Struggling with Commitment

Struggling with Commitment Jack Canfield, author of The Success Principles, said it so well. 99% is a Bit__ (my PG version is Bite); 100% is a Breeze. He also states that, “Successful people adhere to the “no exceptions rule” when It comes to their daily discipline. It has to do with making a commitment to someone or something. Do you make a decision when you arise each morning whether or not you will be faithful to your significant other? I doubt it. You made that commitment long ago and you just do it without having to think about it. If you forget to brush your teeth before you…

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How to Break Poor Eating Habits

I’ve realized through coaching that weight-loss is more about habits than anything else.  It is about breaking old habits and replacing with new.  With food and eating, some are so deeply ingrained that they are hard to recognize.  One of my habits is grabbing “a little something sweet” after lunch and/or dinner. I met my hubby for lunch and he had a chocolate chip cookie sitting on his plate for dessert.  I automatically reached over and started to break off a piece like I normally would.  I realized what I was doing and retracted the action.  So, he graciously broke the cookie in half and handed it to…

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How to Break Bad Eating Habits

How to Break Bad Eating Habits I’ve realized through coaching that weight-loss is more about habits than anything else.  It is about breaking old habits and replacing with new.  With food and eating, some are so deeply ingrained that they are hard to recognize.  One of my habits is grabbing “a little something sweet” after lunch and/or dinner. I met my hubby for lunch and he had a chocolate chip cookie sitting on his plate for dessert.  I automatically reached over and started to break off a piece like I normally would.  I realized what I was doing and retracted the action.  So, he graciously broke the cookie…

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Benefits of Sharing Your Wellness Goals Publicly

Benefits of Sharing Your Wellness Goals Publicly Today I announce my goals publicly.   Stating your goals publicly helps ensure you will complete them.   I want you to help hold me accountable.  Cheer me on when I succeed and hold me accountable for my actions when I do not.  Why? Well, confession time.  I’ve gained around 7 pounds over the past few months—yikes! Challenge?   I have a bad habit of thinking I need to eat to stay warm in the winter.  Poor excuse?  Absolutely, but it is mine! Some may find it hard to believe but I am human when it comes to my eating habits.  I like…

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Busyness is often based in fear

Busyness is often based in fear I recently listened to an audio (How Did I Get So Busy) by Valorie Burton that really moved me.  My goal in 2011 is, believe it or not, to do LESS.  Don't get me wrong, I want to help more people but want to find ways of reaching more without overextending myself in the process.  I have come to the conclusion that if I don't practice self-care, I will not be able to serve those who need it most. Busyness if often based in fear.  I heard the words but never really equated busyness with fear.  Valorie discusses some of the reasons…

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A Different Concept in Wellness Training

A Different Concept in Wellness Training One question I receive regularly is “How does a telephone coaching program work?”  And, "Does it work as well as face-to-face?"  Having worked in major corporations for years, telephone or remote training was a way of life.  Therefore, I sometimes take it for granted that everyone understands the concept of telephone training or teleclasses. The number one reason that corporations use is that it saves money in travel and time off the job for the participant.   Another major advantage for the participant is that they can listen from the comfort of their home or even if they are traveling.  It has also…

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Waking to the smell of cinnamon rolls

Okay, it is not exactly the title you would hope to find on January 2 from a Wellness/Nutrition Consultant!  Well, I did not plan this either. It's called real life.  I wake up on the beautiful Sunday morning to the smell of cinnamon rolls--yikes! I suddenly remember my husband slipped them in the cart yesterday. I found them at checkout and questioned how they landed in my cart. He said they “jumped off the shelf into the cart” because he “didn’t do it”. I do love his sense of humor. However, it makes for a perfect segue for us to transition back into the real world tomorrow. Statistically, around…

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Making a Commitment to Your Health

Making a Commitment to Your Health Okay, it is not exactly the title you would hope to find on January 2 from a Wellness/Nutrition Consultant!  Well, I did not plan this either. It's called real life.  I wake up on the beautiful Sunday morning to the smell of cinnamon rolls--yikes! I suddenly remember my husband slipped them in the cart yesterday. I found them at checkout and questioned how they landed in my cart. He said they “jumped off the shelf into the cart” because he “didn’t do it”. I do love his sense of humor. However, it makes for a perfect segue for us to transition back into…

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Finding Peace Beyond the Digital Tether

Do you feel it's still possible finding peace beyond the digital tether in our lives? Returning home to Michigan brings forth a cascade of emotions for me. While the joy of reuniting with family and reliving the memories of my upbringing fills me with happiness, a hint of anxiety creeps in. It's not due to seeing my loved ones but the prospect of being entirely "unplugged" upon arrival. In my mother's home, there are no signals—no Wi-Fi, no cell reception—effectively disconnecting me from the digital world. Initially, the separation triggers unease and withdrawal symptoms for a few days. Questions loom large: What if I miss important emails or…

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Learning to Relax and Unplug

Learning to Relax and Unplug I usually experience a few mixed emotions about going home (MI).   It's not that I don’t absolutely love seeing my family or being back in the community I grew up in.  That is the number one reason I keep coming back.  Where I experience a bit of anxiety is in knowing that when I arrive, I am virtually “unplugged”.   “Unplugged” means living without cell, email, texting, Facebook, Twitter, etc.   There are no hotspots, no wifi, no towers, no bars, no 3G, 4G or any G at all in my mother’s home. At first, I experience a bit of anxiety and connectivity withdrawal symptoms…

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