The Plan Diet, Is it safe?

A B Renewed Wellness Solutions follower asks:

Hello Bonnie. I am very concerned about a couple of my friends. They are in the third or fourth week of “the plan”. It’s a strict and perilous diet where you measure certain food items according to their reactions in the body by eliminating extracting certain foods to determine if for example its the potatoes or the pastas and or the bread that makes one gain weight and only organic foods are to be eaten. So far they have complained of severe head aches. And one of them passed out and hit her head on the kitchen floor. I guess due to blood sugar levels. I think this is extreme and worried. Are you aware of the plan? And what are your thoughts? 

More info on the diet can be found by searching the web or reading here:

The Plan Diet, Is it safe?

Thank you for you inquiry and patience in my response. You are a wonderful person to care so much about the well-being of your friends. I have not researched in depth the diet program called “the plan” here is why:

First, I always jokingly state that the first three letters in Diet is D-I-E so that’s why I completely avoid them!  I teach people to eat the foods God  & nature intended however sometimes due to our toxicity levels our body may not welcome those foods right away.

The reason one size fits all diet plans don’t work is that we are each unique. This is the key is determining the benchmark of where your body is on the healthy (or unhealthy) spectrum. I use nutritional testing to determine (through quantitative results) what those toxins are along with understanding a client’s nutrient levels and deficiences. Once we know what is going on in your body, we can put it back in balance. Signs & symptoms or disease is your body’s way of saying it is out of balance.

I hope this helps you dialogue with your friends about this. I applaud your ability to question what doesn’t make sense to you. Not trusting every “expert” in the field is wise. The book review states the author is a “nutrition expert” verses someone who has had more formal background in nutrition which could be an MD, ND or RD. Before you seek advice about supplements or food intake, weight-loss, diet, ask the person what is their level of certification, formal education, years of experience etc.

Blessings on your health!

How to Live a Healthier Life with Hydration

The first area to examine for those  focused on living a healthier life is to examine their level of hydration. A person can survive 30-40 days without food but only 3-5 days without water.  Consider what you are drinking throughout the day and particularly  first thing in the morning.

Ideally, you are sleeping the recommended 7-9 hours a night. Living a healthier life certainly requires rest so your body can restore, regenerate and heal. Now, reflect on the last time you body has had water upon first waking. Even if you slept 8 hours, it may have been hours before that since you’ve drank water.  If you are getting the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep than you’ve likely gone all that time without anything to drink if not longer. Drink  about 6 ounces of purified water upon waking to replenish your body’s needs.

Can You Live a Healthier Life Drinking Coffee or Tea?

If you reach for coffee, black tea or a soft drink you are dehydrating your body along with pulling crucial calcium from the body, thanks to the caffeine. That is right, caffeine pulls calcium from the body or specifically from the bone. Plus, coffee and tea also drive iron out of the body. Iron deficiencies may include fatigue, brittle nails, depression and even allergies to foods such as oats. If you still insist on drinking coffee or tea you’ll need to double water intake to counteract the dehydrating effects of any caffeine you consume.

Coffee and tea are also acidic which disrupts the body’s natural pH balance which disrupts the digestive process. If digestion is disrupted you may over eating and literally still be starving to death. This creates the perfect environment to create sickness & disease as well as nutrient deficiencies. Caffeine also greatly stress the body which leads to further health issues.

Not sure if you have a hydration problem? Dehydration can impact brain function!

Hydration Tip : Grab a glass of water FIRST or instead of the caffeine!

  1. Try adding the juice of 1/2 lemon to aid in digestion and assist with weight-loss. Use warm or at least room temperature water.
  2. Consider drinking diluted organic juice mixed 50/50 (half juice and half water) to energize and give you a lift in the morning or anytime during the day. If it is extremely hot outside, add a pinch of pink Himalayan Pink Sea Salt.
  3. Add cayenne pepper and pure maple syrup to the lemon water for a great natural detox.

