Most mornings I drink a green smoothie. However, sometimes I want a change so I switch it up with either an acai bowl or overnight oats. Remember that these ingredients can be changed up based on seasonal availability so get creative. I also vary my omegas foods from chia, flax, hemp or whatever form I have available. Eating a variety of foods is key as it gives you a wide spectrum of nutrients plus eliminates food intolerances. Enjoy and be healthy. As always, purchase all ingredients local and/or organic. I use the One Degree Organic Foods gluten-free oats as they go the extra mile and test for glyphosate. Glyphosate is the key ingredient (toxin) in Round Up. Some of the other popular organic oats have been tested and found they contain glyphosate. Most grocery stores carry this brand in the smaller bags. I purchased the larger (2 lb 13 oz), more economical, bag from Whole Foods.
1 Packet frozen Sambazon Acai Superfruit pack
1/2 cup frozen strawberries and blueberries
1/4 c coconut chips or flakes
1 T chia seeds, 1/2 frozen banana
1/3 cup gluten-free sprouted oats (One Degree Organic Foods is my favorite)
Optional 1/2-1 scoop organic plant-protein powder
Blend until smooth and pour into a bowl. Top with fresh strawberries, banana, hemp seed and coconut chips. Enjoy as your cells will thank you!