How I Healed from Adrenal Fatigue

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I’m passionate to share how I healed from adrenal fatigue. It’s a chronic condition that many, especially healthcare professionals, do not truly understand.

The healing process felt like an eternity but in reality, it was only about 9 months. That was record time as I was told it could take 2-5 years. Healing from adrenal fatigue entailed addressing emotional, physical, and nutritional imbalances. Addressing the emotional component is a priority. My emotions fluctuated from extreme emotional sensitivity, and sadness to outbursts of anger.

Learning to let go and let God was one way I gave up control to my higher power. My routine was daily prayer, meditation, and expressing gratitude for everything and I mean everything. When life seemed to hit rock bottom, I would thank God for the experience to learn to trust Him and learn from the opportunity.

Seeking help through support groups through my church and Al-Anon was key. My dad was an alcoholic and working the 12 Steps of Al-Anon helped me recognize issues from my past were still impacting my current state of mind.

Creating a Positive Mindset

The healing process also included a much more positive mindset, plus letting go of resentment, blame, attachments, and fears that not only stimulate but also can paralyze the adrenal glands.

Other lifestyle modifications include techniques to improve one’s ability to cope with stress including relaxation techniques, diaphragmatic breathing, and restorative or basic yoga (not hot or power yoga). Outsource housecleaning, cooking, laundry (kids), paying bills (spouse), and every aspect of your life that you personally do not need to do. This does not make you lazy or weak. Think of yourself as your friend or child, would you continue to push him or her if they did not feel well or had a chronic disease like cancer or Parkinson’s? Be a friend to yourself and take care of yourself.

Excess Weight and Adrenal Fatigue

Like many in adrenal fatigue, I started to pack on weight especially in my mid-section. My sugar cravings were a challenge. This is normal as an individual in adrenal fatigue has a difficult time maintaining normal blood sugar levels. The reason is that the normal energy pathway for production of glucose from carbohydrates and fats is not operating well. This can create a strong desire to consume sugar directly to provide fuel for the cells. However, the key was to start my day with a high fiber plant-protein shake with organic greens and a small amount of fruit. Balancing the blood sugar in the morning helps sustain energy and helps reduce cravings.

Adrenal Fatigue and Supplementation

The next step was to incorporate nutritional supplements based on my test results. Testing types included 24 Hour Urinalysis for gut and digestive balance, salivary hormone and neurotransmitters.

Nutritional supplements support the body to reduce stress and enhance adrenal activity. The adrenal glands especially require vitamins A, C, and E, pantothenic acid, manganese, and zinc. Plus, adrenal glandular to help rebuild the adrenal glands, B-Complex (folate based) and l-theanine. Each person’s protocol is unique so please seek professional help with this.

Supplements can enhance overall metabolism, eliminate heavy toxic metals and enhance absorption and digestion of food. A whole, clean food diet is key for optimal digestion with as much organic as possible. Finding the appropriate digestive enzyme for your body is a priority. The adrenals will not heal until digestion is optimized and functional.

Success without Steroids!

The happy ending is I improved my adrenal health and moved from Phase 3 to Phase 2 in one year. I didn’t succumb to chemical options but used all-natural methods.  I reduced stress by closing my physical business location to create less stress-filled life along with freedom and flexibility. I still consult, just virtually and when it fits my life. My son and I are both healthy and balanced mentally and physically!

If you need help with your adrenal healing journey, schedule a free Wellness Strategy Session.