Water Quality and Living a Healthier Life:

The quality (or lack thereof) of your water is crucial to live a healthier life. Each time we use water (drink, wash foods, bathing) we are also exposed to the chemicals and contaminates in the household water. When you consider just how often we are exposed to household water, it is really no surprise that it could derail efforts to live a healthier life and to improve health.  Heavy metals such as aluminum, chlorine and fluoride are concerns as they create addition imbalances in the body.

  • Your body is over 70% water by volume, your brain and blood are each up to 90%.
  • Third party reports from sites like link the contaminants present and legally allowed in your tap water to chronic diseases and even cancer.
  • Bottled water is a $60 Billion a year global industry with an average price of $10 per gallon!  It is less tested and regulated than your tap water.
  • Even if you don’t drink your water, you are still likely showering and cooking with it.  So the bottom line is that if it’s in your water, it’s in you!
  • Here are some additional water facts from
Do you know what’s in your water? You should, as quality water is life sustaining!  I highly recommend taking a good look at the quality of your water and make the investment to improve it as soon as possible.  Poor quality water will always impact efforts to live a healthier life which is why water sources need to be addressed.
Many don’t realize that dehydration is actually more common in the winter months than in the summer months. During the winter months it can be difficult to get the appropriate amount of water and many people have no idea they AREN’T getting enough.

How Much Water is Enough Water?

Take your body weight and divide it by 2, that is how many ounces of water you need each day. So a 150 lb person/2 = 75 oz of water needed a day  or 9 glasses a day. Remember liquids from clean sources of broth, herbal (non caffeine) teas, juice from fruit, etc. all count too. Peppermint or spearmint herbal tea are two of my favorites. What are your favorite sources of hydration?

Improve you health through hydration by:
  1. Drinking water when you first wake up
  2. Ensuring you household water source is clean & healthy
  3. Consuming the proper amount of water per day

Remember implementing small changes will create lasting benefits for a lifetime!

More How to Live a Healthier Life Posts Include:

[catlist name=how-to-live-a-healthier-life numberposts=-1]

Read more about How to Live a Healthier Life here.

Are Cancer and Dehydration Connected?

Water is critical to the operation and healing of our body as our body is comprised primarily of water. The average adult body is about 70% water. The brain is composed of 75% water, and the lungs are nearly 90 percent water. About 83 percent of our blood is water, which helps digest our food, transport waste, and control body temperature.

Each day humans must replace 2.4 liters of water, some through drinking and the rest taken by the body from the foods eaten. Drinking two quarts of purified drinking water per day is helpful to detoxify the body.

Cancer growth usually occurs in areas of severe dehydration.

The cells can run dry and are severely dehydrated for a number of reasons:

1. Lack of water intake
2. Consumption of beverages that have diuretic effects like coffee, caffeinated tea, soda pop, and alcohol
3. Consumption of stimulating foods or substances, such as meat, hot spices, sugar and tobacco
4. Stress
5. Most pharmacological drugs
6. Excessive exercise
7. Overeating and excessive weight gain
8. Watching television daily for several hours

Dr. Lorraine Day, an expert in treating cancer by alternative means, states that diseases/cancer are caused by three things: improper diet, dehydration, and stress.

So how do we keep ourselves hydrated? Not all beverages are the best choice for maintaining hydration. Water is the best choice, but not all water sources are the best option.

Avoid city water that contains fluoride. The best source of purified water is to purchase a filtration system for your whole house or at least an under the sink model to ensure safe drinking water. This eliminates the need to produce additional plastic waste from bottled water and prevents the risk of the plastic leaching into the water.

Remember, coffee, tea and juices are not replacements for water. These create additional health issues within our body plus force our body to digest them. Caffeine in our body creates stress unlike what most people confuse as energy. Coffee and teas (black teas used in most iced teas) create additional acid in the body.

Drinking pure filtered water is a crucial part in healing from and preventing chronic disease including cancer.


How to Lose Weight Without Dieting

Many women accept their weight because of their age especially if they are over forty. Some may use their age as a reason why they have lost all control of their body (and sometimes their mind!).  I’m here to tell you that you can be at your ideal weight no matter what your age.

