Bonnie Shnautz

Get Support from a Certified Cancer Coach

Bonnie received her Certification from The Center for Advancement in Cancer Education, with the distinctive URL

I chose CACE because their beliefs align with mine and what I have taught the last decade.

“We believe that 90% of all cancers can be eliminated through environmental & lifestyle choices alone, and science agrees. WHAT: Therefore, our mission is to help people by providing research-based education on how to prevent, cope with, and beat cancer through diet, lifestyle and other immune-boosting approaches.”

The BeatCancer Difference:

  1. We teach true prevention, not just early detection! “Early Detection” is better than late detection, but it is not the same as prevention.
  2. Our programs for diagnosed patients focus on the patient not the tumor!
  3. We raise money for education, not research! There are thousands of organizations collecting millions of dollars to find “The Cure”. Prevention is the Cure!
Benefits of working with a Beat Cancer trained coach
  • A client-driven — instead of a protocol-driven — program
  • Help to evaluate alternative cancer therapies
  • Resources for minimizing treatment side effects
  • How to help prevent a recurrence
  • The advantages of nutrition in a cancer treatment program
  • Foods to include and foods to avoid and why
  • Support making dietary changes
  • The crucial importance of detoxification and key detoxification methods
  • Natural ways to deal with the pain
  • Types of nutritional supplements that are most valuable
  • The powerful connection between stress and cancer
  • Appropriate ways to empower patients to make informed decisions.

Private Holistic Cancer Coaching Accessible from Anywhere

Using high quality videoconferencing services, you can get the help you need today without costly travel or inconvenience.

  • Simple and Quick Installation
  • Easy to Use
  • High Quality Video and Audio
  • Also works with Phones and Tablets

Use these convenient links to schedule a remote consultation session.

Watch Bonnie’s interview with’s Debra Nicholson, Director of Community Outreach.