don’t just eat your greens, drink them! I drink a green drink almost every morning.  Organic greens, fruits, and vegetables in raw form are natural anti-inflammatory foods and gentle detox. In addition to tasting delicious, this drink supports your immune system by adding much-needed antioxidants to your cells.

5. Enzymes and Probiotics. Using plant-based enzymes between meals also works well for seasonal discomfort.  We carry healthcare professional-grade plant-based non-GMO enzymes that are much more potent than conventional enzymes.

Balancing gut health is key to supporting your body so adding a potent probiotic is critical. Consuming processed or nonorganic foods destroys our good gut flora. Probiotics are best taken in the morning with food. If you are looking for one of the best probiotic combinations to supplement, consider one that contains prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics.

6. Cleanse nasal passages with natural saline and that is drug and preservative-free. One safe brand is NeilMed NasaMist Saline Spray.

7. Add Concentrated Phytonutrients.  Modere Axis™ PhytoGreens is a simple way to get 27 highly bioavailable and bioactive ingredients including marine and leafy greens and adaptogens to help optimize alkalinity, energy, and digestive health. It’s non-GMO and tastes great.modere phytogreens

8. Buy and consume certified organic or naturally grown local produce. Allergies can be a negative response to toxins so the goal is to reduce them in food, beverages, and personal care products. Herbicides (especially glyphosate) and pesticides can create respiratory issues and create more inflammation in our bodies.  Today, almost every grocery store carries thousands of organic items to enable you to eat clean. It is worth the time and money to go the extra mile.

Switch your in-between meals snacks from crackers and chips to fruit or raw veggies.  Be sure to avoid the MSG-laden ranch dressings and opt for hummus or organic dips. Again, fruits and vegetables act as natural anti-inflammatory agents. Fruits and veggies should come from the whole food either fresh or frozen, never canned. Canned foods are void of enzymes and nutrients, which are essential in reducing inflammation and building the immune system.

9. Vacuum your home more frequently, especially in your bedroom and if you have pets. Delegate to another family member (assuming they do not have allergies) or hire someone to do this for you.  Keep your windows closed during peak pollen seasons as well. We invested in a Roomba and this has helped immensely to save time, energy and it gets in those hard-to-reach spots we can’t (under the beds).

10. Eliminate chemical or perfumed cleaners, dryer sheets, detergents, soaps, and shampoos.  Consider making your own detergents and choose personal care products that are free of chemicals that aggravate your skin and cause inflammation. I clean with simple products like baking soda and/or vinegar.

One outstanding laundry detergent is Norwex. Not only is this product safe but it is the best at getting out tough stains. I was able to get ink stains off my husband’s brand new polo shirt after running it through the dryer!

11. Drink plenty of purified or reverse osmosis water to support the detox process. Your body is 70-80% water, so replenish it with the good stuff.  City/tap water contains heavy metals that block nutrients. To learn more about what pure water really is and bring an affordable system into your home, go to Aquasana.com. One of the better-bottled waters on the market is Fiji water.

12. Tongue Scraping. As crazy as this sounds, this ritual has really helped my allergies. Purchase a stainless steel scraper as they work better than the plastic versions. Scrape your tongue each morning before you brush. I start in the middle and then scrape both sides rinsing your scraper at each section. Using your toothbrush (which is what I used to use) doesn’t remove the bacteria but can drive it in. Since 70% of bacteria reside on the tongue, scraping can help keep you healthy and reduce allergy symptoms.

Understand that when you experience unpleasant symptoms your body is temporarily out of balance. Allergies and asthma are not necessarily lifetime conditions if you are diligent and disciplined with your diet and lifestyle. Reach out with questions as we love to help or let us put a personalized allergy support protocol together for you at no cost.



My 3-day Cleanse Journey – Day 2

Day 1 is done! So where do you think I struggled most? I caught myself in my daily habit of getting up from my desk to grab a snack. I realized that when I feel stressed, overwhelmed or anxious, I distract myself with a snack. Most of you know I am not grabbing a candy bar or cookie (we eat predominantly whole, clean) but, eating when your body doesn’t need food is not healthy! So how did I cope knowing that I couldn’t grab a snack? I decided to try some deep breathing and downloaded a meditation app. I believe this is a new healthy habit that I will incorporate long after the cleanse.

As far as detox symptoms, I dropped a couple pounds (toxins!) and had a few minor headaches throughout the day as well. My tongue has the usual thick white coating which is a sure sign of detoxing. But overall, I had great clarity and focus. My overall sense of well-being has improved. Less anxious. More calm.

My sugar cravings have subsided much faster than I imagined as well. The dark chocolate bar stashed in my freezer is no longer calling me!

The biggest benefit was not having to think about what we are having for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Then you have prep time, cook time and cleanup, so time savings was an unexpected positive benefit.

I was also blessed that my husband joined me, so the temptations were not there. If I had to prepare a meal for someone else, I’m sure it would have been a bit more challenging. If you have children heading to summer camp or, your hubby is traveling, this would be a great time to try a cleanse/fast.

