Tag Archive for: collagen

naturopath allergies IgG nutritional testing

Food Sensitivity Testing

Food sensitivity testing (also called food intolerance), is highly beneficial to uncover hidden conditions and symptoms.

I have clients that end up with high sensitivity to what we consider highly healthy foods such as beets or blueberries. Of course, beets and blueberries may be good for 80% of people. However, if you are one of the 20%, then clearly it is not the right food for you and will do more harm than good.

“The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.”― Ann Wigmore

Is food sensitivity testing the same as food allergies testing?

Exposure to food antigens (molecules that can trigger an immune response) can lead to elevations and different kinds of antibodies IgM, IgA, IgE, IgG4. All these antibodies are different ways in which our bodies can respond. Many people get allergies and intolerances confused. Allergy testing is IgE, are conducted by allergists and immunologists.  When we do an IgG test we’re looking for sensitivities and intolerances. Functional medicine or Naturopathic Doctors are able to support a client with food sensitivity or intolerance.

Once again, we know with an IgE reaction a person eats a shrimp, peanuts, or egg exposure and now they have asthma or hives or anaphylactic reaction. That’s E and you can think of E as an emergency.

Regarding IgG testing, we’re going to look at that in a different perspective. If you have an IgE reaction, no matter what your IgG scores are you should avoid your IgEs.  An easy way to remember it is to think of G for gradual. These are like little waves along the coastline, they will creep up on you and sometimes you don’t even realize it. Let’s say I eat food this morning which consists of a couple of eggs. Those eggs may not cause me to experience symptoms for 24, 48, or possibly even 72 hours. If I was to complain later that day that I  have a migraine headache, I would automatically think what did I eat earlier today?  When in reality, it might have been what I ate yesterday or the day before.

Why conduct food sensitivity testing?

Here are a few conditions and symptoms commonly associated with food sensitivity and why people decide to look at testing:
  • Brain Fog                                                                 
  • Bloating 
  • Weight Gain 
  • Mood Swings 
  • Joint Pain/Inflammation
  • Constipation 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Bronchitis 
  • Crohn’s 
  • Eczema 
  • Migraines 
  • GI distress 
  • Stomach pain 
  • Acne 
  • Sinus issues 
  • Depression 

Here is a sample IgG report to see what you would learn from this test. It covers 144 analyses or substances. It’s as easy as performing a simple finger prick in the convenience of your home. Reach out if we can assist you with this service. Or if you’ve conducted food sensitivity tests, what is your experience and how did it help you? When I eliminated my IgG trigger foods, I had more energy, lost a few pounds, experienced mental clarity and overall never felt better! I highly recommend it.


OMG-Painted toes on Weigh Scale

5 Tips To Move the Scale

Here are my Top 5 Tips To Move the Scale. At some point on your journey, you just say ENOUGH! The definition of insanity is doing the same thing (eating, moving, drinking) and expecting different results. So, I did some things differently to help shift the scale. I got some help and I learned what wasn’t working.

I’m happy to say that I’m a loser. I lost four pounds in 14 days. So, what did I do and what did I learn?

I’ll share first what I learned and then what I did.

1. I learned that I was snacking way too often and used it as an excuse that I was grazing. I was really eating out of boredom, stress or avoiding some hard things that I must do being a business owner. As much as I love what I do, there are still the hard things.

2. Snacking and having sweets after supper. Once I stopped eating after supper, (I used the no eating after 6:30 pm rule), I felt better and slept better. To help, I brushed my teeth right after supper to help avoid temptation.

3. I needed to move my body every day instead of 3-4 times per week. I didn’t do anything extreme or high intensity, just walking, Pure Barre, and light weights. It’s always fun to get a friend involved to keep me motivated.

4. I made my mind up to just do it. I didn’t make excuses and I set expectations. I told my husband there would be no dining out during the 14 days. The man lives to go out on Saturday evenings, but he was a great support.

5. I ate until I was satisfied instead of until I was full. When you reach fullness, you’ve most likely eaten too much.

So, what did I do to lose the weight? Well, honestly, I used a lot of products because I was utilizing all the tools I had. I was pulling out all the stops!

