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Burnout or Adrenal Fatigue?

Wondering if your symptoms are Burnout or Adrenal Fatigue? Are you always tired, stressed, or feeling overwhelmed? It might not be burnout—it could be Adrenal Fatigue.

I was in a severe stage of Adrenal Fatigue a few years ago, and it was really tough. I ignored the signs for too long and ended up feeling awful. I would cry for no reason and couldn’t function at work by the afternoon. Even simple tasks like making the bed felt exhausting.

Conventional medicine calls it adrenal insufficiency, while holistic medicine calls it adrenal fatigue. Whatever the name, it’s serious and needs professional help. When your body doesn’t make enough cortisol and aldosterone, you get symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue. It can range from mild to severe. Mine was severe.

What are the Signs of Adrenal Fatigue and What Can You Do?

Adrenal Fatigue can creep in slowly, making it hard to notice how bad you really feel. It’s important to recognize the signs and take action. Here are some common symptoms:

  • Constant tiredness even after a full night’s sleep
  • Trouble staying asleep or feeling wired at night
  • Low blood pressure
  • Hair loss and weak nails
  • Feeling wiped out in the afternoons
  • Craving salty foods
  • Muscle weakness
  • Emotional sensitivity
  • High stress levels
  • Dizziness, especially when standing up
  • Unexplained weight changes
  • Overwhelming everyday tasks
  • Sensitivity to bright lights
  • Lack of interest or enthusiasm

Take the Burnout or Adrenal Fatigue Quiz

Answer the following questions to see if you have symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue:

  1. Do you wake up exhausted after sleeping 6-8 hours or more?
  2. Do you find it hard to stay asleep?
  3. Do you go to bed exhausted only to feel wired again and unable to sleep?
  4. Is your blood pressure dropping on occasion?
  5. Have you noticed more hair loss?
  6. Are your nails weak or thin?
  7. Do you feel wiped out in the afternoons?
  8. Do you crave salt?
  9. Do you have muscle weakness?
  10. Are you emotionally sensitive?
  11. Are you or were you under a high amount of constant stress?
  12. Do you feel dizzy, especially when getting up from lying down?
  13. Are you gaining or losing weight for no apparent reason?
  14. Do everyday tasks seem overwhelming?
  15. Are you sensitive to bright lights?
  16. Do you lack interest or enthusiasm for things that usually bring you joy?

Results and Next Steps

If you checked more than eight of these questions, it’s a good idea to seek help and testing with an integrative doctor or Naturopath. Adrenal Fatigue can be serious and should be addressed with professional guidance. If you have less than eight, you may want to consider the 5-Minute Stress assessment to learn where your stress is coming from and next steps to prevent Adrenal Fatigue.

Care Options

Conventional medicine usually treats adrenal insufficiency with steroids. However, the holistic approach includes whole clean foods, detox, stress management, and supplementation. I’ve outlined the program that worked for me since steroids were not an option. One of the most crucial components is managing your stress. I support clients with a comprehensive 6-week Mental Fitness (stress reduction program). Each person is unique, so it’s crucial to seek help from a qualified professional. It’s also highly beneficial to get support from someone who has experienced Adrenal Fatigue.

Learn More

If you want to learn more, request our free guide called “Top 3 Tips to Overcome Adrenal Stress” to start balancing your body and regaining your energy. For the best diet, foods, and supplements for Adrenal Fatigue, check out our “Best Foods & Supplements for Adrenal Fatigue Guide.” I wrote these guides based on my personal experience and recovery. I understand what you are going through, and it’s not easy.

If you have any questions, please reach out anytime. We are here to listen and help. You can connect with others who have been where you are. Please comment below and let me know how you scored on your quiz.