Fruits and vegtables can save your life…

Fruits and vegtables can save your life…

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This months article titled Body Harmony in EWoman Magazine features me! It is wonderful to see so many people taking an interesting in improved wellness, it seriously is as easy fruits and vegetables folks!

“I teach people what to eat even more than what not to eat,” said Schnautz. “We are a society of overweight and obese people, yet we are literally starving to death.”

“I work with clients who go through chemo or the alternative approach or both,” said Schnautz. “It is crucial to eat as much Whole clean food as possible to enable the person to complete the treatments. Maintaining and rebuilding the immune system is key.”

From Weight loss to cancer, Schnautz said Watching her clients take back over their health and the health of their families is the true reward.

If you’d like to learn more about my face-to-face and long distance coaching options or find out more about booking a coaching session with me click here.

I can help with specific health and wellness concerns (like healing the body or losing weight) or I can just help you to improve your diet and in turn your overall wellness.