First, I eliminated all dairy, gluten, eggs, starches, and nightshades along with processed foods and of course the ultimate evil, sugar! Note, this was only for fourteen days. However, I highly recommend staying away from gluten, sugar, and dairy on a consistent basis which is what I have done for years. Although sugar enters in and out of my diet occasionally.

I made simple meal combinations of grilled organic chicken with vegetables, protein shakes each morning with greens, green powder, and small amounts of fruit. And of course, salads! I had all veggie salads, salads with chicken, and fish tacos on gluten-free wraps.

I had been using the Lean Body System from Modere for the past four months so continued with it. It consists of Trim, Burn, and a 3 Day Detox. The Lean Body System is super simple and the most difficult part is determining which flavor! Benefits of Trim (clinical strength CLA) include: inhibits fat storage, improves muscle tone, and restores youthful skin.

Flavors of the Trim product

I also used the OmniCleanse Detox Kit which is a 14-day system. It’s as simple as taking a couple of capsules and the homeopathic drops throughout the day and was the perfect support to the Lean Body System. Contact us to obtain these healthcare professional-grade products at a discount.

It was so encouraging to see the scale move. My clothes had been fitting better but I needed to see this weight shift as well. I have an important date coming up in October so want to look and feel my best. It’s my son’s wedding day and I get a little emotional just thinking about it. I’m very excited for him and to gain a beautiful daughter-in-law.

I am so blessed to have access to some of the best products on the planet. And remember, I research for safety and purity, so you don’t have to. Let me know if I can help you and we always share discounts with friends and followers. We have an even bigger discount for military and first responders.

Hip issues in bulldogs

Hip Issues in Bulldogs

Hip Issues in Bulldogs

Hip issues in bulldogs are more common than people know. Medium to large breed dogs such as bulldogs can be prone to hip dysplasia, where the socket portion does not fully cover the ball portion. As a result, the joint degenerates, causing the dog pain and making it difficult to walk. Watching our beloved fur baby struggle with hip and joint issues was so difficult.

What Causes Hip Dysplasia in Dogs?

Hip dysplasia is a genetic disorder, so genetics is a key factor to consider when adopting a breed. Large breeds are more likely to suffer from hip dysplasia. Breeds such as Great Danes, Saint Bernards, German Shepherds, Bulldogs, and Retrievers. However, smaller dogs, such as Pugs and French Bulldogs, can develop hip dysplasia.

Diet, lifestyle and exercise play a major role in how your dog is impacted by hip dysplasia. One of the reasons we started making her food.

Baylee’s amazing recovery story

Baylee is our beloved English bulldog. She is 10 years old and was healthy and happy until about one year ago she was unable to use her back leg and her hips were completely giving out when she was standing or walking. We had to start lifting her onto the sofa, our bed (bought her stairs), and into the car. We could tell she was experiencing joint pain and hip dysplasia.

We purchased her own orthopedic bed thinking that may help. I truly thought the end of her life was near and it was heartbreaking as you could tell she was in pain. Her 2-mile walks were cut down to only 2-3 blocks as she would be bedridden the day after from the pain. The joy she normally showed for our adventures was overshadowed by how uncomfortable she was after.

We hired a vet acupuncturist to come to our home. This helped for a few days after each treatment but didn’t seem to offer long-term results.

The vet just said to put her on pain meds daily for the rest of her life which wasn’t going to fix the problem and could destroy her gut, plus shorten her life span. We had her on the highest quality food, and professional-grade supplements (probiotics, omegas, and enzymes), and I even started making her (yes, organic) food. All of these things seemed to help some but she was nowhere near back to herself.

Then, we discovered liquid pet collagen.

hip issues in bulldogs

After the second month, she was walking using her leg, with no more collapsing hips, and walking like normal!! I started her on it twice daily.

She is now back to bounding to the door to greet visitors just like she used to. She’s so much happier and I can tell her discomfort level has drastically been reduced! It’s as easy as putting a few dropper fulls per day on her food (based on the animal’s weight). I’m so grateful that someone shared liquid pet collagen with me so I wanted to share it with you. This fur baby’s momma is forever grateful. If you’d like to try it with your family pet, take $10 off your first order on me.