I know because I did it in my forties and it was a pretty simple process if you take one step at a time.

First step is to eliminate processed food. I chose REAL, WHOLE foods grown naturally or certified organic and preferably non-GMO. Eliminating pesticides and herbicides reduces the toxic load to your body. Besides what is excess weight? Mostly toxins.

Second step is to eliminate or reduce gluten and dairy.

Next, I learned portion control. I used a measuring cup instead of a serving spoon. I would play a game that if I normally ate one cup (if that were a suggested serving size), I would cut the amount down by a third.

A majority of the time I was more than satisfied which brings us to the next key to weight loss, satiation. Satiation means learning to eat until satisfied instead of until you are full. Most people eat until they are full which means you have over eaten. Eat your one serving, put your plate in the dishwasher and step away from the food sources. Let your food digest by resting for 10-20 minutes and go for a family walk.
However please note that I NEVER deprived myself and listened to my body. If I truly needed more food, I ate it. If I had an intense workout and my body needed fuel, I fed it with whole, clean food.

Hydration is key and tracking your daily intake helps as few people are properly hydrated and many are severely dehydrated. Water is the best method to remove toxins from the body and also creates a feeling of fullness. It can provide us with energy and so we rely less on food to provide. What I had to learn is the difference between hunger and thirst, which can be a bit tricky at first.  Drink purified water all day long by carrying a water bottle with you everywhere.

Eating raw foods with my meal or preferably before the meal like a small salad or a handful of raw veggies is beneficial for a couple of reasons.

First benefit is that raw foods contain live enzymes. Most women over 40 have a diminished ability to produce enzymes which connects back to excess weight. A lack of digestive enzymes means your food isn’t breaking food into nutrients to be assimilated and isn’t allowing proper elimination (constipation).

Second, statistically, we know that consuming a small salad before a meal cuts down your caloric intake by 15%. Just remember to pass on the conventional salad dressing laden with fat and preservatives by making your own. Request my free recipe book if you need ideas.

Another simple tip is to replace a meal with a plant-based (not whey) non-GMO, gluten-free protein drink.  The statistics here again tell us this is a good way to reduce weight assuming it is a quality source.  I use and recommend Modere Pure Vanilla Meal Replacement Powder.

Next is the dreaded requirement of weight loss: exercise. I prefer to call it FSA (fun, sweaty activity). Find something to do that is fun and makes you sweat.  Yoga is something that I really love along with hiking with my family and bulldog. When you find something you love, it’s no longer grueling or hard.

A few things I did NOT do are count calories or points or add toxic “weight-loss” products into my body. Counting things doesn’t teach you how to listen to your body or how to enjoy whole foods and life while achieving your wellness goals. Putting more toxins in your body from dangerous weight-loss products will create much bigger health issues down the road.  God gave us everything we need in nature to keep our bodies balanced.

Most importantly, I stopped worrying about what people would think if I didn’t eat the same things they did. I respected myself and the body God gave me and decided to finally treat it like a temple (and stop treating it like a garage).

I’m in my early 50’s and have more energy and feel better now than I ever did in my 30’s.

If you have some keys to your weight-loss success, I would love to hear what worked for you. Or if you need a little help, please call or email at


Are You Trapped? Part 1 How to Change a Disease Mindset

I was terrified.  I could hear scratching and digging. I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. Thoughts of , “this is my imagination” were resolved when my cat perked up her ears as well.

I called my husband at work as this unknown creature sounded huge. Something was desperately attempting to find its way out and it was coming from under my kitchen cabinets. I was terrified to open the door for fear of what would be revealed or lunge out at me.  The scratching and digging seemed to go on for hours and it continued over several days.

My husband finally concluded  it was simply a mouse trapped between the kitchen and my office wall. This was  hard for me to bear as I was the one who used to flip mouse traps in my parents home so they wouldn’t be killed.  I love animals and thought this was such a cruel fate for one of God’s creatures.