I’m not sure I can say it was easy but, it wasn’t that hard. When you are drinking juice every 2 hours from 7am to 7pm, it helps you focus on that task. I rewarded myself at the end of the day with an organic bubble bath and some lavender essential oil. Sending a positive message to the brain is important when tackling something new or a bit more challenging then the norm.


My 3-day Cleanse Journey

It’s day one of my 3-day cleanse which started with a 2.5-mile walk on July 4th. What a perfect day to celebrate freedom from toxins! Instead of focusing on what I won’t be eating, I’m focusing on the benefits such as mental clarity, focus, and increased energy.

I prepared my body by eliminating meat and increased my consumption of fresh, raw organic fruits and vegetables. If you consume alcohol, caffeine, or dairy on a regular basis, I  would eliminate these products a few days before as well. Except for an occasional (organic) ice cream, I swore off these vices years ago. However, with dark chocolate, I still have issues!

I typically make my own juices but due to time constraints and the fact I sold my juicer a few years back (in lieu of a Vitamix), I purchased the organic juices from a local company called Sunshine Juice. I’m not being paid to endorse their products, I just wanted to share my experience with others. Their cleanse consists of seven juices per day which you consume every two hours.

It’s been several years since my husband and I fasted. He is a great support as he offered to join me…with modifications (as he tossed the pound of grass-fed beef back in the freezer). His modified liquid diet will consist of using our favorite plant-based powder, Juice Plus Complete, with almond milk. We’ve used the shakes for several years (love them) and this is what I will transition to prior to starting back on whole food.

I remember how much fun with had with it last time as we started to get a little slap-happy around the second and third day. Watching television wasn’t a good idea as we realized almost every commercial promoted food! Even though most of it isn’t stuff we would ever eat, it all started to look good. We decided that reading was our best bet and I spent lots of time in prayer and meditation.

For me, this isn’t about weight loss, although I put on a few extra pounds over the winter. Cleansing is more for the emotional and spiritual aspects of my life. Spending time with my creator without distractions is my ultimate goal.

Health Issues from Unwanted Organisms

Health Issues from Unwanted Organisms

“It is estimated that approximately 95% of the American population is infected with a unwanted organism of some kind.”

Most people do not know the symptoms of unwanted organisms, this is how so many become infected and do not even know about it. To make identification even harder many organism infections can be dormant and then spring to life.

Identifying your risk level for unwanted organisms based on your lifestyle choices and preferences can be an extremely helpful tool, this is why I am sharing this article with you today. Knowing what increases your risk for unwanted organisms and knowing the possible symptoms of infection will help you to spot trouble and seek help.

About Unwanted Organisms:

There are hundreds of different unwanted organisms such as tapeworms, to pinworms to many others. Unwanted organisms can be amoeba, bacteria, fungi, molds, worms, spores or even ticks.

Be aware that symptoms of unwanted organism infection can come and go but they may still point to an underlying unwanted organism infection because of their reproductive cycles. The various developmental stages of unwanted organisms often produce a variety of metabolic toxins and mechanical irritations in several areas of the body. For example, pinworms can stimulate asthmatic attacks because of their movement into the upper respiratory tract.

To identify your own risk level for unwanted organisms answer the following questions and note the number of items you can answer “yes” to each one.

For Adults:

  • Have you ever been to Africa, Asia, Central or South America, China, Europe, Isreal, Mexico or Russia?
  • Have you traveled to the Bahamas, the Caribbean, Hawaii, or other tropical islands?
  • Do you frequently swim in freshwater lakes, ponds or streams while abroad?
  • Did you serve overseas while in the military?
  • Were you a prisoner of war in World War II, Korea, or Vietnam?
  • Have you had a elevated while blood count, intestinal problems, night sweats or unexplained fever during or since traveling abroad?
  • Is your water supply from a mountainous area?
  • Do you drink untested water?
  • Have you ever drunk from lakes, rivers, or streams on hiking or camping trips without first boiling or filtering it?
  • Do you use plain tap water to clean your contact lenses?
  • Do you use regular tap water that is unfiltered for colonics or enemas?
  • Can you traces the onset of symptoms (intermittent constipation and diarrhea, muscle aches and pains, night sweats, unexplained eye ulcers) to any of the above?
  • Do you regularly eat unpeeled raw fruits and raw vegetables in salads?
  • Do you frequently eat in Armenian, Chinese, Ethiopian, Filipino, Green, Indiana, Japanese, Korean, Mexican, Pakistani, Thai or vegetarian restaurants; in delicatessens, fast-food restaurants, steak houses, or sushi or salad bars?
  • Do you use a microwave oven for cooking (as opposed to reheating) beef, fish or pork?
  • Do you prefer fish or meat that is undercooked, i.e., rare or medium rare?
  • Do you frequently eat hot dogs made from pork?
  • Do you enjoy raw fish dishes like Dutch green herring, latin American ceviche, sushi and/or sashimi?
  • Do you enjoy raw meat dishes like Italian carpaccio, Middle Eastern Kibbe, or Steak tartare?
  • Do you have persistent acne, anal itching, anemia, anorexia, bad breath, bloody stools, chronic fatigue, difficulty in breathing, edema, food sensitivities, itching, open ileocecal valve, pale skin, palpitations, PMS, puffy eyes, ringing of the ears, sinus congestion, skin eruptions, vague abdominal discomfort, or vertigo?
  • Do you grind your teeth?
  • Are you experiencing craving for sugar, depressions, disorientation, insomnia, lethargy, loss of appetite, moodiness, or weight loss or gain?