Helping reduce hip issues and joint discomfort in bulldogs or any breed is critical. I’ve heard from pet owners who felt they had no other choice but to euthanize their pets to eliminate their suffering. You now have options! If you know someone who has a pet, please share this post.

And please do not wait until your pet shows debilitating symptoms. I wish someone would have shared it with me earlier. We spent thousands of dollars that may have helped some. But nothing provided the dramatic improvement that pet collagen did. So please try it today was less than $40 with my discount code. And please let me know how it helps your fur baby.


Benefits of Collagen

Benefits of Collagen

What are the benefits of collagen and why is it important to understand what you are buying? We are hearing about and seeing it everywhere. Do we need it, does it work, and which one is best? I’m probably a little late to this game but I like to sit back and observe before I jump on the next health bandwagon. Let’s start by looking at what it is and the benefits.

What is Collagen?

Collagen is considered a complex and primary protein comprised of 19 different amino acids. It is a key structural component that forms connective tissue and skin. In layman’s terms, it’s the glue that holds our bodies together. Collagen is a great way to get more amino acids which most of us need. And I also see a high amount of protein deficiency in women as well. We seem to be a bit more “carboholic” in nature.

Benefits of Collagen

Improved Health of Skin and Hair

As we age, collagen production declines. Unfortunately, production starts to decline as early as age 25, and continues. It decreases even more in women after menopause. Collagen also decreases as a result of other factors such as smoking, sugar intake, and ultraviolet rays. You’ll notice it physically in looser skin, more wrinkles, and less elasticity.  There is no way to prevent collagen decreases in the body. However, adding collagen to your diet can help your skin look firmer, increase smoothness, and help your skin cells keep renewing and repairing.

mature woman seeing signs of aging

Signs of aging with decreased collagen

Double-blind, placebo-controlled studies show anti-aging properties of collagen have found that 2.5–5 grams of collagen hydrolysate used among women aged 35–55 once daily for eight weeks significantly improved skin elasticity, skin moisture, water loss (dryness), and skin roughness, all with little to no side effects.

When skin loses its elasticity as a result of decreased collagen, there’s another side effect: more visible cellulite. Because your skin is now thinner, cellulite becomes more evident. Collagen for skin helps its elasticity and may help reduce potential dimpling.

Collagen reduces joint discomfort

It also improves joint mobility and lubrication as well as promotes healthy cartilage and connective tissue.

Which brand is best?

I decided to trial collagen and chose the Modere brand after watching a friend use it and she ended up dropping weight, reduced joint discomfort, and looking like she turned back the hands of time several years with her radiant skin. I was impressed learning the product also contained hyaluronic acid. I had learned from my many aesthetician friends that HA is the secret to younger-looking skin.

Speaking of skin, they have a general product call Biocell Life and another one specifically for skin called Biocell Skin.

Features of Biocell Life

  • Contains award-winning, multi-patented Collagen/HA Matrix Technology®
  • Clinically proven
  • Provides 13 phytonutrient-rich superfoods + resveratrol
  • Great-tasting natural fruit flavor
  • Non-GMO, gluten-free, dairy-free
  • 15 calories per serving, 3g carbs

Every product is formulated with their exclusive Collagen/HA Matrix® Technology to support joint and muscle fitness and connective tissue health, counteract skin photo-aging, restore youthful skin, and support healthy hair, nails, gums, and eyes.*

Biocell Life Liquid Collagen

Clinical trials show that Liquid BioCell® counteracts
the skin’s natural aging and photoaging from the inside out.
It reduces deep lines and wrinkles, eliminates dryness,
increases skin’s collagen content, and improves skin’s
microcirculation, hydration, and skin tone.*

My Experience

The serving size states one tablespoon per day. However, I heard that you receive faster results by taking one tablespoon am and one pm. The downside is that I ran out before my next shipment. However, it helped me realize how much it was helping me. I don’t experience joint pain so didn’t know what to expect besides hoping to look a few years younger! Well after running out for almost a week, I could really tell the difference. I just felt better overall (improved vitality) when taking it and my skin looks and feels healthier. This is something I will not go a day without and now keep a backup bottle! I hope you will give it a try. Here is a discount on your first order.

Sharing the Love

Save $10 on your first bottle with this special code.

Please keep me posted on your experience!