Are You Trapped? Part 2 Cancer is Not a Mystery Disease

So many people are “trapped” and they don’t even know it.  They are sick, diagnosed with disease or still trying to figure it out and/or depending on the medical community to do so.  They are experiencing pain, discomfort and a miserable life.  I know this, but I can’t seem to save them…

And what about their kids? If they don’t know how to escape the grips of disease and sickness, their children will endure the same grueling life full of pain, discomfort and quite possibly premature death.  According to Dr. David Katz, M.D., “this may be the first generation of children to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents.”

They are trapped in a mindset that there is nothing they can do or should do. They are trapped in the mindset that prescriptions and over the counter medications are helping them to “get better”. Or if they get sick, someone else will “fix it”.

Cancer isn’t a mysterious disease that just comes out of the blue like a lightening strike.  It also does not have to be a death sentence.

Cancerous cells are just abnormal cells growing in the perfect environment where they can reproduce and take over.  If the body’s cells are abnormal, you can (God willing) make them normal again and change the environment in which they live so they CAN’T reproduce and flourish. Abnormal cells typically reproduce as a result of poor lifestyle choices primarily by eating lifeless foods void of nutrients and full of chemicals. Disease doesn’t “invade” the body, it is developed through a lower energy state that settles in a weakened organ or cells.

Cancer is not scary but the conventional treatment and the concept of just removing the bad and hoping for the best is scary. Subjecting the body to chemo and radiation in the doses here in the U.S. is like treating a pimple with a blow torch.  Plus it only treats the symptoms, aka the abnormal cells. It DOESN’T address the environment in which the cells were able to grow and multiply.

Cancer and the concept of genetic predisposition is the area most place blame, or throw the white flag in and claim “there is nothing that can be done” as if it was genetically destined.

Did you know people who have successfully halted cancer cell growth with nutrition and healed? I’ve witnessed people healing from cancer holistically right here in Evansville, IN as well as all over the U.S. and the world. Just because you have a genetic predisposition doesn’t mean you have to continue living in a way that promotes the abnormal cell grown. You can choose to change your lifestyle and in turn dramatically alter the environment that those abnormal cancer cells need to thrive and grow.

We are not getting the message because we are putting too much responsibility on others to make the hard decisions. We may be in denial first and secondly we are forced to make the hard decisions out of fear once the dreaded disease has come knocking. What would it look like if we did our due diligence and take responsibility to educate ourselves in advance.

It is YOUR life at stake here, shouldn’t you be in charge? (Well, ultimately you are not completely in charge, God is.)

  1. Educate yourself and your family. We need to stop living between the walls in the dark where fear and defeat take the drivers seat. Contact a Naturopathic Doctor or holistic cancer organization like for a plan and support.
  2. Eliminate the Toxins. Disease is an accumulation of toxins in the body and/or a lack of nutrients.  The majority of toxins come from processed foods, alcohol, prescription and over-the-counter meds, sugar, additives, preservatives, hormones, pesticides etc. Toxins come from food, our personal care and cleaning products.
  3. Manage Emotional Stress. Practice the true art of letting go and letting God. Breathe, meditate and pray daily. Get rid of the toxic people in your life!

God created the body in a way that allows it to heal and return to homeostasis.  It is a simple as eating clean whole food and removing the toxins we’ve been exposed or unintentionally subjected our bodies to.

  • If you are open to help and you can trust in the gifts and innate abilities of your own body and
  • If you can Honor the Struggle through the challenges of bringing the body back to it’s most natural state

… then you already have what it takes to rid your body of disease (maybe even cancer) naturally.

It is your life and YOU are worth it…

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