How Deodorants Cause Disease

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How Deodorants Cause Disease? It sounded a bit crazy to me as well when I first learned this.

Did you know that where we place deodorant there are over 20+ lymph nodes? WHY is this a concern?

What is the Lymph Node’s purpose: Lymph nodes filter substances that travel through the lymphatic fluid, and they contain lymphocytes (white blood cells) that help the body fight infection and disease.

Axillary lymph nodes are commonly involved in breast cancer because of their proximity to breast tissue. 

The body’s cells and tissues dispose of waste products in lymphatic fluid, which lymph nodes then filter. During this process, they catch bacteria and viruses that could harm the rest of the body. Lymph nodes are an essential part of the body’s immune system.

Your skin, which is your largest organ, can absorb what you put on it, as quickly as 26 seconds up and into your bloodstream. 

SO if we are applying toxins like parabens, aluminum, propylene glycol, phthalates, triclosan and whatever else conventional deodorant brands add, you are placing them in a direct path not only into your bloodstream but into your lymph nodes. 

So let’s review a few of these toxins and learn what they can do in the body:

  • Parabens are xenoestrogens; chemicals that disrupt hormone balance
  • Aluminum has been linked to Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Propylene Glycol can cause damage to your central nervous system, heart and liver
  • Triclosan is a pesticide. Need I say more?

So what can you do?

  • CHANGE your thinking about spending money and always buying the cheapest (toxic) deodorants. The “I am fine and I used it forever” is sad because our children are paying the price. 
  • CLEAN up your environment! I’m talking about your home cleaning products, skincare, and personal care. When you reduce your toxic intake, you won’t smell as bad. Truth! Many days I don’t use deodorant because I don’t need to.
  • SWEAT. Allow your body to sweat, it’s natural! Take a break and let those pits breath!

Over 10,400 children in the USA will be diagnosed with cancer in 2022. Over 290,000 adults will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2022. That’s an average of 36 kids and 795 per day this year alone.

Life is a pay Now or pay Later program. Every day you have a choice what you put on your skin and in your mouth. If not for you, do it for the next generation.

There are better choices. I use a couple different ones. One from Modere and another from Doterra. My husband uses Lume and has had good luck with it. 

Let me know what area you need to “clean up” and I’ll provide resources that I use.