In a desperate attempt to help it, I found myself tapping on the wall telling it to find the exit…follow the light.  It obviously came in through the crawl space so it had a way out if I could only communicate to it. I was thinking, don’t stay trapped because if you do, you are going to die an early, slow and possibly painful death.

Then I started to think, so many people are “trapped” and they don’t even know it.  They are sick, diagnosed with disease or still trying to figure out their health issues and clinging to hope from the medical community.  They are experiencing pain,  discomfort and possibly a slow painful debilitating life.  They could truly die a premature and painful death.  I know this but hearing people share their misery, but I can’t seem to save them.

They are trapped in a mindset that there is nothing they can do or should do. They are trapped in the mindset that prescriptions and over the counter medications are helping them to “get better”. Or  trapped in belief that if they get sick, someone else will take care of it.

Just like the mouse stuck in the wall, they don’t know where the opening is or how to escape their circumstances. I’m knocking on the walls trying to give them direction but they can’t hear me.

It seems that the language I’m communicating in doesn’t make sense.  All they understand is that when I’m sick:

  1. I’ll depend on doctors to take care of it. Or…
  2. I’ll remain in denial and ignore the signs/ symptoms altogether. Or…
  3. I’ll suppress the symptoms with over the counter medications or prescriptions thinking I’m making things better (while not knowing the damage these “fixes” may incur long term).

Most of sickness and disease is an imbalance in the body.  It is an overabundance of toxins and a deficiency of nutrients. God and nature have a perfect internal mechanism to rid body of toxins through fever, mucous etc. The body is able to heal itself given the appropriate resources.

However, when we suppress the natural detox process we are driving toxins back into our weakest organs. The cold is the beginning of all chronic disease. This is where it all starts and can develop into hay fever then asthma and possibly lead us to cancer from this weakened state.

Symptoms are a perfect message to heed.  Listen to what body is saying.  The body is out of balance if you are experiencing signs and symptoms. If you act now and do not ignore your bodies message, you can prevent long-term detrimental health issues like chronic disease and cancer.

Wondering about simple solutions that can prevent disease? Stay tuned for Trapped Pt 2: Cancer isn’t a Mystery Disease.  To ensure you don’t miss Pt 2 of this series follow me on Facebook.

How to Prevent Hormone Imbalances

Are you hormones out of balance? Do you know what hormone imbalance looks and feels like? Symptoms range from mood issues, PMS, infertility and more, but these symptoms are just a few that women “deal with” and consider just part of being a woman. However, I am excited to share the fact that many of the negative symptoms relating to a woman’s reproductive health can be minimized or even avoided!

Symptoms of Imbalance


Did you know, two-thirds of women suffer from menopausal symptoms?

As women age, hormone levels become imbalanced as the body produces less of them. Estrogen and progesterone, the two primary hormones, work together to perform their many and complex functions. Between the ages of 45-50, most women will cease to have a menstrual period, and this marks the beginning of the official menopause phase.

Symptoms of menopause can include hot flashes, night sweats, moodiness, and more. During this time is usually when women seek the advice of their physician or natural health practitioner for help to battle the “changes” of the phase.

Hot Flashes

Hot flashes occur when blood vessels near the skin’s surface expand to cool the body. They are the most frequent symptom of menopause and pre-menopause as two-thirds of all women suffer from them. Hot flash symptoms may include a red face, sweating, increased heartbeat, or chills. If they occur at night, they are called night sweats. Did you know that stress, caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, tight clothing, heat, and smoke from tobacco products can trigger hot flashes?

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

About 85% of women experience the misery of PMS symptoms (around 10% can be severe), and these symptoms, just like menopause symptoms, can be reduced greatly. Symptoms occur during or before the menstrual cycle which can include bloating, weight gain, aggression, cloudy thinking, head or backaches, cravings, anxiety, mood swings, and more. PMS is correlated to the body being out of balance, specifically the hormones progesterone and estrogen.

