When I began B Renewed Wellness Solutions, it was a calling from God to take a leap of faith and share what I learned from my own experience about nutrition and natural healing. As I have followed that path, my success has grown from an office in my home to my next adventure, opening the B Renewed Wellness Center in Evansville, Indiana. Locating the B Renewed Wellness Center in a professional building allows me to expand my practice and offer more services to our community.
Over the past 30 days we have made great progress, and I have learned to appreciate the challenges a contractor, like my friend Penelope Pennington, face on every project. Serving as my own contractor has taught me patience, perseverance, and perspective. I am learning to accept that old buildings, like aging bodies, are never perfect. Focusing on progress rather than perfection is the key to success. Having support is also important. My husband, my son, and my friends have helped me in countless ways toward reaching our goal of opening in late February.
The B Renewed Wellness Center is located at 6700 Darmstadt Rd (corner First Ave/Kratzville Rd), on Evansville’s north side. The building is located on the west side of the street, across from Highland School. The office space is approximately 1000 square feet which includes my office, a spa room for a future SOQI (infrared) bed, a retail and reception area, and a small training room. You will be able to drop by during our open hours to purchase healthy products such as Enzyme Formulations Enzymes, Q-Link EMF protection, organic skincare and essential oils. Our current business hours are (subject to change) Monday-Thursday 9:00-4 pm or by appointment.
Saturday, February 15 is the day to start moving in furniture and the following week we plan to have internet and phone systems in place. I’ll continue to post updates and exact dates as we progress so you will know when we transition to the new office. If you contact us during this transition period and don’t hear back within a day, please try again in case your message gets lost in the shuffle. In the meantime, please enjoy these photos of our work in progress.
Do you have an healthy healing information for endometriosis?
Thank you for your inquiry. I’ve written several blogs on hormone health and on June 24, we have a class devoted to hormone balance. We focus on nutritional and lifestyle to balance the body regardless of the disease name. We are also hosting a free one hour overview of whole food nutrition and healing this evening at 6:30 and Thursday, June 12 at 6. I hope one of these events will work for you or feel free to schedule an appointment as we’d love to help.