All Dogs Go to Heaven

All Dogs Go to Heaven
Beau and Alvin

Do you ever ask or wonder if all dogs go to heaven? I asked God to give me a sign that I would know without a doubt that it was time. The element of time means that it was time for Beau to go to heaven. Part of me prayed that he would pass on his own so that no one had to make the decision.  But as we know, life doesn't happen the easy way or the way we want it. After the second day of Beau refusing to eat his favorite foods like sardines or Hormel (hormone, antibiotic and nitrate-free) meat, I sensed it was close.…

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Sleeping with Darth Vader – Part II of Beau’s Journey

Sleeping with Darth Vader – Part II of Beau’s journey  You can ready Part 1 of the journey here if you've missed it. It's Monday, December 3, 2012 and I'm awakened at 3:30 a.m.  Yesterday, it was 2:30 a.m. so I'm grateful for an extra hour of sleep.  I awake to what sounds like Darth Vader sleeping next to me.  It is the deep raspy gurgling breathing of our boxer, Beau. He has a history of snoring but typically only when he sleeps on a pillow (so we usually didn't allow him to have one). However, for the past couple days, it's much louder and constant.  His struggle…

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A Mom and Her Dog – Part I of Beau’s Journey

They steal our hearts with their unconditional love.  You can leave the house for five minutes and they greet you with such excitement that you'd think you had been away for days, weeks or months. They create habits and lifestyle that we condone or become enslaved to.  I'm not referring to our children; however, they could fall into this same category. I am referring to our four-legged children. Beau is our four-legged child/twelve-year-old boxer. Beau came into our lives when my son was 10 years old.  He and my husband wanted a dog and I swore we wouldn't have one of those little creatures in my home! (Never,…

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Pinch me, I’m dreaming.

Pinch me, I’m dreaming. It is only Day 2 of 8 of my CNHP (Certified Natural Health Professional) training and I’m beyond words with what I have experienced. I can’t decide which is more incredible, the training or the people I've met. And yes, I’m already getting so attached to these people in two days. But, when you are spending 8-12 hours a day, it’s hard not to. My roommate has already dubbed me the “social bee” which she tells me she greatly admires. She says in her sweet Hispanic voice that, “she is working on it” (becoming more social). I have met so many beautiful people like…

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The Arrival

The Arrival The day has finally arrived and I am excited beyond measure.  I train for 8 straight days (many 12 hour days) in Indianapolis to complete my certification as a Natural Health Professional.  I’ll be surrounded by amazing instructors and students from all over the world.  This will signify another important phase of my incredible journey as a wellness professional.  I can’t even imagine the doors that this will open with the education I receive not only from the instructors but from my fellow students/colleagues.  My new business cards have already been printed so my only option is to succeed.  It was an uneventful drive to Indianapolis…

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The Ripple Effect

What is the ripple effect? The ripple effect is a metaphorical concept that describes the spread of an action, idea, or influence through a system, causing a series of secondary effects or consequences. The first email that I opened today was from a newsletter subscriber thanking me for doing what I do. A few hours later, I received a phone call from someone diagnosed with cancer.  He said the nurse at the clinic had suggested that he contact me.  She had attended one of my online classes and told him I would be a great resource as he wanted to take a healing approach to his cancer. I have…

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Day 1 of the blog-a-thon challenge

Day 1 of the blog-a-thon challenge. Dana Nelson has set forth a challenge.   And those that know me know… I love a challenge.  Her challenge is to write a blog daily for 30 days.  Seriously, how hard can this be?  I consider myself a pretty strong writer and received good grades in high school and college for my writing skills.  Seems like a simple and quick item to place on my daily to-do list.  Piece of cake…NOT!!!! So why is it that someone who practices discipline daily starts to sweat thinking that I am posting my thoughts, feelings and ideas  for the world to see?   I wonder if…

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