Balancing hormones with whole food nutrition

How would you like to experience freedom from the miserable symptoms of Menopause and PMS? To put the body back in balance you must choose whole, clean, unprocessed food, especially fruits, vegetables, and green leafies. What do I mean by whole, clean food?  Whole, clean food is the stuff straight from God and nature without additives, preservatives, pesticides, herbicides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This means vine-ripened (picked at peak nutrient levels versus being picked green) or certified organic fruits and vegetables. According to the USDA, half of your daily intake of food should be from fruits, vegetables, and greens, which is approximately 7-13 servings!  Are you getting a variety of these on a daily basis?

In addition to whole, clean fruits and vegetables, we must not forget the importance of nuts and seeds (raw, unsalted) to supply fiber, protein, and essential fatty acids (EFA’s). These essential fatty acids are crucial to hormone regulation.  Nature provides these essentials through a variety of foods:

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil, cold-pressed
  • Butter or ghee (from grass-fed, antibiotic, hormone-free animals)
  • Borage oil
  • Hemp seeds or oil
  • Nuts and nut butters especially almond and walnut
  • Coconut Oil
  • Flax seeds and oils
  • Seafood: wild (not farm-raised) cold-water fish and oils such as sardines and salmon.

As a necessary, basic component for balanced hormones, the body requires Essential Fatty Acids (g00d fats). Personally, I use a minimum of 2-4 Tablespoons per day of the oils listed above and strive to use different ones each week to ensure I receive a variety as each has unique properties. Additionally, EFA’s are necessary for the production of prostaglandins, which are the precursors to hormones.  Prostaglandins are important for the regulation of many bodily functions:

  • Inflammation, pain, and swelling
  • Blood pressure and heart function
  • Kidney function and balance
  • Allergic response
  • Immune response
  • Nerve transmission
  • Hormones
  • Steroid production and hormone synthesis
  • Blood clotting and red blood cell/platelet aggregation (stickiness)

The good prostaglandins prevent blood cells from sticking together, which leads to improved blood flow and reduced inflammation, therefore, reduced pain.

In summary, eating whole, clean, processed foods and increasing or adding EFA’s are two small foundational steps to balance the body and hormones.  What foods have you found that help balance the body when it comes to hormone health or what foods have you learned to avoid? Tell us in the comments below.

Our Weapons of War: Patience and Self-Control

One of my morning rituals to start my day on the right track is to read the Bible along with a few select daily devotionals.  Today’s is from  one of my favorites, The One Year book of Proverbs by Neil S. Wilson. I felt called to share as I could relate it to our struggles with food and creating positive changes on our health journey.

Proverbs 16:32 It is better to be patient than powerful; it is better to have self-control than to conquer a city.

The mission of the believer is not too much different from that of history’s most noted conquerors.  We must be determined.  Forceful.  Inspired.  Yet we do not set our sights on triumphing over nations.  Our foe is our nature–the sinful nature that is used to getting what it wants.  Our weapons of war are patience and self-control.

Learning to be patient is the mark of maturity.  For example, a baby cries until it gets what is needed.  It is impossible for a baby to understand or appreciate the principle of delayed gratification.  However, a mature adult learns to control his or her desires and practice patience.

Self-control allows us to disarm natural urges.  Delayed gratification means waiting for sex until marriage.  Patience allows us to discipline our children in love, never in anger.  Power conquers cities; patience conquers sin.  We need not set sail for new horizons seeking the ultimate conquest.  We can merely look into the nearest mirror.  It is better to conquer oneself than to conquer an entire city.

Today, Lord, I will fight my greatest foe–myself.  Make me victorious and self-controlled today.

WISE WAYS:  In what ways are you developing greater patience?  How do you demonstrate self-control?

Managing Halloween Candy

Halloween Candy

Managing Halloween candy for our children is a simple way to prevent overindulging of artificial colors, dyes, chemicals and sugar found in many treats.

Halloween marks the beginning of sugar or flu season followed by Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Easter! Since Halloween will soon be upon us, let’s start with it and hope these tips will keep your children healthier long-term yet still enjoy some treats.

Many believe flu season is caused by compromised digestive and immune systems created by this excess sugar intake along with lack of hydration and sunlight.

So let’s work on preventing colds, flu and disease naturally but limiting our sugar intake and especially for our children.