For Children:

  • Does your child have dark circles under her eyes?
  • Is your child hyperactive?
  • Does your child grind or clench his teeth at night?
  • Does your child constantly pick her nose or scratch her behind?
  • Does your child have a habit of eating dirt?
  • Does your child wet his bed?
  • Is your child often restless at night?
  • Does your child cry often for no reason?
  • Does your child tear her hair out?
  • Does your child have a limp that orthopedic treatment has not helped?
  • Does your child have brassy, staccato-type cough?
  • Does your child have convulsions or an abnormal electroencephalogram (EEG)?
  • Does your child have recurring headaches?
  • Is your child unusually Sensitive to light and prone to blinking frequently, eyelid twitching, or squinting?
  • Does your child have unusual tendencies to bleed in the gums, the nose, or the rectum?

For Infants:

  • Does your baby have severe intermittent colic?
  • Does your baby persistently bang her or her head against the crib?
  • Is your baby a chronic crier?
  • Does your baby show a blotchy rash around the perianal area?

Interpretation of unwanted organism risk level:

40 or more: If you answered “yes” to more than forty items, you may be at high risk for unwanted organisms.

30 or more:  If you answered “yes” to more than thirty items, you may be at moderate risk for unwanted organisms.

20 or more: If you answered “yes” to more than twenty items, you may be at risk.

Some wonder why they should even care about unwanted organism infections, especially when they aren’t suffering from any major health issues. Remember, unwanted organisms rob your body of precious nutrients and can even begin eating their hosts over time. Plus they definitely play a role in what you crave, what you consume and how well your body is able to function.

If your score was over 35 please consider taking a moment to book a telephone session with me so we can discuss your specific observations and get you on the path to improved wellness. Don’t let parasites rob your body and destroy all the wellness work you are setting out to do.

Take the first steps toward better health and mental clarity today by booking a consultation today!

I highly recommend Bonnie if you are looking for results. I am impressed with her knowledge and professionalism as it pertains to nutrition and wellness. I have referred many clients to her and have partnered with her on several wellness workshops. She truly has a gift to help others.

— Rachel Toon, RN and owner of NaeRea’s Organic Food Store

Nutty about Coconut Oil-the many amazing benefits

In the Asian and Pacific countries, where coconut oil grows abundantly, the natives consider the coconut the cure for almost every illness. Although the meat and milk are full of fiber and nutrients, it is truly the oil that makes it remarkable.

Scientific studies show that the saturated fat from coconut oil is truly unique in how it reacts differently in our bodies compared to other fats. Most saturated fats are made from long-chain fatty acids (LCFA), where coconut oil is comprised of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA).

MCFA are very different from LCFA in that they do not have a negative effect on cholesterol and even help protect against heart disease. MCFA help reduce the risk of both atheroschlerosis and heart disease. Coconut oil contains 50% lauric acid that helps to prevent high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Coconut oil contains high levels of antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals and helps prevent degenerative diseases and premature aging.

Increases Energy
Coconut oil can boost energy levels and endurance as it is not stored like other fats. It breaks down quicker within the liver and used like a carbohydrate. It increases the metabolism which assists with weight loss.

Improves Digestion
Digestion and absorption of fat soluble vitamins, minerals and amino acids which prevent stomach and digestive problems including irritable bowel syndrome. The saturated fats in the oil have anti-microbial properties and help with regulating bacteria, fungi and parasites that disrupt digestion.

Improves Skin & Hair
Coconut oil is great moisturizer as it absorbs well into the skin. It can help delay wrinkles and sagging skin that occurs with age. It also benefits other skins issues such as psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and other skin infections. To help with re-growth of damaged hair, use coconut oil as a condition by massaging into the
scalp. Regular massage of the head can help eliminate dandruff.

Other benefits of coconut oil include uses for healing as it is a great anti-inflammatory for use on bruises, strains and sore muscles.

So now you may be wondering “where can I find this amazing oil?” My favorite brand is Tropical Traditions that is a pure, unrefined source unlike most sold retail. Also, if you place your initial order via my website, you’ll receive a free resource and recipe booklet to learn more uses and benefits of coconut oil.

SALE Through 10/7:

Buy One Get One Free on Quarts-good through 10/7. First time buyers will receive a free health & recipe book from Tropical Traditions if you purchase via this link. Thanks and enjoy all the benefits of coconut oil!