Health Concerns about GMO Foods

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Do you have Health Concerns about GMO Foods?

Meet Jane or should I say meet Jane’s legs. This is a visual of why there are health concerns about Genetically Engineered Foods. Jane was eating a conventional GE/GMO glyphosate diet when we met. Four months later, her legs are healed. Although this may be a minor inconvenience, it could have developed into a major chronic illness.

My Journey with Genetically Engineered Foods

In my 30’s I was diagnosed with a long list of health issues I researched the health concerns of Genetically Engineered foods and it all made sense. Suffering from allergies, asthma, Irritable Bowel Syndrome  (IBS), severe hormonal imbalances and depression plus ongoing bouts with flu, and sinus infections, I was miserable.

Ironically in the 1990’s, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) or Genetically Engineered foods were introduced to the public.

Genetic engineering (GE) is where scientists take genes from bacteria, viruses, or other sources and inject them into the DNA of a plant. A plant that humans would consume.

80-90% of soy, corn, canola, and sugar beets produced are GE and these are found in 75% of our food supply.

Another concern in our food system is the level of herbicides, some of which are being injected into the seeds of our food. Glyphosate is the chemical constituent of Roundup and used in conjunction with GE crops. The Cornucopia Institute concluded a study finding glyphosate “exerted proliferative effects in human hormone-dependent breast cancer”.

In previous years, the World Health Organization, GMOs stated that GE foods are “probably carcinogenic to humans”. As of 2020, I’m no longer able to find this statement on their site.

More Health Concerns about GMO Foods

Furthermore, studies were conducted and published in 2012 led by French Molecular Biologist, Gilles-Eric Saralini, as one of many scientists concerned over GE crops.  Rodents tested consumed a diet of GE/GMO food and the research included data such as:

Research from French Biologist Gilles-Eric Seralini
Research from French Biologist Gilles-Eric Seralini


  • tumors
  • inability to reproduce by the 3rd generation
  • immune system responses & toxicity
  • stomach lining showed excessive cell growth, this can correlate to cancer, organ lesions, altered liver & pancreas cells, and changed enzyme levels

As a Digestive Health Specialist, the change in enzyme levels resonated with me. Enzymes are vital to life specifically to digestion, assimilation, and thus a strong immune system. A strong immune system helps prevents chronic diseases such as cancer.

According to Dr. Don Huber, professor of plant pathology at Purdue, glyphosate draws the vital nutrients out of living things. It removes the nutritional value of GM foods. Therefore, I don’t think it was a coincidence when I removed GE/GMO along with glyphosate inundated foods from my diet, that every health issue went away.

For the past 15 years, I’ve maintained a predominantly whole, clean diet, and shared this concept with others to see them experience the same. To show you a visual of this from one of my clients, see the before and after of Jane’s legs.  Janes Legs B4 11-25-14 Janes Legs after 4-2015

What do you think, coincidences or correlations? I would love to hear about your experience with GE/GMO foods. If you need help transitioning to whole, clean food and away from processed foods, I’d love to help you with that. Please email for further information. You can also schedule a complimentary call here.