8 Tips for Managing Halloween Candy

1. Buy your candy a couple of days before Halloween. Halloween treats show up in the stores in late September. Don’t fall into the marketing trap and get tempted to buy candy early, that includes the grocery line where kids will get tempted with all sorts of Halloween promotions. Buying candy too early makes it way too tempting to get into the stash before trick-or-treating even starts.

2. Set expectations early. Prepare your child the day before Halloween. Talk about how much fun it will be to go trick-or-treating but not so much fun for their body if they eat a lot of candy. It is important for kids to learn that candy is a treat that should be eaten in small doses. They can spread their candy over many days, by dividing it up. Help your child see the benefit of making Halloween treats last longer.

3. Determine a reasonable number of days to enjoy the candy. Five days is a good goal. Most children will get way more candy than needed, even when they divide it up. You don’t want to teach your child to eat candy every day, since it is a once in a while treat.

4. Agree upon when the candy treat will be eaten. This helps your child learn that candy can be an occasional part of a healthy meal plan.

5. Discuss candy-eating rules with your child before they go out trick-or-treating. Children should not eat candy until they have come home and you have inspected all the candy. This is a good rule that is part of having a safe Halloween. Look at the wrapping carefully for a tight seal and toss out anything that looks suspicious.

6. It is best to feed your child first. Feed them dinner or a healthy snack such as a peanut butter sandwich and a piece of fresh fruit before going trick-or-treating. They will be less tempted to dig into their bag before they get home.

7. Have your child actively participate in dividing up their candy. Consider making little treat bags they can enjoy, one each day. This gets the child involved in the decision-making and helps them feel ownership of the process. Keep it fun! You can take advantage of the candy by playing games. For example, have your child count all of the chocolate bars or separate the candy into groups – all the M&M’s in one pile, all the Skittles in another, and so on.

Using mini-sized bags, help your child pick and choose a couple of pieces of their favorite candy to place in each baggie. This helps them learn portion control, a very important part of healthy eating.

Store the extra baggies of candy in a cabinet out of reach. Do not store the candy in their room to tempt them. Remember, they are children and make decisions accordingly. And my favorite trick is once they forget about the candy, that’s a good time to secretly dispose of it!

8. Candy Swap or Switch Witch

At the end of the night, many parents will swap out the entire bag of candy for money, toys or maybe a special experience the child has been wanting. Discussing this with the child in advance is a good way to avoid a surprise and creates open communication.

If you have tips and strategies that have worked for you, please share them with us in the comments section.

Nutty about Coconut Oil-the many amazing benefits

In the Asian and Pacific countries, where coconut oil grows abundantly, the natives consider the coconut the cure for almost every illness. Although the meat and milk are full of fiber and nutrients, it is truly the oil that makes it remarkable.

Scientific studies show that the saturated fat from coconut oil is truly unique in how it reacts differently in our bodies compared to other fats. Most saturated fats are made from long-chain fatty acids (LCFA), where coconut oil is comprised of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA).

MCFA are very different from LCFA in that they do not have a negative effect on cholesterol and even help protect against heart disease. MCFA help reduce the risk of both atheroschlerosis and heart disease. Coconut oil contains 50% lauric acid that helps to prevent high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Coconut oil contains high levels of antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals and helps prevent degenerative diseases and premature aging.

Increases Energy
Coconut oil can boost energy levels and endurance as it is not stored like other fats. It breaks down quicker within the liver and used like a carbohydrate. It increases the metabolism which assists with weight loss.

Improves Digestion
Digestion and absorption of fat soluble vitamins, minerals and amino acids which prevent stomach and digestive problems including irritable bowel syndrome. The saturated fats in the oil have anti-microbial properties and help with regulating bacteria, fungi and parasites that disrupt digestion.

Improves Skin & Hair
Coconut oil is great moisturizer as it absorbs well into the skin. It can help delay wrinkles and sagging skin that occurs with age. It also benefits other skins issues such as psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and other skin infections. To help with re-growth of damaged hair, use coconut oil as a condition by massaging into the
scalp. Regular massage of the head can help eliminate dandruff.

