Health Issues from Synthetic Vitamin Supplements

Health Issues from Synthetic Vitamin Supplements The knee-jerk reaction to a nutritionally imbalanced diet is usually synthetic supplementation. Why?  It’s easy.  “I didn't consume enough calcium today (or ever).  Take a supplement, that’ll prevent me from getting osteoporosis or fill it whatever other disease!” Whether you are taking supplements per a health professional's recommendation or self prescribing, you could be doing more damage than good! I’d like to share why below. Did you know that about 40% of supplements are contaminated or they don't contain what they say the do? Additionally, most people fail to read the nutrition label on supplements or do their research before buying and…

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Empowering Women & Changing Lives Webinar

Empowering Women & Changing Lives Webinar A monthly event from 12pm to 12:30pm (CST) on the first Tuesday of the month As women, we all need to utilize our powers and learn new ways to develop income while still being a mom, wife and entrepreneur.  It's not easy juggling careers and family responsibilities but it can be done. In tough economic times, having one income to depend on can be risky.  However, many of the jobs available don't offer the pay we deserve or the flexibility we need to care for our family. Do you have a Plan B for your family's health and financial resources? This 30…

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Managing Halloween Candy

Managing Halloween candy for our children is a simple way to prevent overindulging of artificial colors, dyes, chemicals and sugar found in many treats. Halloween marks the beginning of sugar or flu season followed by Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Easter! Since Halloween will soon be upon us, let’s start with it and hope these tips will keep your children healthier long-term yet still enjoy some treats. Many believe flu season is caused by compromised digestive and immune systems created by this excess sugar intake along with lack of hydration and sunlight. So let's work on preventing colds, flu and disease naturally but limiting our sugar intake and…

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Tips for Managing Halloween Candy

Halloween marks the beginning of sugar season followed by Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Easter! Since Halloween will soon be upon us, let’s start with it and hope these tips will keep your children healthier long-term yet still enjoy some treats. 1. Buy your candy a couple of days before Halloween. Halloween treats show up in the stores late September. Don't fall into the marketing trap and get tempted to buy candy early, that includes the grocery line where kids will get tempted with all sorts of Halloween promotions. Buying candy too early makes it way too tempting to get into the stash before trick-or treating even starts. 2. Set expectations early. Prepare your child…

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Pumpkin Spice Cookies

Pumpkin Spice Cookies These chewy, moist cookies are easy to make and delicious. The amount of pumpkin in this recipe has high amounts of beta-carotene, which is convertible to vitamin A – necessary for healthy vision and cell growth. Have this available as an alternative to cookies with particularly high levels of refined sugar. Makes 36 3-inch cookies Ingredients: 3 cups gluten free flour 4 teaspoons aluminum-free baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg 1 15-ounce can solid-pack pumpkin purée (about 2 cups) or one fresh pumpkin 2/3 cup agave nectar, honey or pure maple syrup 1/2 cup molasses 1 cup…

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Win a 30 min Telephone Consultation with Bonnie

Win a 30 min Telephone Consultation with Bonnie Now that I've graduated it's time to give back to all my wonderful supporters & followers! All of my gratitude goes to my customers, clients and fb followers. You people have helped make my dream come true & I am so grateful. BRenewed is giving back this month so stay tuned for more great wellness prizes and goodies. Today's prize is a  30 min Telephone Consultation with Bonnie! Wellness coaching is many things to may people. Some need the accountability of a health coach to keep them on track, other just need an expert opinion or a clearly laid out plan of action, others…

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How to Prevent Cancer with Cruciferous Vegetables – Week 40 of 52 Weeks of Wellness

In our quest to increase our plant food intake, let's take a closer look at cruciferous vegetables. It is vital to understand the benefits especially for individuals with cancer as it can greatly benefit those who incorporate them into into their daily dietary regimen. You’ve heard me say it before, whoever eats the most fruits, vegetables and greens at the end of the day, WINS! First, what does the word cruciferous actually mean? Cruciferous is defined as plants related to the mustard family; a plant with four leaves; and or a plant bearing the resemblance of a cross. Cruciferous vegetables contain phytochemicals, which are non-nutritive plant chemicals that have protective or disease preventive…

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Is Your Nutritional Bank Account in the Red? Week 39 of 52 Weeks of Wellness

Is Your Nutritional Bank Account in the Red? - Week 39 of 52 Weeks of Wellness Our body is like a bank account.  We have approximately 3-5 times per day (meals and snacks) to make a deposit. Will it be a good deposit (whole, clean food) or NSF (non sufficient nutrient food)? Along with deposits, we make withdrawals as well.  We expend energy through daily mental and emotional activity as well as physical.  From a physical standpoint, we run, jog, bike, hike and maybe lift weights which we feel makes us "healthy". When we expend energy either through emotional or physical activity, this requires additional nutrients from food.  However,…

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Nutty about Coconut Oil-the many amazing benefits

Nutty about Coconut Oil-the many amazing benefits In the Asian and Pacific countries, where coconut oil grows abundantly, the natives consider the coconut the cure for almost every illness. Although the meat and milk are full of fiber and nutrients, it is truly the oil that makes it remarkable. Scientific studies show that the saturated fat from coconut oil is truly unique in how it reacts differently in our bodies compared to other fats. Most saturated fats are made from long-chain fatty acids (LCFA), where coconut oil is comprised of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA). MCFA are very different from LCFA in that they do not have a negative effect on cholesterol and even…

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Plan Your Meals

Do you plan your meals? How much time, effort, and planning do you put into your family's food options?  Many women walk in the door from their job and start the planning, prepping, AND cooking then. When you're exhausted is not the best time. I pick one weekend day and plan, prep, and prepare meals and snacks. Planning is the secret to wellness! When you have clean, whole food available during your busy week, you won't need to succumb to processed, lifeless “food”.  If 80% of all disease is preventable, planning your family’s meals is no longer an option, it’s a requirement. Hate being in the kitchen?  Ask…

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