My 3-day Cleanse Journey – Day 2

Day 1 is done! So where do you think I struggled most? I caught myself in my daily habit of getting up from my desk to grab a snack. I realized that when I feel stressed, overwhelmed or anxious, I distract myself with a snack. Most of you know I am not grabbing a candy bar or cookie (we eat predominantly whole, clean) but, eating when your body doesn't need food is not healthy! So how did I cope knowing that I couldn't grab a snack? I decided to try some deep breathing and downloaded a meditation app. I believe this is a new healthy habit that I will incorporate…

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The Plan Diet, Is it safe?

A B Renewed Wellness Solutions follower asks: Hello Bonnie. I am very concerned about a couple of my friends. They are in the third or fourth week of "the plan". It's a strict and perilous diet where you measure certain food items according to their reactions in the body by eliminating extracting certain foods to determine if for example its the potatoes or the pastas and or the bread that makes one gain weight and only organic foods are to be eaten. So far they have complained of severe head aches. And one of them passed out and hit her head on the kitchen floor. I guess due…

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