Other benefits of coconut oil include uses for healing as it is a great anti-inflammatory for use on bruises, strains and sore muscles.

So now you may be wondering “where can I find this amazing oil?” My favorite brand is Tropical Traditions that is a pure, unrefined source unlike most sold retail. Also, if you place your initial order via my website, you’ll receive a free resource and recipe booklet to learn more uses and benefits of coconut oil.

SALE Through 10/7:

Buy One Get One Free on Quarts-good through 10/7. First time buyers will receive a free health & recipe book from Tropical Traditions if you purchase via this link. Thanks and enjoy all the benefits of coconut oil!

Quieting the mind can heal

Silence is God’s first language; everything else is a poor translation. In order to hear that language, we must learn to be still and to rest in God— Thomas Keating

What brings you to the brink? –that tipping point that finally turns you away from your old habits and turns you to healing and wholeness?

For me turning 30 was the tipping point –I knew I didn’t have the stamina to run from life anymore – neither, I hated to admit, could I control it. Old hurts, consequences of my choices, the challenges of marriage and family life brought me to the brink. I had to make the decision as Hafiz puts it –“we have just two choices; we can come to God dressed for dancing, or be carried to God’s ward on a stretcher”. I choose dancing, so for the past 20 years my dance partner has been meditation. Each day Life/ God gives me new opportunities to let my spirit dance and begin to heal.

I liken my process of healing to one of my favorite camp stories called “Going On A Bear Hunt”. Remember that brave hunting party that faced tall grass, mud, a lake and a then a dark cave. Each time the children gleefully repeated with us…

“Couldn’t go under it, couldn’t go around it, had to go through it!” In the story the hunters turn and run when they finally find the bear, and they go back through all those obstacles.

With meditation, when I ran into that bear in the dark cave, I didn’t run, I didn’t hide, I sat down, and let the darkness speak in the silence of the cave. Meditation became my way of dancing through that mud, through that dark cave and finding a way of peace and wholeness.

I’m very excited to lead a meditation session at Bonnie’s upcoming wellness retreat, Eat, Play & Love Your Body,  so I can share the gift of meditation with you. For those of you who cannot be there, I would like to share some of the benefits of meditation and encourage you to begin a period of interior silence in your life.

True wholeness beings on the inside, deep in our hearts and minds. What we put into our souls and our minds have every bit as much power and potential to heal or harm as they food we choose to put in our mouth..

Every day scientists are finding more evidence of what the mystics knew long ago. Meditation brings health and wholeness on many levels.

  • Physiological
  • Reduces muscle tension
  • Increases blood flow and slows heart rate
  • Improves brain function and focus
  • Reduces free radicals
  • Lowers risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Cures headaches
  • Improves stamina and energy level.
  • If that is not enough – look at the Psychological benefits.
  • Reduces Anxiety
  • Builds confidence
  • Helps us see the see big picture
  • Improves creativity
  • Aids in positive thinking and decision making.
  • Increases emotional stability
  • Improves relationships at home and work.
  • Purifies your character
  • Increases serotonin level and improves mood.
  • Spiritual Benefits
  • Increases peace
  • Leads to serenity and acceptance
  • Felt sense of living in God’s presence
  • Opens eyes of heart to compassion
  • Opens inner wisdom of God
  • Increases charity
  • Heals grievances/opens way to forgiveness

I hope you can join me and begin receiving the benefits of meditation. If not there is no time like the present moment to become silent on the inside. Take 10 slow deep breaths with attention to your breathing, and let your mind fall quite for a just a moment. Find the joy of your true nature, just waiting there in the silence.

Maryann Joyce is a trained Spiritual Counselor working in the Evansville Indiana area. For support on your life journey or coaching with meditation/centering prayer please contact her at maryanjoyce[at]sbcglobal[dot]net

Do You (or your child) Have Symptoms of Burnout?

If you are experiencing low energy or fatigue, your body may be in burnout mode.  The main physical symptom that identified burnout is overwhelming fatigue upon awakening after eight to ten hours sleep or after a short nap.  Bottom line, you feel exhausted.

Your body can recover after a good night’s sleep with simple fatigue where burnout cannot be corrected solely by rest.

Other symptoms of burnout may include:

  • Craving for sweets due to a need for a quick energy source
  • Lowered resistance to disease and/or infections
  • Changes in appetite, alternating from ravenous to no appetite at all
  • Reduced work performance
  • Loss of initiative and sense of hopelessness
  • Fears, phobias, and/or anxiety due to an excessive flight-or-fight response
  • Inability to concentrate or ‘spaciness’
  • Attraction to stimulants such as coffee, sugar, energy drinks, etc.
  • Distaste for meat protein due to severely impaired digestion

Burnout is a physical energy breakdown but can be brought on by physical or emotional stress.  Stress includes excessive physical activity, family tension, job-related stress, emotional upsets and negative attitudes and thoughts.

Initially, stress causes the depletion of specific vital nutrients faster than they can be replaced by the diet.  As your nutrient reserves are depleted, the thyroid and adrenal glands (the energy producing glands) are unable to function normally and distressing symptoms begin to appear.  Burnout is escalated with inadequate diet.  However, burnout can occur in the presence of an apparently adequate diet.

As nutrients are depleted, toxic metals accumulate in the tissues.  The heavy metal accumulation further impedes the body’s energy system.  Of course, none of this happens overnight.  Burnout happens over time from the combination of stress and inadequate diet.

One myth is that burnout only occurs with busy executives.  However, housewives and children experience burnout just as often and I have personally witnessed much of this through Hair Mineral Testing.

The teenage and college years are the most common as children suffer with pressures and expectations in academics and/or sports along with peer pressure and puberty.  Their nutrient requirements are extremely high and are met typically with a diet that is inadequate. The result is overwhelming fatigue, inability to concentrate and an attraction to alcohol and drugs. The feeling of overwhelm can often lead to suicide as well.

Wondering if you (or your child) are experiencing Burnout?  One simple question to ask:  Do you feel exhausted upon arising in the morning? The reason I know is that I’ve been here.  Call or email and I can share what worked for me.


What’s Lurking in your Pantry?

One service that I offer and love is a Pantry Purge.  It doesn’t happen very often as most women are a bit intimidated and maybe even a little embarrassed to let me puruse their pantry.  I have been dubbed the “food Nazi” you know.

So, this last purge was quite rewarding as I was able to help some of our best friends on their wellness journey by helping clean up their pantry.  They were the perfect clients who did what I recommended, no whining, excuses or complaining.  I love this type clients not because it makes my life  easier (as it does) but because they get incredible results!

So, I’ll get back to the topic at hand of how a Pantry Purge works. I come into your home and together we review the products in your pantry, cabinets, etc.  I teach you what to look for in the ingredient labels.  First we look at the Ingredients (NOT the nutrition facts) to see what’s lurking in the can, bag, bottle or box.

We sort them into my rough rating system such as:
A) these will kill you long-term
B) these may just make you sick and fat and
C) may not be bad for emergency food (like if the world ends)

Okay, seriously we put them in three categories like a red (get rid of it), yellow (use with caution and/or limited quantities) and green (good to use). Click on the photos to enlarge them for better viewing.

Store Bought Beef Stock RED Flags

Can you spot the toxic ingredients?

Once we’ve done that, YOU decide if you want to keep them or donate them to a local food pantry.  As we are reading through the labels, I will point out/highlight key ingredients that are on the key additives and preservatives to avoid.  I also bring a reference book that allows the client to look up the ingredients they are not familiar with to help them make an educated decision.  Again, I educate and empower  when it comes to helping clients create a  lifestyle of healthy eating.

If you are ready to understand what’s really making you sick and overweight, (and brave enough to let me in your home) call or email me. Also, if you are in the Evansville, Indiana area and would like to learn more about reading labels and decoding food information you should consider joining the grocery store tour I am hosting this month.